How many psychology sessions are covered by medical care?

How many psychology sessions are covered by medical care?

To access psychology services within medical care, you need a referral from your GP, psychiatrist, or pediatrician.

People who are eligible for the Mental Health Care Plan can have up to 10 individual or group therapy sessions covered by Medicare in one the calendar year (12 months from January 1 to December 31).

However, referrals do not cover all ten sessions. With a general health care plan from your GP, you are entitled to 6 rehabilitation sessions from Medicare.

If you completed these six sessions during the calendar year and you need to continue treatment with your psychologist, you will need to see your doctor to review the mental health plan.

Your doctor will determine if additional sessions are needed and if so, they will provide another referral for the remaining four sessions.

What happens if you complete all ten sessions during the calendar year?

If you complete all ten sessions during the calendar year, you can still visit a psychologist for psychology services, however, you will not be able to claim a healthcare discount using your mental health care plan.

If a mental health practitioner recommends continuing treatment, you may be eligible for an EPC plan.

The EPC plan allows you to claim a discount of $ 51.95 for a maximum of 5 sessions per the calendar year with Medicare.

If during the calendar year you used all ten sessions on your mental health care plan and still want to continue treatment with your psychologist and receive medical care benefits, you will need to see your doctor for a mental health review to determine if you qualify for the EPC plan.

Once you start a new calendar year (January 1), you can visit your doctor to get a new mental health care plan.

Do I need a GP referral to see a psychiatrist?

You do not need a referral from your GP to see a psychiatrist. If you see a psychologist without a referral from a general practitioner, you will be required to pay the full amount for your session.

If you have private health insurance with psychological counseling as additions, you may be able to claim a partial discount.

It is best to contact your health fund for more information about your coverage.

If I already see a psychiatrist, can I access Medicare benefits?

If you are seeing a psychiatrist and pay for your session fee out of your pocket, you will need to visit your doctor for a mental health assessment to determine if you qualify for Medicare benefits.

Can I have 100% medical billing sessions?

We offer a limited number of bulk-billing sessions per week to cater to people in financial stress. You will need a mental health care plan which is subject to eligibility and availability. Please contact us for more information.

Our Services:

Psychologist North Brisbane

Psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Redcliffe

Anxiety help Brisbane

Autism testing Brisbane

Anxiety counseling Brisbane

Child psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Kallangur

Child psychologist Redcliffe

Autism diagnosis Brisbane

Child psychologist North Brisbane

ADHD diagnosis Brisbane

ADHD Brisbane

Anxiety treatments Brisbane

Child psychologist Brisbane

NDIS psychologists

NDIS therapy

How well do you handle stress?

How well do you handle stress?

Living in this day and age is a natural part of modern life. You will come under pressure every day, whether it is waking up an alert, sitting in traffic, paying bills, working or meeting deadlines – all of these things can cause losses. Fortunately, the body has an amazing protective stress response system to help you adapt. The Stress Response is designed throughout history to save your life; for the time being, the Stress Response is activated every day instead of just contacting a saber-toothed tiger! However, this constant stimulation by the nervous system can lead to symptoms of stress and mood disorders that are becoming increasingly common.

Recognize the signs of stress

Depending on the type of pressure and the length of time you go through, you may be aware of some of these signs and symptoms.

Signs of acute stress – muscle tension, increased heart rate, sweating, energy fluctuations, wakefulness, sleep disturbances

Signs of constant stress – fatigue, sleep disturbances, anxiety, sadness, irritability, poor concentration, weight loss or increase

Get the right tools

When you’re under stress and overstress response system requires more nutrients than usual. This is because your body needs vitamins and minerals to produce hormones and neurotransmitters (messengers of the brain) necessary to adapt to stress and return the body to balance.

  • B vitamins: B vitamins are needed for a healthy mood, stimulation, and well-being. It is vital for energy production, as are neurotransmitters that promote happiness, relaxation and sleep.
  • Magnesium: When you feel stressed, your body may need more magnesium than usual. Magnesium can be beneficial for many things including stress management and energy improvement. You may also know that magnesium is used as a muscle relaxant. Because of its relaxing properties, it may improve mood and sleep.
  • Taurine and Glutamine: These amino acids are required as building blocks for neurotransmitters. It can also help calm the nervous system, as well as protect against the damage that stress can cause.

Lay the foundations

Now that you know which nutrients can be beneficial for use in times of stress, a nutritious diet can help you keep your nerves healthy in the long run. What happens to your diet when you are stressed? Do you eat a lot, or do you make poor food choices when they’re short on time or impatient?

  • During times of stress, sugars and refined carbohydrates do not! Although it provides fast energy, it does not nourish your body with the nutrients it needs to overcome stress, and can ultimately lead to weight gain.
  • Protein from fish, lean meats, eggs, legumes, and nuts can provide you with amino acids to nourish your mind while preserving you for a longer period and reducing cravings.
  • Fish, in particular, contain both essential proteins and fats, known as omega-3 fatty acids that can support a healthy response to stress and a healthy mood.

Our Services:

Psychologist North Brisbane

Psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Redcliffe

Anxiety help Brisbane

Autism testing Brisbane

Anxiety counseling Brisbane

Child psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Kallangur

Child psychologist Redcliffe

Autism diagnosis Brisbane

Child psychologist North Brisbane

ADHD diagnosis Brisbane

ADHD Brisbane

Anxiety treatments Brisbane

Child psychologist Brisbane

NDIS psychologists

NDIS therapy

Be strong against stress!

If you are interested in strengthening your mind and body to become more flexible in the face of the effects of daily stress, make a reservation for a Naturopaths doctor and/or friendly dietitian.

Our Naturopaths would love to help you! You can book online or by phone 1300 3666 14

to book.

Natural steps to overcome anxiety!

Natural steps to overcome anxiety!

Anxiety Monster – a natural anxiety remedy

Feeling from time to time is a natural response to modern life. However, for some people, their anxiety resembles the little monster who lives inside, which raises uncomfortable feelings when facing simple everyday situations. If you or someone you know avoids social gatherings, business meetings, or confrontations, because of anxiety, do not ignore these feelings. It’s time to get some help tackling the anxiety monster.

Symptoms can be physical and emotional

Symptoms of anxiety can be very worrying. Your heart rate increases, your mind increases and you can no longer think straight. Although everyone suffers from anxiety somewhat differently, there are some of the most common symptoms to look out for.

Physical Sensations: Heart Race. Hot flashes, sweating and skin clamminess; rapid breathing; and/or frequent digestive disorders.

Emotional sensations: excessive feelings of anxiety, panic, fear or guilt; obsession with thinking and behaviors; and/or a general the feeling of anxiety and end.

If you can contact any of the above, consult a healthcare professional today – this does not have to be “normal” daily.

Break the cycle

Herbal medications can be used to help reduce anxiety and nervousness; to improve your emotional resilience:

Passionflower – reduces the feeling of “insomnia” and can help calm the nervous stomach. It increases sedative neurotransmitters (brain chemicals), such as GABA; calming the racing mind, and reducing stress and irritation.

Zizyphus – Widely used in Chinese herbal formulas for anxiolytic properties (anxiety); Ziziphus is considered cool, soothing, and another herb effective in insomnia.

Bupleurum – useful for those who suffer from stress and disturbances due to excessive nerve energy.

Daily strategies to support yourself

The best things in life are free – almost good! Incorporate as many of the following capacity building strategies as possible every day. These tips will improve overall well-being as well as help you manage stress and anxiety:

  • Communicate with friends – communicating with people maintains your support network;
  • Exercise (ideally in the open air) – Regular exercises have been shown to improve mood and reduce feelings of tension;
  • Choose healthy foods – consume protein at every meal and avoid refined and sugary foods. This can help balance blood sugar levels, reduce mood imbalances and relieve anxiety;
  • Avoid caffeine – stimulants like caffeine can aggravate anxiety; and
  • The same! If you start to feel panic or anxiety, focus on taking some slow, purposeful, deep breaths, which will help you return to a state of calm. Meditation can also help calm your mind and cultivate calm.

Our Services:

Psychologist North Brisbane

Psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Redcliffe

Anxiety help Brisbane

Autism testing Brisbane

Anxiety counseling Brisbane

Child psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Kallangur

Child psychologist Redcliffe

Autism diagnosis Brisbane

Child psychologist North Brisbane

ADHD diagnosis Brisbane

ADHD Brisbane

Anxiety treatments Brisbane

Child psychologist Brisbane

NDIS psychologists

NDIS therapy

Feeling like you need more answers? Look at these areas by clicking on the link:

  1. Hormonal imbalance
  2. Genetics such as MTHFR
  3. Treat all possible anxieties

Conquer the monster

Everyone fears fear and anxiety from time to time, but if the anxiety becomes excessive and prevents you from enjoying daily life, then it is time to invade the monster.

What is a mental health care plan?

What is a mental health care plan?

Mental Health Care Plan is a plan your doctor writes about treating and managing a mental health condition.

It enables you to reach some allied health professionals, such as psychologists, social workers, or occupational therapists who can provide you with psychological support.

Mental health care plans are part of the Better Access the initiative, which aims to improve access to mental health care services through Medicare.

Am I eligible for a mental health care plan?

You are eligible for a mental health care plan if you have a mental illness or mental disorder that has been diagnosed by a doctor.

If you have mental health problems but have not been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, you will need to see your doctor for a mental health assessment to determine whether you qualify for a mental health care plan.

What is a healthcare discount and how long will I be back?

Medicare is deducted when Medicare reimburses a portion of the cost of your appointment. If you have received a referral for a mental health care plan from your GP, this enables you to claim a healthcare discount of $ 84.80 for a general psychiatrist or $ 124.50 for a clinical psychiatrist at the session.

If you are not eligible for a Mental Health Care Plan, you may be eligible for an Enhanced Initial Care Plan (EPC). With the EPC plan, you’ll get a discount of $ 52.95. These amounts are set by Medicare.

How can I claim my Medicare discount?

Most of the time, your judgment can be addressed right after completing a session with a psychologist. You will be prompted to pay the total cost of the appointment first and then the refund can be processed.

You will need to have your Medicare card and debit card (refunds cannot be processed by credit cards) with you to complete the discount, so please make sure to bring them with you when you bring your appointment in order to receive your refunds in the region.

Alternatively, you can claim your Medicare discount online at the myGov website.

How much am I out of the pocket?

“Gap fees” or “out of pocket” costs will depend on the psychiatrist’s fees. With the referral of the GP, you still have to pay the difference between the session’s psychiatrist fees and the Medicare discount. This amount will vary.

It is best to ask for a “gap fee” when booking your appointment.

Our Services:

Psychologist North Brisbane

Psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Redcliffe

Anxiety help Brisbane

Autism testing Brisbane

Anxiety counseling Brisbane

Child psychologist North Lakes

Psychologist Kallangur

Child psychologist Redcliffe

Autism diagnosis Brisbane

Child psychologist North Brisbane

ADHD diagnosis Brisbane

ADHD Brisbane

Anxiety treatments Brisbane

Child psychologist Brisbane

NDIS psychologists

NDIS therapy

Can I use my health insurance and also claim a medical care discount?

You cannot use your private health insurance to pay the “gap fee”. You can use your health insurance to claim a partial discount (depending on the level of coverage) if you do not claim a medical discount.

However, the two cannot be used together to pay for a single psychological session.