Prismcups, the smart thermos that monitors your drinks

Are you sure you drink enough water a day? Not to abuse sodas? Sometimes we have the impression that we are reasonable because of a lack of information. Primcups will help you hydrate in a balanced way.

Coffee in the morning, soda in the afternoon, beer in the evening. You were reasonable, weren’t you? What if we told you that it more or less corresponds to the calories of a Big Mac? The clinical evaluation carried out by the American site Mashable is chilling. Sometimes we struggle to realize the real impact of our drinks. Prismcups will now be able to count the calories for you so you don’t have to do anything crazy anymore.


Prismcups knows what you’re drinking

You may be the type to keep a soda next to you or a large thermos of coffee. You use it mechanically all day long, without really realizing the amount of calories you consume that could well ruin all your running or gym efforts.

If you have identified yourself in this description, then the Prismcups smart thermos should interest you. Its objective is to help you drink healthier by controlling what you take throughout the day. Everything that is poured inside is analyzed using infrared sensors and the result is sent to your smartphone application. The base of the thermos also lights up gently to encourage you to drink water when it has been too long. The application also provides you with a lot of data on the protein and nutrient content of your drinks.

Launch of the operation on Kickstarter

The Kickstarter equity financing operation was launched on August 21. After these few days, the project has already raised about $8,000 out of a total target of $20,000. If you want to acquire Prismcups, count 59 dollars for the Early Backers. The subsequent selling price will be $100. The operation runs until September 22nd. Deliveries are then scheduled from September 2018. Patience, then! Good news, it’s for the whole world.

Monitoring the calories in our diet is not really something new in the register of connected objects. If this is the first time you can do it directly for your drinks, thermos and mugs have not been forgotten by the manufacturers. One example is Jül, which allows you to heat your drink to your ideal temperature and which had been a great success for Kickstarter.

Prismcups, the smart thermos that monitors your drinksultima modifica: 2018-12-03T08:04:38+01:00da carymart