Computer software solution

How to Shrink and Extend the Volume in Hyper-V 2019?

There are multiple reasons as to why you would want to shrink or extend the volume of Hyper-V. In case you intend to do so as well, then we can help you out. So, here are the steps to shrink and extended the volume in Hyper-V 2019. Shrink Volume on the Virtual Machine In case you intend to shrink volume on the virtual machine, then you can opt to follow the below-mentioned guidelines. Extend the Volume  If the users are trying to extend the volume, then they should carefully apply the given steps. Conclusion We hope that the subsequent article will help you in achieving your purpose, and you will definitely get rid of your problem. The process is lengthy, so it is suggested to read the article carefully. Source  - How to Shrink and Extend the Volume in Hyper-V 2019?