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Eating Healthy in Italian Restaurants: Tips and Tricks

Italian cuisine is renowned for its delicious pastas, cheesy pizzas, and delectable desserts. However, indulging in these treats can often leave us feeling guilty and uneasy. If you're trying to watch your weight but still love dining at Italian restaurants, don't worry, there are ways to enjoy a tasty meal without sacrificing your health goals. Follow these tips and tricks for a guilt-free Italian dining experience. Start with a Healthy Appetizer Bread is a staple in Italian cuisine, and garlic bread is often hard to resist. However, you can opt for healthier options such as plain Italian bread lightly dipped in vinegar and oil. Instead of high-fat and high-calorie appetizers, ask your server for marinated vegetables or a bowl of minestrone soup. These options are tasty, low in calories, and can help fill you up without breaking the bank. Choose a Healthy Salad Adding a salad to your meal is always a good idea. However, be mindful of the ingredients and dressing you choose. Caesar salads can be high in calories, but you can request to hold the croutons and opt for a dressing on the side. Vegetable salads are also an excellent option, but choose an oil-based dressing instead of creamy ones. If you're a fan of pasta salads, look for options with minimal cheese and dressing. Smart Pizza Choices Pizza is an Italian favorite, and there are ways to enjoy it without consuming too many calories. Instead of sausage or pepperoni, go for ham or chicken as your toppings. You can also ask for less cheese or opt for gourmet pizza with rosemary and garlic pizza dough bases. Keep in mind that a whole pizza can easily exceed your daily calorie intake, so it's best to split it with someone or order a smaller size. Smart Entrée Choices If you're looking for a healthy entrée, opt for fish, chicken, or veal, and request them to be broiled instead of sautéed or fried. Choose a side of vegetables instead of pasta to keep the meal light and nutritious. Stuffed pasta dishes are delicious but high in calories, so consider an appetizer-sized portion or split it with someone else. Mindful Dessert Choices Italian desserts are rich, creamy, and hard to resist. However, if you're trying to watch your weight, go for lighter options such as sorbet or fruit-based desserts. If you can't resist a more decadent dessert, split it with someone else in your party to keep portions in check. Control Your Portions The portion sizes at Italian restaurants can be generous, so it's essential to be mindful of your intake. Consider taking home leftovers or ordering half servings. Be vocal about your portion sizes and request to split a dish with someone else if needed. Conclusion Dining at a best Italian restaurant doesn't have to mean sacrificing your health goals. By making smart choices and controlling portions, you can enjoy a delicious Italian meal guilt-free.