Griswold Paladin Build Guide – D2R 2.5 – RPGStash

Griswold Paladin Introduction

The Griswold Paladin uses the Paladin specific set “Griswold’s Legacy” as the base for the item build, however there are a number of ways you can play the character with different skill distributions making it very versatile.

Within this guide we show 3 different ways to play the Griswold Paladin, using Hammerdin, Fist of Heavens (FoH) and Zeal builds.  With a few small tweaks it is possible to kill Ubers with any of the builds, given the strength of the Paladin’s Smite skill.  The set itself doesn’t have a large amount of value as the items are rarely used on their own, however 3 out of 4 of the items are particularly rare and it would take a long time to find these on your own.  So, if you intend to play this build I would recommend trading for the D2R Items.

The set is also very strong for PvP if you enjoy this side of the game, using the FoH build and maximising lightning damage through socketing every item with Lightning Rainbow Facets.

The Set

The set is made up from 4 pieces, with the item specific bonuses shown next to them:

Helmet:             Griswold’s Valor Corona (+2 Offensive Auras)

Weapon:           Griswold’s Redemption Caduceus (+10-20 Damage, +10-20 Damage, +2 Combat Skills)

Armor:              Griswold’s Heart Ornate Plate

Shield:              Griswold’s Honor Vortex Shield

The full set bonus is:

  • +3 to Paladin Skill Levels
  • 30% Faster Hit Recovery
  • +200 Attack Rating
  • +20 Strength
  • +30 Dexterity
  • +150 Life
  • +50 All Resistances

An additional benefit from the set is that the items come with lots of open sockets, 12 in total (2 Helmet, 4 Weapon, 3 Armor and 3 Shield).  What we put into the sockets depends on our build, but again this provides a great deal of versatility with the set.

Pros and Cons


  • Cheap items to trade.
  • Lots of versatility, allowing multiple builds
  • Fun PvP build
  • Viable for Ubers


  • Items are rare, difficult to find on your own
  • Low damage for player counts above 3
  • Low mobility
  • Slow farmer


For the past 20 years the Hammerdin has been considered an S-Tier PvM build.  Using the Griswold set is not the most efficient way to play the build, however given the base strength of the Blessed Hammer skill it still works well and you’re able to farm every zone in Hell without any real problems.  For a Hammerdin build you would normally achieve 125 Faster Cast Rate for maximum efficiency, however this is not possible with the Griswold Set so we target the 75 breakpoint instead.

Remaining Items:

Amulet:             +2 Paladin Skills / 15+ Faster Cast Rate / Life / Mana / Resistances

Weapon Swap:  “Call to Arms” Runeword (Amn Ral Mal Ist Ohm) and “Spirit” Shield

Gloves:             Trang-Oul’s Claws

Rings:               2x Rare Rings with Faster Cast Rate and Utility Stats

Belt:                 Arachnid’s Mesh

Boots:               War Traveler’s Battle Boots

Inventory:         8x Grand Charms with +1 Combat Skills (Paladin) and + Life (as much as possible)

9x + Life / + Resistance Small Charms.

Paladin Hellfire Torch Large Charm.

Annihilus Small Charm.

Mercenary:       Act 2 Desert Mercenary with “Might” Aura and “Doom” Runeword (Hel Ohm Um Lo Cham), ethereal “Fortitude” (El Sol Dol Lo) and Andariel’s Visage with an Increased Attack Speed and Fire Resistance Jewel.

I like to use the “Doom” D2R Runewords on my Mercenary so that he has the Holy Freeze aura as well as Might to boost his own damage.  On a conventional Hammerdin you would normally use “Insight”, however as we are not teleporting we can manage our mana by simply using the Redemption Aura from our own skill tree.

We cannot boost Hammers damage from the available sockets in our gear, so I would recommend gaining Utility points (Life / Resistances / Damage Reduction) from these instead.

Skill Tree:

Defensive Auras:

  • Prayer (1)
  • Defiance (1)
  • Cleansing (1)
  • Vigor (20)
  • Redemption (1)
  • Salvation (1)

Offensive Auras:

  • Might (1)
  • Blessed Aim (20)
  • Concentration (20)
  • Fanaticism (1)

Combat Skills:

  • Smite (1)
  • Holy Bolt (1)
  • Charge (1)
  • Blessed Hammer (20)
  • Holy Shield (1)

The above point allocation will take you to level 80 and reaches maximum Hammer damage, and also the points required to take down Ubers with Smite.  Where you go from here is your choice, I like to place a few points into Resist Fire, Resist Cold and Resist Lightning to gain the additional resistances from the passive.  Alternatively you could increase your Smiter damage by adding points to Fanaticism or boost your defence by allocating to Holy Shield.

Fist of Heavens

A recent patch change to the Fist of Heavens making the Holy Bolt damage apply to both Undead and Demons has made this build extremely viable and popular, particularly when using budget gear.  The remaining items are similar to the Hammerdin build as we still want to hit 75 Faster Cast Rate for casting individual Holy Bolts, even though FoH has a cooldown.

Remaining Items:

Amulet:             +2 Paladin Skills / 15+ Faster Cast Rate / Life / Mana / Resistances

Weapon Swap:  “Call to Arms” Runeword (Amn Ral Mal Ist Ohm) and “Spirit” Shield

Gloves:             Trang-Oul’s Claws

Rings:               2x Rare Rings with Faster Cast Rate and Utility Stats

Belt:                 Arachnid’s Mesh

Boots:               War Traveler’s Battle Boots

Inventory:         8x Grand Charms with +1 Combat Skills (Paladin) and + Life (as much as possible)

9x + Life / + Resistance Small Charms.

Paladin Hellfire Torch Large Charm.

Annihilus Small Charm.

Mercenary:       Act 2 Desert Mercenary with “Might” Aura and “Doom” Runeword (Hel Ohm Um Lo Cham), ethereal “Fortitude” (El Sol Dol Lo) and Andariel’s Visage with an Increased Attack Speed and Fire Resistance Jewel.

The use of the sockets can either be with Utility jewels, or if you want to maximise your lightning damage from FoH (for example, in a PvP setup) I would recommend using Lightning Rainbow Facets in all of your slots.

Skill Tree:

Defensive Auras:

  • Prayer (1)
  • Defiance (1)
  • Cleansing (1)
  • Vigor (1)
  • Redemption (1)
  • Salvation (1)

Offensive Auras:

  • Might (1)
  • Holy Fire (1)
  • Thorns (1)
  • Blessed Aim (1)
  • Concentration (1)
  • Holy Freeze (1)
  • Holy Shock (20)
  • Sanctuary (1)
  • Fanaticism (1)
  • Conviction (20)

Combat Skills:

  • Sacrifice (1)
  • Smite (1)
  • Holy Bolt (20)
  • Zeal (1)
  • Charge (1)
  • Vengeance (1)
  • Blessed Hammer (1)
  • Conversion (1)
  • Holy Shield (1)
  • Fist of Heavens (20)

With a FoH build you only need to maximise the FoH skill and Holy Bolt to reach the full damage, from this point onwards it is about personal preference.  I have recommended to max out Conviction Aura and Holy Shock to increase your single target damage, however when farming an area like Chaos Sanctuary the majority of your damage will come from the Holy Bolts so this isn’t necessary.  As an alternative you could allocate points to Utility skills to increase your survivability, or similar to the Hammer build you can add more points to your Smiter skills to make Ubers easier.


Zeal is a melee build that relies on pure damage to take down enemies, this isn’t a conventional build with the Griswold Set and isn’t as efficient as Hammerdin or FoH but is a fun alternative.  And with all the free sockets we get from the set, there is lots of opportunity to increase our survivability and damage.

Remaining Items:

Amulet:             Highlord’s Wrath

Weapon Swap:  “Call to Arms” Runeword (Amn Ral Mal Ist Ohm) and “Spirit” Shield

Gloves:             Dracul’s Grasp

Rings:               Ravenfrost and Rare Ring with Life Leach, Mana Leach and Utility stats.

Belt:                 String of Ears

Boots:               Gore Riders

Inventory:         33x Small Charms with Max Damage / Attack Rating / Life

Paladin Hellfire Torch Large Charm.

Annihilus Small Charm.

Mercenary:       Act 2 Desert Mercenary with “Might” Aura and ethereal Reaper’s Toll, ethereal “Fortitude” (El Sol Dol Lo) and Andariel’s Visage with an Increased Attack Speed and Fire Resistance Jewel.

With this build we want to use our sockets with a mixture of Enhanced Damage and Resistance Jewels.  With a high level Fanaticism we only need 40 Increased Attack Speed to reach the highest rate of attacks with Zeal, which is achieved through weapon itself already having 40% Increase Attack Speed.  This means all the Jewels we need are very cheap to obtain.

The use of Reaper’s Toll on the mercenary will mean he casts the Decrepify curse on our enemies which significantly increases physical damage taken and also removes the Physical Immunity in most cases.

Skill Tree:

Defensive Auras:

  • Prayer (1)
  • Defiance (1)
  • Cleansing (1)
  • Vigor (1)
  • Redemption (1)
  • Salvation (1)

Offensive Auras:

  • Might (1)
  • Blessed Aim (1)
  • Concentration (1)
  • Fanaticism (20)

Combat Skills:

  • Sacrifice (20)
  • Smite (1)
  • Holy Bolt (1)
  • Zeal (20)
  • Charge (1)
  • Blessed Hammer (1)
  • Holy Shield (20)

The above build is completed at level 82, beyond this I would recommend using your skills points in Resist Fire, Resist Cold and Resist Lightning to benefit from the passive on these skills to increase your maximum resistances.


The beauty of the Paladin class is that you can kill Ubers very easily with very cheap gear.  The Griswold Set isn’t the most efficient for farming Ubers, however it is possible with the recommendations below.

The gear required is the same as the Zeal build, however the full inventory of Max Damage / Attack Rating / Life small charms is not necessary, and it is cheaper and better to simply fill your inventory with Life / Resistance charms.

I would always recommend pre-buffing the Fade skill by temporarily using the “Treachery” Runeword (Shael Thul Lem) and allowing yourself to take damage until it gets cast onto yourself.  The Runeword is very cheap, and the additional Resistances and Damage Reduction you receive from the Fade skill is simply too good to turn down.  Do not use your Mercenary when doing Ubers.  The Mercenary in Uber Tristram causes more trouble than they’re worth as they run around drawing attention from the bosses and putting you in a bad position, make sure he / she is dead before entering the portal.

Once you get into Uber Tristram, make sure you cast Battle Command, Battle Orders and Holy Shield on yourself.  Isolate the bosses one by one so that you do not get surrounded by summons, I always run straight to the top of the map and around anti-clockwise until I get to the bottom then edge up slowly until Mephisto starts running towards me.  Mephisto deals a huge amount of elemental damage and has Conviction aura which significantly reduces your Armor and Resistances, it is very important to fight him on his own.  Have Fanatacism aura on and begin smiting Mephisto.  Life Tap should be cast quickly, but keep rejuvenation potions in your belt and use them until it is and you can sustain yourself.  If you find it is taking too long for Life Tap to cast, you can buy a wand with charges of Life Tap from vendors – I tend to use Drognan in Act 2 as you can reset his items very quickly by running out of town and back in.  If you are still struggling, try using the Resist Lightning or Salvation aura when killing Mephisto to boost your resistances.

Your only source of Crushing Blow on this build are your boots, so the bosses won’t die as fast as a normal smiter but they will die eventually and you can say you’ve killed them using the Griswold Set!

If you’d rather skip farming you can quickly buy D2R Items from our D2R Store.

Windwalker Monk Guide – WOW Dragonflight – RPGStash

A Windwalker monk is a melee DPS specialization that converts Energy into Chi to use on Chi-spending abilities to deal damage. It is just your normal builder -> spender spec like all the others, except there are a few things that set Windwalker apart from the rest of the pack

Why play Windwalker Monk

Windwalker monk has had an incredible presence in M+ Dungeons and in PvP for quite a while now, and has comfortably sat near the top in these environments. Windwalker monks are a jack of all trades – you have access to healing, utility in stuns, slows, Ring of Peace, and an incredible amount of defensives. You have access to a nearly unparalleled amount of tools that increase your mobility and Windwalker has one of the strongest burst windows in the entire game during its cooldowns in a stacked, AoE setting.

With this knowledge, be aware that the main weakness of this specialization is that Windwalker generally falls behind slightly in raids, because our weak spot as a Windwalker monk is nearly always our single target damage. At the same time, it can also help us accumulate more WOW Gold to upgrade characters.

You can say that Windwalker has weak utility because it doesn’t have any immunity ability, but it’s arguably one of the tankiest and most mobile DPS specializations in the entire game.

If you’re in a dungeon with similar item-level players and you’re on a Windwalker monk – if you play your cards right and use your cooldowns effectively – you simply will not lose in damage in an AoE setting.

Windwalker Monk has an incredible impact on any team, whether it’s a raid team with their Mystic Touch debuff or a dungeon group with their utility and damage profile or even a PvP team with the control and mobility they bring with the burst windows that they have access to, Windwalker has a place in every aspect of the game and is never a bad choice for someone feeling like Melee dps is for them. To understand how to play Windwalker at a higher level you need to have an understanding of the rotation that is too long for any one guide to provide. Peak Of Serenity is the website that is maintained and updated by the owners of the Monk discord and will house a lot of the rotational complexity and nuanced pieces of Windwalker gameplay you need to learn to become a great Windwalker and is an incredible tool in learning how to get better. Reading through that is never a bad decision, regardless of the level you’re playing at.

The basics of Windwalker Monk gameplay

The playstyle of Windwalker is a little nuanced and complex but rotationally simple. At its core, Windwalker is a builder/spender spec. You use your energy to build Chi (which are effectively the same as Combo Points on a rogue) and then you spend that Chi on a wide array of damaging abilities.

It’s a specialization that revolves around not only managing resources but also managing  abilities and cooldowns effectively at the same time.
The fundamental rotation for Windwalker is to use Tiger Palm to generate Chi through spending energy, so you can use abilities like Rising Sun Kick and Fists of Fury with as low of a delay as possible, while not overcapping and wasting any Energy or any Chi.

Windwalker, obviously has significantly more to use than just those few buttons with its resources. Windwalkers have to learn how to adequately add enough Blackout Kick into the rotation so you don’t cap on your Chi, but if you overuse it, you won’t have the Chi for Fists of Fury or Rising Sun Kick when they come off cooldown.

The Mastery effect of a Windwalker Monk is Mastery: Combo Strikes, and it forces the Windwalker to prepare and think several casts ahead to avoid casting Tiger Palm or Blackout Kick twice in a row, and instead trying your best to alternate and never repeat the same ability.

Windwalker Monk Utility

Windwalkers have an incredible amount of utility, and we’ll start with the first and most obvious –

  • Ring of Peace. This ability is one of the only few in the game that creates forced space for a set amount of time and it’s on a ridiculously short cooldown. It’s a talent so you have to specifically spec into it but if you do, aside from the big elite mobs & bosses that ignore it, it creates space in a way that no other ability in the game does. It has a countless amount of applications and purposes and a monk that is good with Ring of Peace is so valuable to any group in any dungeon when things go sideways.
  • Leg Sweep is a 3 second AoE stun 6 yards around your character and has an amazing amount of utility with the ability to stop casts, create space for your tank and interrupt otherwise uninterruptible abilities. It’s on a minute cooldown and you will use it on cooldown the entire dungeon, it’s one of the few AoE stuns in the game.
  • You have offheals in Vivify & Soothing Mist and they only cost Energy, so you’re able to use them frequently and often. Vivify can become instant if cast during Soothing Mist, but even if not it’s a short cast that heals a considerable amount and is incredibly helpful when everything is down and your healer has fallen behind.
  • You have Tiger’s Lust which acts the same as a Paladin Blessing of Freedom in the way that it removes movement impairing abilities. You can use it on anyone and it has a short 25 second long cooldown so you’ll keep it on cooldown frequently and it provides a great quality of life bonus to your group.
  • Paralysis is a single target incapacitate ability that lasts for 60 seconds, which will not always find use but being able to take a mob completely out of the fight or the pull is incredibly valuable on Inspiring affix weeks and for especially dangerous packs.
  • Access to Touch of KarmaDiffuse Magic and Dampen Harm. You generally take all 3 of these talents in most builds, and they are all incredibly useful and much more potent than most personal defensives. Karma is a huge shield based on your health which translates to a DoT effect on the target you casted it on, Diffuse Magic is not only a massive reduction to magic damage, but it also reflects quite a few dots and magic abilities back onto the mob or person that casted them on you which translates to more damage. Dampen Harm is a massive reduction to physical damage and all of them together form the tankiest cooldown kit that almost any DPS specialization in the entire game has access to.
  • Windwalking. You give yourself and everyone within 10 yards of you a 10% move speed bonus. It doesn’t sound like much, it’s only 10%, but when the seconds count in a mythic+ run it makes all the difference.
  • There is also some value in your Touch of Death executing mobs with one of the strongest single damage events in the game and cleaving to 4 targets with a talent, as well as the damage profile of the class with the way you evenly cleave everything at the same time to die together and while relatively unimpactful overall, it makes a difference.

Tired of Grinding? Buy WOW Classic WotLK Gold and Rock the game!

Article From: Windwalker Monk Guide – WOW Dragonflight

Fury Warrior Guide – WOW Dragonflight – RPGStash

Fury Warrior is one of the many Melee DPS specializations in Dragonflight and is simplistic in its straightforward rotation revolving around building and spending your resources and World of Warcraft Gold to maintain your Enrage mastery buff.

Why play Fury Warrior

Fury warrior has some of the most active gameplay of any class and any specialization in the entire game. It is one of the few DPS specializations that is rotationally locked by how fast your GCD is and it is incredibly fast paced. Fury is one of the highest action per minute specializations in the game, and proof that engaging gameplay does not only belong to complex gameplay.

Fury has high mobility, mediocre self healing and a potent, raid-wide defensive cooldown as well as a well rounded offensive toolkit. It’s a fast and engaging playstyle that is simplistic in the way that it functions and consistent in its high damage output in any scenario.

Fury is not a difficult specialization to learn but it is absolutely difficult to master and the ceiling for what the specialization can do is incredibly high.

You have several high burst options in AoE with very little buildup and without sacrificing damage elsewhere.

As a Fury Warrior, you have access to multiple defensive options and you are the sole source of the incredibly potent, group wide physical damage buff Battle Shout

To name a few of the potential drawbacks of fury,

  • Because Fury is an incredibly fast paced DPS specialization, it might prove difficult for some players to keep up with.
  • As a Fury Warrior, downtime is incredibly penalizing and must always be avoided.
  • As a Fury Warrior your single-target damage output is always going to be mediocre and middle-of-the-pack just like Windwalker would be.

The basics of Fury Warrior gameplay

The basics of Fury warrior are fairly simplistic in their implementation. Fury Warrior is a fast paced specialization, with nearly zero downtime.

Nearly every ability you have access to will generate rage and the gameplay is the typical builder-spender class, but the interaction and the actions required per minute are what make it so demanding.

You want to use all of your abilities to generate rage that you will then spend on Rampage, converting your Rage into Enrage, increasing damage done amplified by your mastery and applying a haste buff that makes the gameplay even faster. There are several additional talented cooldowns that augment this such as Unbridled FerocityRavager and Odyn’s Fury.

You have a few options in terms of builds and you can play around with an Annihilator build if you can effectively play Fury to have no downtime, regardless of your build though you should remain on the same target as much as possible and as actively as possible.

Due to the Rage generation you have access to through your abilities and augmented through your talents, you should be able to cast Rampage with a very high frequency, resulting in a high Enrage uptime regardless of your gear level. Remember though, warriors do not have a good way to recover from downtime so every global matters.

To recap, use an ability every single global that you can and spend your Rage through Rampage to keep Enrage uptime high. The class entirely revolves around this cycle of generating Rage and spending it on Rampage. This is always your focus.

Fury Warrior Utility

Fury Warrior has access to a number of utility options in the following:

  • Rallying Cry, a raid or group wide defensive ability increasing everyones’ maximum health. This is extremely effective in surviving otherwise lethal mechanics and provides incredible relief to the healers when there is high damage intake on several people.
  • You have access to Battle Shout, one of the only two buffs that increase the Physical Damage of everyone else in your party or in your raid.
  • You have access to an AoE fear in Intimidating Shout. There’s not a lot of applicable use for this ability, but you can use it as a secondary interrupt and you can use it as a second to run when you take threat of the mobs away from the tank.
  • You have access to Hamstring, and while not something you will use often, not even in every dungeon and never in raid, Hamstring provides incredible value in helping your tank to escape and to create breathing room for himself when moving away from mobs. This is generally an ability that you won’t see most people use but it is an ability with the potential for an incredible impact if used at the right time by a situationally aware Fury Warrior.
  • You have powerful defensives in your self sustain from Enraged Regeneration amplifying the healing obtained from Bloodthirst, and it helps to relieve pressure from the healer in times of high damage if used correctly.

There’s not much else in terms of utility that you have as a Fury Warrior, but your strength will always lie in both your Battle Shout group-wide buff and your AoE damage capability. Warrior is an incredibly strong pick for any dungeon team and always a wise decision to bring to any cleave fights.

If you have any other question about fury warrior, or you’re looking for a more in-depth rotational or talent guide, please keep an eye out as those will be coming out shortly, Good luck!

Tired of Grinding? Buy WotLK Classic Gold and Rock the game!

Article From: Fury Warrior Guide – WOW Dragonflight

What are the design strengths of the Realm of the Mad God?

The realm of the Mad God has many original designs, and it seems that it is still worth learning from other games. It turns out that only an indie developer is capable of reinventing the MMO genre from the ground up. The realm of the Mad God design contains MMORPG, bullet hell shooter, co-op only, real-time combat, and permadeath.

Challenging hardcore gameplay, Realm of the Mad God features a highly playable game that delivers a deep, polished experience that’s just as fun as more bloated titles, but with a unique spin that only smaller indie teams can manage. It’s fresher than 90% of released games. More players are attracted by the ideas of Realm of the Mad God developers.

Here are a few significant design challenges:

Co-op is a general design philosophy, not an add-on.
Competitive goods are a form of PvP
Co-op is a general design philosophy, not an add-on.
The rule of thumb for everything is “does this mechanic make the game more playable together?” Here are some systems that encourage cooperative play.

How to enjoy Realm of the Mad God better?

Players can play with other people. To gain experience, you need to be near where enemies are killed. More players mean enemies die faster. To level up faster, you’d better team up with other players to get more Multiple Realm of the Mad God Items and earn time-based reputation.

Transmission is very convenient. Players can teleport to other players quickly and easily. Whether it is a low-level player who wants to be with a high-level player or a high-level player who wants to enter the world of a low-level player, using teleportation can make it easy for you to fight side by side.

All experience levels play together:

Twinking is encouraged because loot is plentiful, inventory is limited, and there is no direct way to cash out items for a more liquid currency. So there is a culture of players sharing what they find with other players. The crowd forms organically and you’ll find many small bands happily venturing around the world.

There are tons of players focused on the single player right now, who often complain loudly when anyone from the larger community tries to play the game cooperatively. Other players resented the aptly named rogue for selfishly stealing loot they’d otherwise have a chance to pick up.

Co-op works best when every system in the game is tuned to encourage effortless cooperation. If it damages the entire community in some way, it could mean nerfing or changing an interesting and enjoyable mechanic. In multiplayer games, it’s not enough just to have fun. You need to maximize the fun without compromising the experience of others.

Competitive goods are a form of PvP

Players coordinate with each other, sending happy messages and cracking jokes. However, once someone snatches another’s desired loot, the conversation can get heated. Inevitably, one player will grab more loot than the others, and the game’s dominant emotion will degenerate into greed, mistrust, and a deeply felt injustice.

MMOs are incredibly complex games whose rules create explosive economies, ecosystems, and power structures that are deeply woven into the lives of players. Removing much of the competitive nature of picking up loot by rewarding players with soulbound loot, and turning loot into a non-competitive commodity, showing up and offering help makes you rob, rather than steal from someone else.

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