How JC Chinese Tuition Can Benefit You

JC Chinese tuition

JC students benefit from scoring high in JC Chinese national examination because it adds a rank point to their university application. In addition, JC Chinese tuition can improve first-year JC Chinese results and boost A-Level results. Whether your child is a first-year student or an aspiring postgraduate, JC Chinese Tuition can be a great choice. To learn more about JC Chinese tuition and how it can benefit you, please read on.

Home chinese tuition

JC home tuition is a unique learning method wherein students are taught by a private tutor at the convenience of their home. Students can choose either a part-time or full-time Home Tutor who is either a former MOE teacher or a freelance tutor. These private tutors work one-on-one with students, providing individual attention and materials that are specifically designed to address their weak areas.

JC home tutors can customise lesson plans to meet the specific needs of each student. They will also reconstruct the study contents so that the student can understand them faster. Additionally, students can benefit from their years of experience teaching JC students, allowing them to feel confident and comfortable in facing examination questions. JC home tutors can provide students with practice materials to ensure that they understand the concepts being taught. This is especially helpful for students who are having trouble with a particular subject.

Ms Gao

I have found that Ms Gao, the Mandarin teacher of JC Chinese tuition, is very patient and effective in teaching the language. She is a native speaker of Mandarin and speaks with an excellent accent and pronunciation. She is knowledgeable about Chinese history and idioms. Ms Gao is a skilled tutor of Chinese and is able to teach the language at a Secondary school level. She has taught Chinese at Nanyang Girls’ High, and has experience teaching at all levels of the Secondary school system.

In addition to Ms. Gao’s many years of teaching experience, she is also qualified to supervise and coach students. Her lessons are tailored to the needs of the students and are available on demand. She teaches students from JC Chinese tuition and IP programme of Raffles Institution. Students from the West / Central Area and Marymount area have been happy with her lessons. You can expect to gain a lot from her classes.

Ms Kim-Chua’s experience

Ms Kim-Chua found JC Chinese tuition useful for her son’s studies. Having studied Chinese for 10 years, Ms Kim-Chua was confident that JC tuition would be beneficial for her son. She had previously attended a private tuition institute but felt intimidated by the large class size. She was worried that she would be ridiculed if she asked a’stupid’ question. She also noticed that her JC Chinese tuition student was never able to clarify doubts which led to unclear exam questions.

Ms Kim-Chua attended JC Chinese tuition at Economics Cafe, located in Bishan. Her tuition centre has a proven track record of helping students achieve high scores in their A Levels. Her lessons were structured around content mastery and skill application. Students also get extra practice in the form of video lessons and study notes. Her son was able to retain the material better and achieved distinctions in the A Level examination.

Ms BT’s qualifications

Ms BT has been teaching Chinese for six years. She has a Master’s degree from Fudan University and a Bachelor’s degree in Chinese from NUS. She has also taught at some of Singapore’s leading schools, including St Joseph’s Institution Junior and the Anderson Serangoon Junior College. Her qualifications are extensive and include a number of teaching certificates and a certificate in teaching Chinese for primary and secondary school students.

In addition to teaching Chinese, Ms BT also offers English courses for local students. These courses range from Nursery to the General Paper in JC, as well as exam preparation for international students. Her students have received excellent results in their studies. Ms BT has also taken an Advanced Diploma in Chinese Teaching, and is a qualified tutor for the subject. Whether your child is struggling with their Chinese studies or just looking for a fun and engaging environment, Ms BT will help you with her expertise and professionalism.


How JC Chinese Tuition Can Benefit Youultima modifica: 2022-05-13T10:32:27+02:00da jamesjohny