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Upcoming Technology Events on Python and Javascript Search on Eventyco

The upcoming technology events on Python and Javascript are plentiful - if you're into these programming languages, you can find many of them on  Eventyco. For more information about these events, check out our articles on Frontend Love, JSConf, and Argo developer conference. Depending on your interests and your schedule, you can attend several of these events, or go to each one separately.


If you're interested in learning how to code in Python and Javascript, you've come to the right place. Attending an event is an invaluable way to network with colleagues and learn new technologies. There are many opportunities for networking and learning, and these events feature sessions for a wide range of skill levels. You can also download the presentations from the event's website and livestream them. The PyCon UK conference features key speakers, convention panels, and additional activities. In the UK, the conference is partnered with the Django Girls, the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and CoderDojo to offer a free, one-day course for beginners. Other highlights include a Children's Day initiative, which aims to teach the basics of coding to the youngest attendees. The Python Conference even features manual crafts to engage children in coding activities.

Frontend Love

If you want to attend one of the best frontend conferences in the world, you need to know the upcoming python tech events that will focus on Python and Javascript. For more information on the events, visit Eventyco. This event is not open to the general public, with only 1,000 attendees. However, you can attend it if you're a member of the Python and Javascript community. This event is focused on learning more about the latest trends in frontend development, user experience, and front-end testing. JSConf Barcelona will bring together developers from all over the world to share knowledge and experiences in the field of JavaScript. The conference is open to everyone, but if you're new to the field, this conference might not be for you. There will be plenty of sessions geared toward learning new techniques and discussing innovative approaches to the development of JavaScript applications. Many of these sessions will be interactive, with plenty of time for questions and dialogue.