Thrush can appear in any area of ​​the oral cavity

Thrush can appear in any area of the oral cavity , including the gums. Thrush in the gums is characterized by the appearance of oval or round wounds that are white or yellow with reddish edges.
Thrush in the gums often causes pain or tenderness, especially when you are eating, drinking or talking. Then, what is the cause of thrush in the gums and how to prevent it?

Recognize the cause of thrush in the gums
Stomatitis aphtosa or thrush is a small wound in the white mouth that appears in any part of the mouth. Starting from the gums, lips, palate, the inside of the cheeks, tongue, to the throat. This condition can cause pain and even make it difficult to eat or talk.

There are several things that can cause or increase the risk of thrush on the gums, namely:

1. Injury
One cause of injury or injury to the gums and oral cavity can cause the appearance of thrush in the gums. Yes, the gums and other oral cavity are the softest and most sensitive areas so they are vulnerable to injury or injury .

Injuries to the gums and oral cavity can occur when you brush your teeth too hard or in a hurry, the side effects of using brace or dentures, to the impact in your mouth during sports or accidents.

2. Irritation
The cause of thrush in the gums and the area of the oral cavity is irritation. Irritation can occur when you eat certain types of food, such as chocolate, eggs, nuts, or cheese, and sour, salty, and spicy foods.

In addition, for those of you who are sensitive to the use of dental and oral cleaning products, including toothpaste and mouthwash with a content of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), can increase the risk of causing the appearance of canker sores on the gums.

3. Lack of nutrition
Lack of nutrients, such as vitamin B12, zinc, iron, and folic acid can be a cause of canker sores in the gums and other areas of the oral cavity. Therefore, it is very important to meet the nutritional intake of nutrients so that the body’s immune system remains healthy so as to avoid the risk of the appearance of thrush in the gums.

4. Bacterial infection
Bacterial infections can also be a cause of thrush in the gums. One of the bacteria that can increase the risk of developing thrush in the gums is Helicobacter pylori, a type of bacteria that can cause infection of the stomach or known as a stomach ulcer.

Sometimes these bacteria can be carried to the mouth and make it grow faster and inflamed, triggering the emergence of canker sores on the gums.

5. Certain diseases
Sprue in the gums and other areas of the mouth that often appear, are large, or may not heal can also be caused by certain diseases. For example, lupus, Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, Behcet’s disease, and diseases that attack the immune system.

In addition to the five things mentioned above, the cause of thrush in the gums can also be caused by stress, exposure to certain chemicals, heredity, to side effects of treatment (such as chemotherapy or radiation).

How to treat thrush in the gums is effective at
Just like canker sores in other areas of the oral cavity, canker sores on gums can basically heal by themselves in a period of several days to count 1-2 weeks. Although not dangerous, pain and tenderness are often painful. As a result, you become uncomfortable when eating or talking.

To reduce pain and speed the healing of thrush in the gums, you can use pain relievers, mouthwash, or topical medicines (ointments) that can be obtained freely at pharmacies or through a doctor’s prescription.

Pain relievers, for example, function to relieve pain and inflammation due to thrush in the gums. Meanwhile, the choice of ointment to treat inflammation caused by thrush in the gums is those containing dexamethasone or lidocaine.

You can also treat thrush in the gums naturally by gargling salt water. Salt water gargling can help relieve pain and sores caused by canker sores on the gums. Not only that, this natural remedy is also able to accelerate the healing process of thrush.

You simply dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Then, rinse using this solution for 15-30 seconds, then drain the used water from the mouth. Do this step 2-3 times a day.

Besides salt, you can also use baking soda solution as a natural ingredient to treat thrush in the gums.

How to prevent thrush in the gums?
To prevent thrush in the gums, there are several things you should do, namely:

Maintain cleanliness of the gums and other mouth areas. For example, by brushing your teeth properly every day on a regular basis, both after eating and before going to sleep, and using dental floss once a day to clean up remnants of food that might still be stuck between your teeth.
Brush teeth properly, not too hard or not

Thrush can appear in any area of ​​the oral cavityultima modifica: 2020-07-06T17:57:04+02:00da nocothifre