Ways To Get Your Family Active

Does your family tend to crash on the couch or in front of the computer screen just a little too much? You know this is far from ideal for your family’s health, but you may be at a loss for ways to get them up and moving. Start with a few of these ideas to help raise your family’s activity level.

Get Outside

One of the easiest and best ways to get your family active is to get outside and play. You might go for a long walk, play catch in the backyard or go to the local park. Encourage your kids’ interests in particular games by buying some sports equipment. New softball bats and gloves, a badminton set, a croquet game or even a small pool might be just right.

While it may be tempting to only send the kids outside, set a good example by getting active with them. You’ll all get fresh air and exercise, and you’ll also have quality family time and make memories.

Schedule Family Exercise

Maybe it’s difficult for your family to be spontaneous. Everyone has set routines that are hard to break. In that case, try scheduling family exercise sessions. Make it a habit to go for a run, walk or bike ride together several times a week. You might also find a family-friendly gym that has activities for members of all ages. The kids can enjoy a swim or age-appropriate exercise classes while you work out on the equipment. The most important thing is to make exercise a fun family habit that everyone actually looks forward to.

Participate in a Sport

If you need even more help staying motivated, get the kids (and perhaps even yourself) active in an organized sport. Let each kid choose a sport for the season. They’ll get plenty of exercise at practices and games. You can get active by helping them practice at home. You might even try a community team for yourself. Go back to a sport you played in high school, or start something completely new. If competitive sports aren’t for you, at least join a walking club or swimming program at your local community center.

Set Goals

It’s always easy to drift away from good resolutions over time, so set goals to keep you and your family motivated. Perhaps some of you need to lose a few pounds. Then make a reasonable series of goals for exercise and eating better. Monitor your progress with a colorful chart that lists each family member’s goal and marks victories.

You can celebrate with every goal met, but don’t get upset if you slip a little at times. This is normal. Keep encouraging each other. Also, reexamine and adjust your goals from time to time especially if you’re struggling to meet them. You may have to be a bit more practical about the size of your steps to your final goal. There’s nothing wrong with that. Smaller steps are easier to meet, and every one you conquer will give you a great sense of accomplishment.

Start a Friendly Competition

Finally, if your family has a competitive streak, start a friendly competition to boost activity levels. You might measure minutes of activity each week or miles run, walked or biked. Choose something that every family member has a chance to win at. Then keep track fairly, and offer a little prize for the winner.

Be careful, though, not to get too competitive. This is supposed to be fun and motivating, not end up a cause of conflict. If the competition gets too heated, back away from it. Explain that activity is a good thing in itself.

So if your family struggles to get up and get going, then try some of these ideas. Regular activity is important for everyone’s health and happiness, and if you get active as a family, you’ll have fun together even as you improve your lifestyle.

Ways To Get Your Family Activeultima modifica: 2023-06-08T17:31:44+02:00da annydavid