Young Minds Mental Health First Aid Course

Young Minds Mental Health First Aid Course

The Youth Mental Health First Aid Course was created by MHFA in Australia, which offers award-winning training in 25 countries. MHFA training is linked to improving knowledge of mental illness and its treatments, appropriate first aid strategies and confidence in providing first aid to individuals with mental illness. Training helps raise awareness and reduce stigma associated with mental illness.

The 14-hour course is designed for adults who work or live with teenagers (12-18 years) – especially suitable for parents, teachers, sports coaches, youth workers and mentoring counselors.

The course covers the signs and symptoms of mental health problems including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, psychosis and substance abuse problems and provides participants with the skills necessary to help adolescents with signs of mental illness.

Participants will learn how to engage with a young person, start a conversation about mental health concerns, and help in the following crises:

  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviors
  • Non-suicidal self-injury
  • Panic attacks
  • Shocking events
  • Severe psychotic states
  • Severe effects from alcohol or other drug use
  • Aggressive behaviors

Completing a youth mental health first aid course is beneficial for anyone who spends time with young adults, whether professional or with family and friends. Participants will also learn about adolescent development, where and how to get help for a young person, and the type of help that research has shown to be effective.

Our Services:

Psychologist North Brisbane

Psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Redcliffe

Anxiety help Brisbane

Autism testing Brisbane

Anxiety counselling Brisbane

Child psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Kallangur

Child psychologist Redcliffe

Autism diagnosis Brisbane

Child psychologist North Brisbane

Adhd diagnosis Brisbane

Adhd Brisbane

Anxiety treatments Brisbane

Child psychologist Brisbane

What is the best treatment for anxiety disorders?

What is the best treatment for anxiety disorders?

Beyond Blue, Beyond Blue is the most common mental health condition in Australia. On average, one in four people – one in three women and one in five men – experience anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. With this in mind, it is important to understand the different treatment options available to people with anxiety disorders, and to keep the disorder under control and under control.

Various types of anxiety

Anxiety can manifest in a number of different ways, and therefore it must be treated in different ways. Not all anxiety disorders are the same or have the same underlying causes. There are three main types of anxiety disorder, including generalized anxiety disorders, social phobia and panic attacks.

Generalized anxiety disorders usually appear in situations of severe anxiety that seem to have a negative or pessimistic world view, assuming the worst will happen. Although it’s natural to worry about life, finance, children and relationships, people with generalized anxiety disorder find it difficult to get to their day, because anxiety can sometimes be consumed and wasted.

Social phobia is another type of anxiety in which a person fears social situations, and prevents them from participating in daily tasks, such as going to work, meeting with friends, and even doing groceries.

Panic disorder is a sudden attack or uncontrollable fear or terrorism, which leads to physical symptoms such as cold sweats and heart palpitations. Panic attacks occur at any time, and the person being attacked may feel a sense of intense fear or impending doom. Panic disorder is one of the most common symptoms with many individuals who have been diagnosed with the disorder, and they meet the criteria for fear of open spaces. A diagnosis of the risk of indoor fear is provided if (a) the patient reports his concern about places or situations in which escape may be difficult or embarrassing or where assistance may not be available immediately, and (b) these situations are avoided or endured with significant disturbance . Patients with panic attacks may appear as qualified individuals and have a full and satisfying life, but beneath the surface they feel very discomfort and often struggle to continue.

Causes of anxiety

Anxiety can be caused by a number of things that are risk factors that contribute to the development of the anxiety state. Such factors include genetic predisposition, stress and lifestyle, chronic health conditions, substance abuse and mental health conditions to name a few.

Sometimes, it raises anxiety or other mental health problems in the family, giving you a genetic predisposition to it. This does not mean that you will definitely have a state of anxiety if your grandmother has experienced it but if you have symptoms of anxiety and know that he works in the family, it would be good to talk to a specialist. You can also think about your personality type because research shows that some types of characters are more likely to develop anxiety disorder. Sometimes people who like self-control or people who lack self-confidence develop anxiety disorders at different stages of their lives.

Persistent stress such as work-related stress; marriage or relationship Stress or painful life events may lead to the development of a state of anxiety. It is important to recognize stress and manage symptoms by talking to friends, family and a professional.

Chronic health such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma and other major physical illnesses face a challenge to meet the reality of the disease and are often concerned about the impact of the disease. In the face of problems that the disease places on daily life such as monitoring and self-treatment and its impact on relationships. Lack of sleep, less self-confidence and less self-esteem can contribute to this disease.

How do drugs and alcohol affect anxiety?

Dealing with anxiety can be difficult and some anxiety sufferers turn to alcohol or drugs to manage symptoms. Unfortunately, the immediate effect of a substance that may appear to be effective, often leads to long-term addiction or drug use and may worsen the condition.

Our Services:

psychologist North Brisbane

Psychologist North Lakes

psychologist Redcliffe

anxiety help Brisbane

autism testing Brisbane

anxiety counseling Brisbane

child psychologist North Lakes

psychologist Kallangur

child psychologist Redcliffe

autism diagnosis Brisbane

child psychologist North Brisbane

adhd diagnosis Brisbane

adhd Brisbane

anxiety treatments Brisbane

child psychologist Brisbane

Anxiety treatments

Each person is different from how he deals with anxiety and what may provoke the appearance of anxiety or a panic attack, which is why it is important to recognize your signs and individual symptoms and seek professional help. Ideally, a team of health professionals will work together to present a comprehensive mental plan that fits the individual. In terms of psychotherapy for anxiety, modern therapy has proven effective by providing the individual with personalized strategies for managing symptoms of anxiety.

Modern therapy known as modern CBT is often known to change the patterns of beliefs and thinking that lead to certain behaviors, namely anxiety. CBT depends on the fact that negative thinking is a habit, and like any other bad habit, it can be modified.

Depression in children

Depression in children

It is normal for children and teenagers to feel angry or angry from time to time. But when these difficult feelings begin to prolong longer periods of time, they may begin to affect the child’s ability to work as they usually do. This may be a sign of depression.

Similar to adults with depression, children or adolescents with depression may experience:

  • Sadness or irritability
  • Blaming oneself, feeling guilty, or feeling worthless
  • Difficulties with focus
  • Changes in sleep or appetite
  • Lose interest in activities they usually enjoy
  • You may withdraw from their friends or family
  • It is difficult for them to motivate them to make an effort to do simple things
  • Some people may also have thoughts of suicide or self-harm

Depression can also manifest in a number of different ways, and it can be difficult to determine. Low energy and loss of interest may look like laziness or not trying. Irritability or a low mood can seem like a challenge or disrespect.

Our Services:

psychologist North Brisbane

Psychologist North Lakes

psychologist Redcliffe

anxiety help Brisbane

autism testing Brisbane

anxiety counselling Brisbane

child psychologist North Lakes

psychologist Kallangur

child psychologist Redcliffe

autism diagnosis Brisbane

child psychologist North Brisbane

adhd diagnosis Brisbane

adhd Brisbane

anxiety treatments Brisbane

child psychologist Brisbane

What can I do?

If you think your child or teenager is suffering from depression, talk to your child about his feelings or feel curious about things that may happen at home or at school that might bother him. Validate their feelings and show that you understand that things may not be easy for them. Encourage participation in physical activity and use of other creative outlets, such as writing, coloring, music, sports or dance. Make sure you sleep well and routine, and that they eat a lot of nutritious food.

Seek support from your doctor or psychiatrist if some of these difficulties persist for more than a few weeks.

Check out blogging and blogging of my colleagues on the topic of depression, including the role of nutrition and stimulating behavior and online resources for depression.

Depression treatment: behavioral stimulation

Depression treatment: behavioral stimulation

One of the main signs of depression is a noticeable decrease in interest or pleasure in almost all activities. People may become uninterested in their hobbies, report loss of enjoyment, withdraw from social and recreational activities and report that they “no longer care”. People can also experience fatigue, energy loss, general downturn and report that simple tasks require massive effort and lead to fatigue.

So it is understood that people suffering from depression have a significant decrease in their daily performance. This could include changes such as: not seeing friends, stopping playing sports, neglecting responsibilities such as cleaning the house, not completing completed work / education projects, and even struggling to shower regularly or get out of bed.

One way to break this cycle is to gradually increase your level of activity. This is often called behavioral activation and it works in many ways. By taking steps to be more active, over time, you will usually start to find some fun in the activities, feel comfortable about yourself to accomplish some things, see things from a different perspective, give yourself a break from anxiety and boldness, and improve your health and energy levels in the body And creating beneficial changes in the body’s chemistry.

Our Services:

psychologist North Brisbane

Psychologist North Lakes

psychologist Redcliffe

anxiety help Brisbane

autism testing Brisbane

anxiety counselling Brisbane

child psychologist North Lakes

psychologist Kallangur

child psychologist Redcliffe

autism diagnosis Brisbane

child psychologist North Brisbane

adhd diagnosis Brisbane

adhd Brisbane

anxiety treatments Brisbane

child psychologist Brisbane

Of course this seems easier than done. I often talk to people who say things like “I couldn’t go for the usual bike rides, it looks too far”, “There is so much mess in the laundry and I couldn’t even cope with it”, “I’ve never seen my friend through the ages, but the idea of going to a birthday party Their birth tomorrow night is very stressful “or” it seemed very difficult to get out of bed. ”

So, here are some very important and helpful tips to keep in mind when starting behavioral activation

Set regular goals – try to be specific about when / what activity you will aim to do. The more specific you are, the more useful it is for you, and writing a plan can also be useful.

Take small steps – remember to be gentle and to adjust your expectations. Setting a very large goal is one of the main reasons people struggle to take the first step. For example, taking a nice walk around the block (instead of going to the gym), making your bed (rather than cleaning the whole room) are great steps that may be more realistic.

Try a variety of activities – choose some fun activities that may lead to some pleasant feelings, as well as some activities that may seem boring (for example, taking out trash, and rating some papers). Even these “boring” activities can lead to a sense of accomplishment or ideas that make some progress in them.

Consider setting a time for your target goal – for example, working on this task for 5 minutes, instead of sticking to it until it completes. Or read for 5 minutes, instead of completing an entire chapter.

Encourage yourself and mobilize some support – remind yourself why you are committed to activities, and ask your friend or family to offer some gentle encouragement.

Be flexible – if you can’t really accomplish the desired goal, don’t give up. Be flexible. What is a small step you can take towards your goal instead? For example, if you are not able to leave the house to do some gentle exercises, can you do some exercises at home? If you are not able to wash the dog, can you prepare all the equipment for tomorrow or play with the dog for a while instead?

Finally, follow what you notice. Pay attention to how you feel before and after the activity. Remember that you may not always feel better right away, but you may feel a sense of accomplishment.

Mental health awareness: when to seek help

Mental health awareness: when to seek help

September is the month of mental health awareness and here at Prosper Health Collective we thought it might be helpful to explore when it might be time to reach psychological support. As we all know, life is rarely without challenges. However, there are occasions when we can all feel confused and feel isolated or it is impossible to move forward. We can all feel this way sometimes, and it’s very important to know that help is available for every problem in your life.

Some common reasons people visit a psychiatrist:

  • Depression / low mood
  • Anxiety / phobia
  • Loss of a loved one / pets
  • Stress
  • Workplace difficulties
  • School-based difficulties
  • Family and relationship difficulties
  • Friendship difficulties
  • Unhealthy habits
  • Addiction
  • Adapt to new life conditions
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Support with parenting
  • social support
  • Emotional regulation
  • clear mind
  • Maintain well-being

It is important to know that you are not alone and that a psychologist will have strategies, tools and a set of unbiased support ears to listen to you and support you throughout these times. It is important to reach support when your problem or challenge affects you several times a week, or affects your life (such as stopping you from doing something). For some people, support can be specific and look at a specific area or difficulty. For others it may be more general. Nor is it uncommon for people to receive psychological support to maintain their health, perhaps through a regular monthly appointment.

Our Services:

psychologist North Brisbane

Psychologist North Lakes

psychologist Redcliffe

anxiety help Brisbane

autism testing Brisbane

anxiety counselling Brisbane

child psychologist North Lakes

psychologist Kallangur

child psychologist Redcliffe

autism diagnosis Brisbane

child psychologist North Brisbane

adhd diagnosis Brisbane

adhd Brisbane

anxiety treatments Brisbane

child psychologist Brisbane

So if you feel you may need someone’s help, it is important to know that we are here to help. Every person in Australia can access a mental health care plan through Medicare and 10 appointments with a discount per calendar year. So my advice would be if you thought it might be good to talk to someone, you might want to get some support or help in a specific area or book an appointment. During the first appointment, we will discuss your personal circumstances and let you know what support we can provide. We will develop a treatment plan for you and inform you of the service options. I think empowering people to know about support is effective in itself. You will then have the knowledge to know the services available so that you can choose the appropriate support for you.

Child Psychologist North lakes |The Psychology Hub

The Psychology Hub Professionals ADHD and ADD Counseling therapy for children. We provide experienced counseling services such as stress, depression, grief, ASD, ADHD, Autism testing, Anxiety, learning and social difficulties. The Psychology Hub services for children & family, adults and adolescents in Redcliffe & North Lakes Brisbane.In North lakes Autism Diagnosis & Anxiety Counseling child Center helps people. The Psychology Hub provide best Counseling to families affected by autism spectrum disorders (ASD) & Redcliffe with care, therapy, advocacy & more our service list below:
ADHD treatment
Psychologist North Brisbane
Child psychologist Brisbane
Psychologist North Lakes
Psychologist Redcliffe
Anxiety help Brisbane
Autism testing Brisbane
Anxiety counseling Brisbane
Psychologist Kallangur
Child psychologist Kallangur
Child psychologist North Brisbane
Child psychologist North Lakes
Child psychologist Redcliffe
Autism diagnosis Brisbane
ADHD diagnosis Brisbane
ADHD Brisbane
Anxiety treatments Brisbane
ADHD Brisbane counseling