Computer software solution

How to Quickly Fix 100% Disk Space Usage Error (7 Easy Ways)

In Windows 10, many users have registered the complaint that the space used remains at 100% even after they deleted or transferred the data to any external drive. This problem is common when you have upgraded your OS to Windows 10 from any previous version of Windows, but this problem can be seen in any operating system. If you wish to fix this error, then you can follow these methods:
  1. Disable the Services of Superfetch and Prefetch
Prefetch and Superfectch are that services that determine which app or software you will open. As per the statics based on your previous working pattern, it will use the memory to get ready for your PC for that software or app. So that you can have a better and smooth experience. As it helps to improve the experience, it can also take a large amount of the hard disk space. This high disk space usage can be resolved by disabling these services. Disabling the Superfetch Service Disabling the Prefetch These two services generally take the most of the memory usage in the CPU, and disabling these two services can help you a lot. If still, your issue is not resolved, then you can use the other methods to resolve the issue. This method is a beneficial method to reduce memory usage. You should follow these steps to apply this method: If this does the work, then you should permanently stop this function otherwise don’t go for this step: If there is some problem with the Disk itself, then the technique, as mentioned above, will not be able to resolve the issue. So you should check the Disk too. If it shows no problem, then go for the next method. This method is a quick fix technique where you can not ensure that doing this will resolve the issue, but it has chances to resolve the issue. You have to follow these steps if you wish to follow this step: If you are facing issues in your PC, then this can be the golden rule for you. This step can resolve any upcoming issues automatically, because of the technical team at Microsoft, which is constantly removing the bug in the Operating system and the other Microsoft apps. You can set it for the automatic mode too. If the other methods fail you, then you should reset the virtual memory to the default setting. This method should be applied as the last option. Applying this step will boot your OS with the minimum and most necessary group of the programs. If you wish to go for this step, then you have to follow these steps: These methods will resolve the issue for sure when the system reboots, and then you can see this from the task manager. James Robert is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites Source - How to Quickly Fix 100% Disk Space Usage Error (7 Easy Ways)