truck driving

Need to wear a seat belt?

Road safety is the most important aspect of driving for everyone. Traffic rules are written to be followed, but not ignored. A person who observes the rules ensures 50 percent safety for himself and those around him. The other 50 percent depend on the rest of the road users. Modern developments make it possible to secure the driver in the event of a road accident. Airbags and seat belts play a vital role in these situations. But is it all that serious? Let's analyze it below. What do the rules say? We will talk about what exactly each car and truck is equipped with - about the seat belt. Can I ride without a seat belt? The main code of road laws - traffic rules, clearly states: "To ensure road safety, the driver must: use them on vehicles equipped with passive safety equipment (head restraints, seat belts) and not carry passengers who are not wearing seat belts." A rule that must be respected unquestioningly is regularly violated in America. In most cases, drivers simply neglect them due to elementary laziness and impunity. The blame for this lies entirely with the legislature. But the fact that the driver does not care about his own safety is his personal problem.Who can not be wearing a seat belt? Returning to the traffic rules, you can find out that the following are exempted from the use of a seat belt: - instructors teaching driving, if a student of a driving school is driving; - drivers and passengers with disabilities in settlements; - drivers of operational and special vehicles; - taxi drivers. Everyone else, without exception, must use a seat belt! Driving tricks At the go4cdl driving school from the state of California, at, you can leave a request for a call back and get into a new set of groups, where you will be taught the intricacies of driving a truck and will give you the whole base for learning the rules of the road. In our training course, you will definitely not see or learn about the driving tricks that are designed to cheat the security systems on modern trucks. As stated above, the driver's top priority is safety! But many modern car drivers decide to play a dangerous game with fate. A plug in a seat belt is one of the variants of such a "game". This device deceives the electronics of the truck, as a result of which the signal of not wearing the seat belts is not given, which makes all passive safety systems meaningless. Anyone who believes that a snag on a seat belt does not carry anything terrible takes all the risks and will be responsible for all the consequences in the event of an accident. The first point for any modern automaker is safety, so ignoring all these systems ultimately does not lead to anything good. There is also a seat belt plug with a socket.The sellers of these devices declare that the main function of such a device is to protect the main seat for the seat belt from dust, dirt and other debris clogging the electronic sensor, as a result of which the sound alerts about an unfastened belt are not blocked. Whether or not to insert your belt into such a plug is a purely individual decision. But remember, such a means of protection as a belt has saved more than one million lives! Why is it important to follow the rules? The rules of the road, no matter how awful it sounds, are written in blood. Each instructor will tell you about this. Any point from the rules is backed up by some kind of critical situation, which forced the corresponding point into the rules. And every traffic offender puts himself and other road users in danger. By spending an extra few seconds wearing your seat belt, you can save your life! California-based go4cdl driving school with prices and services ensures that all safety precautions are taken during lessons. We will teach you high-quality and safe driving, do not waste time, sign up for training, we are waiting for you!