A wide variety of flower bulbs are available today

Because of their relative ease of planting and growing, bulbs of all kinds are a popular flower choice. A wide variety of flower bulbs are available today. Tulips, lilacs, daffodils, crocuses, irises, dahlias, and gladiolus are just a few of the flower bulbs available. Even within one flower family, there are often many variations. For example, there are over one Bulkhead Light Suppliers hundred tulips available for fall planting alone.

It would be difficult to house all of the different bulbs in one store, and even more overwhelming for a customer to try to decide which one is right for them. Luckily, stores don’t even have to try. Consumers can simply open a flower bulb catalog and see pictures of all of the different varieties available. Many of the catalogs will give all of the pertinent information to consumers?name of flower, colors available, water requirements, sun requirements, geographic area, price, etc. These flower bulb catalogs make it easy for customers to decide at a glance what type of bulb they need.

Jackson and Perkins is a well-known flower bulb catalog company.  John Scheepers, Inc. offers a catalog of Dutch flower bulbs.  Old House Gardens bills itself as ?American’s only source devoted to antique flower bulbs.?  Finally, Van Dyck’s offers a catalog of flower bulbs and perennials.

Many of these companies now offer online flower bulb catalogs in addition to or in place of their print catalog. Most also now take orders online and accept credit cards, so it is possible to complete the entire transaction online.