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The 5 Types of Online Serials

Serialized fiction has been around since the dawn of literature, but with the rise of online publishing and social media, serialized fiction has seen an unprecedented resurgence in popularity. Some are calling it the renaissance of serialized fiction, but there have always been different types of serials and each one offers something unique to its audience. From romance to horror, from fantasy to sci-fi, there’s something here for everyone and no matter what you’re looking for, you can find it when it comes to serialized fiction. What is an online serial? An Seriale online , Seriale Turcesti, Seriale Romanesti and Clicksud is a story told in installments, usually over the course of months or years. Like a TV show, you can catch up on previous episodes at any time and stay up to date with new releases. Below are five types of serials that we know about 1. Serial podcasts There are a few different types of online serials out there. Here are the five most popular 1) Serial podcasts - As the name suggests, this is a podcast in which episodes are released weekly or biweekly and each episode is an installment in the story. These can be found on iTunes, SoundCloud, Spotify, or anywhere else you would find podcasts. 2) Web series - A web series consists of episodes that can range from 15 minutes to 30 minutes and it often has no set release schedule. Some popular examples include Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, and Scandal. 2. Serialized blogs Serialized blogs are not all the same, but they do have some similarities. The first type is the part-time serial where a blogger posts on an irregular basis. The second type is the daily serial which is updated daily with new content, and usually takes a few days to read. There's also the weekly serial, where updates happen every week, or month, depending on how often you post. Finally there's the monthly serial, which is posted monthly with one update per month. Readers get the entire story in one sitting. 3. Serialized videos Serialized videos are perhaps the most difficult to predict as they often span several episodes and can have an indeterminate length. As a result, it’s impossible to know when each episode will be released or how long the series will be. What’s more, not all serialized videos are for entertainment purposes. These types of online serials also exist for education and journalistic purposes. Some examples include Seriale online, Seriale Turcesti, Seriale Romanesti and Clicksud. The Great Courses from The Teaching Company and TED Talks from TED Conferences LLC. 4. Serialized newsletters Serialized newsletters are by far the most popular and well-known type of online serial. They are a great way to build your brand as an expert in your industry, as well as drive traffic to your website or blog. Examples include The New Yorker (news), Harpers Bazaar (fashion), and The Guardian (current events). These types of serials typically have at least 1 new post per week for each episode with minimal advertising and self-promotion. These serials tend to be on the long side; some have episodes that span up to 100+ posts! That’s a lot of work, but if you can manage it then you will reap the benefits. Try adding an extra line break every now and then between paragraphs so that readers don’t get lost when reading through your content. It also adds more white space which is aesthetically pleasing. 5. Serialized websites Serialized websites are a new kind of online serial, Seriale online , Seriale Turcesti, Seriale Romanesti and Clicksud. They are not a comic strip, or a story that is updated daily, but they do update regularly with multiple episodes. A good example is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. It's been published in 1847 and still holds up to this day as one of the most popular books in literature. The most common serialized website you will find is usually on video hosting sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion. They may release their videos weekly, monthly, or even every couple months. I would say these types of serials have less suspense because it's more difficult to wait for each episode if you're only getting one per month! But what they lack in suspense they make up for in quality: many times these serials end up being just as good (if not better) than other TV shows out there right now.