10 Tips For Washing Machine Care


Maintaining your washing machine on an ongoing basis is critical to keeping all its components operating efficiently and can prevent expensive repairs or replacements in the future.

Water and detergent are combined in washing machines to efficiently remove dirt and stains from laundry, with an optional rinse phase in which water drains away, and your clothes remain spotlessly clean.

1. Clean the lint filter.

If you want your washing machine to function more efficiently, cleaning out its lint filter may help improve performance significantly. Doing this takes little time or effort but can make an enormous difference in effectiveness.

Lint filters can be found in most washing machines, including under the rim, near the pump and at the end of the drain pipe. They should be regularly maintained to prevent lint and residue from ruining clothing during their wash cycle.

2. Check the water hoses.

If your washing machine hoses become damaged or break, this can result in flooding within your home. While this happens occasionally, preventive maintenance measures can prevent this altogether.

Water hoses in your washing machine can become vulnerable due to constant exposure to high water pressure. Every time your device shuts off the water supply, a shockwave travels through its pipes and hoses, potentially leading to its failure.

3. Remove wet items

Your best bet in clearing away water in your shiny new washer and dryer is to remove wet items from the machine and place them directly in the laundry room to air dry. You’ll be amazed by just how much better your results are – plus, your device probably comes with a warranty to cover this process, so keep checking it regularly, and you’ll soon have dry clothes at your fingertips!

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4. Empty the drum

Cleaning machines can be great at getting rid of water, but they can also become breeding grounds for germs and unpleasant odors. Therefore, regular emptying of the drum helps eliminate detergent deposits, fluff residues, and bacteria growth inside this appliance.

Use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to clean your wash drum. Run this solution through an annual hot wash cycle to maintain optimal conditions in your machine, looking and smelling its best!

5. Clean the door gasket.

When cleaning the door gasket of your washing machine, using warm soapy water is recommended to help reduce mildew build-up and eliminate unpleasant odors. This method also helps minimize the potential risk of mold growth.

Applying equal parts vinegar and baking soda in a bowl and rubbing down the gasket are great ways to deodorize your washing machine.

6 . Clean the dispensers

Blocked detergent, bleach, and fabric softener dispensers can become a source of major headaches. Therefore, they must be regularly maintained so that water can enter them and properly flow into the washing machine drum.

Clean dispensers regularly to prevent leaks and mold from developing and clear away any residue accumulating over time.

7. Clean the door

Your washing machine’s door gasket can become an attractive target for soap scum, water deposits, fluff, and lint, providing a breeding ground for mold and mildew growth.

Cleaning efficiently begins by regularly wiping down areas such as doors, frames, and floors – not only can this save time, but it’s easy too!

8. Clean the drain filter.

If your washer doesn’t drain properly, it could indicate that its drain filter requires cleaning. Depending on its make and model, this filter is usually accessible through an access panel on either the front or bottom of your washing machine.

Lint and threads can accumulate on filters, blocking drain hoses from functioning normally. Therefore, regularly cleaning your drain filter will prevent this and ensure your washer operates optimally.

9. Clean the filter

One of the essential components of your washing machine is its filter, which becomes clogged over time with debris such as lint and hair that affects how it drains water and ensures thorough cleaning of your laundry.

To clean a filter, locate it first (which can be tricky!), then soak it in hot water to loosen any clogs before scrubbing and rinsing thoroughly before replacing it.

10. Clean the balance ring.

Balance rings in your washing machine are one of the essential components. Made up of liquid-filled plastic rings that help maintain equilibrium when spinning your washer, they ensure everything stays balanced as your machine operates.

Replacement is always a good idea when your balance ring leaks fluid or causes other complications, and cleaning it should be straightforward with essential tools and knowledge. Most importantly, ensure you reassemble your washer correctly after these repairs!

Source صيانة ثلاجات

10 Tips For Washing Machine Careultima modifica: 2023-04-19T00:25:48+02:00da mohamedali3

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