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Sua Imprensa - Your Press Office: Your Communication Strategy

The press office of your company, brand, or institution plays an essential role in your communication strategy, as it’s your voice to the outside world. But what exactly does this mean? Why should you hire a press office? And how can you achieve the best results? This article will give you answers to these questions and more so that you can learn how to use Sua Imprensa - Your Press Office - as part of your communication strategy. What is a press office? In Brazil, we have a Portuguese expression for something that’s shouted from every corner. It’s called Sua Imprensa (which translates to Your Press). In my experience, I would say that over 80% of organizations should probably have their own Sua Imprensa. I hope to convince you why and share some insights into how your organization can benefit from having a press office in today's fast-paced environment. And, yes, it is faster...we're all living at warp speed and sometimes our internal communication just doesn't cut it anymore. Why you need to have a good story And, of course, in order to tell your story, you need a good story. In short—a Sua Imprensa! To keep things as brief as possible, think about why people would want to hear what you have to say. What makes you different? What makes you special? If it’s because of how cheap your product is or how many things it can do—don’t bother with a press office. If you have something truly unique or eye-catching and newsworthy—this could be a valuable tool for expanding your brand. And remember that not all press coverage is created equal, so invest time and energy into each piece written about your business. How to write the best profile Sua Imprensa is your press office. Here, you can send news releases, create and edit press kits, draft images and logos, etc. This profile shows who you are (Sua Imprensa is your public face), what kind of business you do (your activities), and how to contact you (contact information). Keep in mind that a professional image will help attract more clients! How to choose the right key images To ensure your brand appears in front of its ideal audience, it’s important to choose a few key images. This way, you can be sure that these photos will be included in high-impact spaces across all channels. Think about how each image makes you feel. If they don’t instantly connect with your target customers, they’re not right for your press office. And if any of them make you cringe or conjure bad memories, toss ‘em! Where and how to publish it The press office is responsible for disseminating information to mass media. It usually works together with a marketing or communication agency, and has a communication strategy, depending on whether you wish to reach specialists, customers, or investors. The strategies of press offices change according to each business segment and industry – just like their target groups!