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How to choose a heart rate monitor and why you need it

Today we invite you to take a look at the best heart rate monitors for sports and fitness, from chest straps to headphones, and choose the best model for training. Why you need a heart rate monitor Heart rate monitors are a must for anyone who devotes at least some time to physical activity and sports in all its manifestations: from cycling to intense workouts in the gym, etc. They are used to monitor the work of the heart, determine the permissible loads, pulse zones and go beyond these zones. Traditionally, the following zones are distinguished: Therapeutic zone with a frequency of 60 - 70% of the Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). The safest area for untrained athletes. Such a pulse is typical for a morning workout or an intense walk at a fast pace. You can find more info about hear rate monitors at https://sportprofy.de/ Zone "Fitness" with a frequency of 70 - 80% of the MHR. Such a pulse appears during jogging or going up and down stairs, and it is the loads characteristic of this zone that actively contribute to fat burning and weight loss. Aerobic zone - 80 - 90% of the MHR. An even more intense load, during which not only fats are burned, but also carbohydrates. Such a pulse can occur, for example, during sports dancing. Anaerobic zone - 90 - 95% of the MHR. Carbohydrates are consumed. Such a pulse "trains" endurance, and occurs during serious activities: cycling, skiing, skating and other active sports. The maximum load zone is over 95% of the MHR. Professionals work in this zone, and it may not be safe for ordinary people to expose themselves to such a load. What is MCSS Your maximum allowable heart rate during sports and target zones are calculated according to the method of the Finnish physician Martti Karvonen. To do this, you need to know your Maximum Heart Rate, or MHR. The formula for determining the maximum heart rate: "220 is your age." The determination of the upper and lower boundaries is also carried out according to the formulas. How to choose a heart rate monitor Today, the market is overflowing with offers for various types of gadgets, and this is not surprising, since almost forty years have passed since the appearance of the first "household" heart rate monitor. The most common types of sports heart rate monitors are: Chest straps with sensors The classic image of a sports sensor, consisting of one or two parts (strap and separate cardio monitor). Such heart rate monitors are synchronized with special applications in the smartphone, where data about your training and heart rate is automatically stored. Pros: High accuracy Measurement history Cons: Required to have a phone with you*