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The Role of a CRIMINologist in a Criminal Justice Career

There are many aspects to CRIMINOLOGY. But the most important is "what is a Criminologist?" A "Cristine" is a female practitioner of the medical arts. In other words, a CRIMINOLOGIST is a female doctor. The doctor must have a diploma in a recognized educational institution and should be practicing as of the latest July 1st date. Other relevant criteria are age, training, specialty, location, and experience. Most CRIMINOLOGY departments will check a doctor's qualifications before they will hire them. (Some states may not have requirements for licensure.) A CRIMINiologist has many duties. These include examining patients under the care of a board-certified internist or a surgeon. They will also be called on at times to make special calls. They'll often take the role of the attending physician for minor procedures such as giving shots and/or examining the eye. The main tasks of CRIMINOLOGY doctors are to perform autopsies on patients who are deceased. Often called an autopsy, it is a legal requirement that a CRIMINologist disclose his or her professional affiliation with any specific medical association. They also write reports for insurance companies about their patient's death, often using code numbers to identify specific organs. These documents are legally required for anyone who undertakes autopsies or performs research into remains. In some places, CRIMINologists must register with the local Office of the Medical Investigator. CRIMINOLOGY jobs are not restricted to hospitals or surgical centers. Technicians and consultants can often work in private practices as well. The internet has created a whole new field, however, which means that if you're interested in this new line of work you'll want to familiarize yourself with the terminology and the requirements to become a CRIMINologist. One of the most important aspects of CRIMINOLOGY training is learning to keep accurate records. It is also vital that a CRIMINologist be able to relate to and understand patients. They should be sociable and happy to answer questions. They should enjoy helping people with general problems, but they should also be comfortable diagnosing and treating a wide variety of ailments. They should also be willing to educate their patients on the dangers of certain conditions and how to avoid them. In order to obtain a ΠΟΙΝΙΚΟΛΟΓΟΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ position, you must successfully complete a four-year bachelor's degree at an accredited university or college. You will also need to successfully complete a four-year master's degree or doctorate degree from an accredited university or college, depending on which specialty you choose. Most CRIMINologists begin their careers as doctors, so they may also complete residencies at a hospital or other healthcare facility. You'll find that CRIMINOLOGY jobs can be available in a variety of areas. In general, however, CRIMINOLOGY jobs are found in hospitals, physician offices, clinics and sometimes even private practices. You may be called upon to provide routine services such as taking blood samples, delivering medical histories and handling emergency cases. If you are interested in working in public health, you could also be asked to help screen and examine babies and children. If you enjoy traveling and are good at handling patients' behaviors, you may even end up working for a research firm or a nonprofit organization. If you have a preference to specialize in a certain aspect of the criminal justice system, such as forensic pathology or prison counseling, you will likely have to obtain your CRIMINOLOGY license from the state in which you live. Most states require that you pass a licensing exam before you can take the exam to become certified. In order to be licensed, you will need to complete a master's degree program. After you graduate, you will be able to work as a CRIMINologist in any state that has a CRIMINologist registry. Becoming a CRIMINologist takes a lot of hard work and dedication to the field. This is a job that requires a lot of traveling, since you are often required to go from one medical facility to another, making frequent hospital visits. Many CRIMINologists work in forensics or investigate crimes that happened in other countries. Many criminals who become victims of violent crimes usually receive counseling from a CRIMINologist. There are many colleges and universities that offer a CRIMINologist degree. You may want to start by getting a bachelor's degree or even a master's degree. In order to prepare for a career in criminal justice, you should continue your education with a CRIMINologist degree. With the proper training and experience, you will be ready to start a successful career in the field of criminal justice.