Spraying Pesticides Tips

Spraying pesticides requires both skill and knowledge, which is why OSU Extension and OARDC provide this article on more efficient and safe spraying practices. They share tips that may make this task simpler.

Always wear appropriate protective equipment as instructed on the product label. Pesticides can enter your body through inhalation, ingestion and absorption through skin and eyes.

Calibrate Your Sprayer

Be certain the application rate of pesticide you’re using matches the target you’re spraying – improper rates could result in under- or over-application of chemicals, possibly due to mismatched nozzles or an uneven boom length.

Uneven spray patterns are one of the primary symptoms of malfunctioning equipment, resulting in uneven coverage across your sprayer’s boom. You can calibrate a sprayer by attaching a pressure gauge to its nozzle and comparing its pressure against that on its boom; then using this data as the basis for checking how evenly pressure is distributed throughout the boom. To begin this process, attaching the gauge directly to your cab pressure and checking against what it should be when spraying in different locations on its boom is ideal.

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Drive a calibration course over dry soil, concrete or gravel using a trash bag to collect any water that reaches its target area (Figure 3). Calculate the number of pints caught to find out your sprayer’s effective swath width; this will also reveal its GPA capacity allowing you to avoid under- or over-applying chemicals.

Get a Nozzle that Works for You

Depending on how you intend to use your sprayer, different applications require different nozzles. For example, when washing cars or patios without wasting water, using a wand nozzle allows for greater control over stream pressure as well as being directed into difficult-to-reach places.

Spray patterns should also be taken into consideration. A traditional hose nozzle has only one spray pattern available, and would likely be too powerful for most plants (with the exception of trees and shrubs). For something with multiple settings like mist, shower, and jets – such as bubbler or fan-shaped nozzle – consider investing in one.

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Finally, look for a nozzle that’s easy to attach and remove from the hose. Many quick-connect systems make attaching and unhooking simpler; additionally make sure that its threading matches that of your hose threading system; finally consult this chart to help find an appropriate size based on application rate and ground speed.

Follow the Label Directions

Pesticide labels are legal documents, and it is against federal law to use any product contrary to what is specified on their labels. Each label outlines how to mix, apply, store and dispose of their product in accordance with its instructions.

Before applying any pesticide, always read and refer back to its label for guidance on its application and effects. These statements could include acute, delayed and allergic effects as well as personal protective equipment requirements and any necessary cleanup steps after use. Furthermore, your label may include instructions for how to clean up both application equipment and affected areas afterwards.

Certain labels will include additional instructions and requirements in other documents that must accompany the pesticide at sale, typically from state organizations, industry representatives, university representatives, or Cooperative Extension agents. When this occurs, users should abide by all the additional supplemental instructions contained within that document.

Don’t Over-Apply

Pesticides may help control some problems, but their introduction of unnecessary chemicals into the environment has detrimental impacts, harming pollinators and beneficial insects while encouraging resistant bugs to emerge. They also stain surfaces and fabrics as well as pollute soil and water supplies – using too much pesticide can be illegal, wasteful and environmentally hazardous.

Avoid plant injury and contamination of surrounding areas by adhering to label recommendations when dispensing chemical sprays; any excessive wind could blow them to places they don’t belong, compromising plant health. Spray under steady conditions as windy conditions could send chemicals drifting in an undesirable manner.

As much as possible, try finding alternative solutions to chemical sprays like bait stations for ants and weeds, wick or shield applicators for some herbicides, and tree trunk treatments for other pests. When it is necessary to use chemicals, read their label carefully and adhere to safety precautions including wearing any necessary protective clothing; store pesticides in their original containers out of reach from children and pets.

Source: شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالرياض

Spraying Pesticides Tipsultima modifica: 2023-06-30T19:46:52+02:00da mohamedali3

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