How to choose ladders and scaffolding

Ladders and scaffolding for various jobs at heights
There is no doubt that erecting a scaffolding to change a light bulb in the kitchen is excessive and trying to reach the top of the roof with a two-step ladder is too ambitious. Let’s see what each model is for!

Stepladder or folding ladder
Domestic ladder
A self-supporting folding ladder is the typical stepladder, not very large in size. Its rungs lead to a working platform with a reduced surface, but wider than the rungs.

This type of ladder has many uses, since there are models from 2 or 3 rungs (stools), from 4 to 6 (domestic ladders) and with a variable number of rungs depending on the height that needs to be reached to work inside the home in works or reforms, or even outside.

aircraft scaffolding

A straight ladder, or simple support ladder, allows you to work at a greater height than a folding ladder, but you must lean it against a wall or a sufficiently solid surface so that it does not move. You must also be careful to place it at an adequate inclination to climb comfortably without slipping or falling backwards.

These ladders can have one, two or three sections, in which case they usually have a rope to help when unfolding them. They often include a stabilizing bar that compensates for the scarce support that a ladder supported only by two small feet has.

Transformable ladder, or mixed ladder
Transformable ladder, or combination ladder
A convertible ladder combines the possibilities of the straight ladder, but improves stability thanks to its scissor option. In this way, you can work with the safety of a stepladder at a greater height.

This type of ladder will be chosen in 2 or 3 sections, depending on the height up to which you want to work.

Multifunctional ladder
Do you want an all-in-one ladder? The multifunction ladder is the one for you. This articulated ladder is sturdy and long enough to carry out work at heights and for semi-professional use. It is comfortable, safe and easy to transport and store.
Telescopic ladder
If you are only going to use it occasionally for domestic work or do not have space to store a ladder, you can choose a telescopic ladder. Its features have nothing to do with those provided by a conventional ladder, but it can get you out of trouble.

Domestic scaffolding
There are really simple models, consisting of a pair of small ladders, a platform and wheels for easy moving.

Professional modular scaffolding
Scaffolding consists of large working platforms fixed to vertical posts, held together by crossbars.

They allow to work comfortably, for a long time, on a large surface, which guarantees safety by preventing falls. At the same time, they have their own tools and options that make them even more efficient. Depending on their size, they can be used both indoors and outdoors.

If you are going to carry out frequent works or you have a house with high ceilings, a domestic scaffolding is preferable to a ladder, no matter how high it is.


Professional ladder with platform

It is a kind of large folding ladder with a wide platform and equipped with wheels. Some of them may remind us of airplane staircases. They are suitable for stores, warehouses, libraries… They are stable but, on the other hand, they do not fold, which makes them difficult to transport, especially in the case of the tallest ones. They have to be assembled and disassembled after use if they need to be stored in a small space.

Ladder options and accessories
As always, depending on your level of demand and the frequency of use of your tool or equipment, options are available to improve quality and ensure long life:

cleats, feet or skids, sold separately are useful as replacements in case of wear or loss of the original ones;
rope with anti-UV treatment is not only an aid, but also a safety measure since it gives the right size of the ladder opening;
a reinforced profile that offers a better grip, is useful and safe;
wheels to facilitate movement, for example along a facade;
fastening of the sliding sections to anchor them and prevent unexpected slipping;
easy-to-install platform protected by a handrail;
anti-slip mats for support on the facade;
protection of the profiles with fiberglass to avoid electrical hazards.
wider feet or stabilizer bar to increase the support surface and thus safety.
In addition to the options that improve the functionality of the ladders, some can incorporate certain accessories such as tool holders or an auxiliary platform that facilitate the work without the need to climb down at every moment.

Ladder or scaffolding: a question of comfort
A scaffold has certain advantages over a ladder, since it has a wide working platform. Using a ladder means having to hold on with one hand to avoid falling, or taking excessive risks if you are working at a great height. Therefore, if you need both hands to work, you should use a scaffold.

How to choose ladders and scaffoldingultima modifica: 2021-05-12T07:56:54+02:00da nicolas8994