OSRS Skill Training Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Old School RuneScape (OSRS) stands as a captivating online game that invites players into a dynamic world where skill mastery is the key to success. Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned player with a wealth of experience or a newcomer eager to embark on your journey, understanding the nuances of skill training is paramount to advancing in the game. This comprehensive guide has been curated to provide you with invaluable insights, practical tricks, and effective strategies, all geared towards enhancing your skill training experience and propelling you towards triumph in the realm of OSRS.

Plan Your Skill Training Journey

Before you take your initial steps on the path of skill training within the OSRS universe, it’s of utmost importance to carve out a meticulous plan. Deliberate on the specific skills you wish to prioritize and outline achievable milestones that align with your overall gaming objectives. Whether your focus is on refining combat techniques, delving into intricate crafting, or mastering resource gathering, having a well-structured plan will not only bolster your determination but also offer a clear roadmap to guide you through the diverse avenues of skill development.

Take Advantage of Quests

Quests in OSRS are not only exciting but also offer valuable skill rewards. They often provide experience points (XP) that can be used to level up your skills. Prioritize quests that align with your skill training goals, as they can give you a significant boost early on.

Efficient Experience Gain

Efficiency stands as the cornerstone of skill training within OSRS. To maximize your growth potential, opt for training methodologies that offer the highest XP rates tailored to your chosen skillset. While such methods might entail investments in specialized tools or equipment, the accelerated progress is undoubtedly worth the effort. Additionally, seek out training approaches that allow for multitasking – engaging in activities such as agility training while simultaneously attending to other tasks – to further optimize your training sessions.

Try Skilling Activities

Engage in various skilling activities that not only provide XP but are also enjoyable. Activities like fishing, woodcutting, and mining can be relaxing and profitable. These skills often have tangible in-game benefits, such as crafting items or selling resources for RS3 Gold.

Utilize Player-Owned Houses

Player-Owned Houses (POH) are more than just a place to rest. They offer various training options through features like the altar for prayer training or the Workshop for creating items. These facilities can significantly speed up your skill training process.

Join a Clan

Being part of a clan in OSRS brings multiple advantages, including skill training. Many clans have established citadels with skilling plots that offer XP bonuses. Additionally, clans provide a supportive community where you can seek advice and guidance for effective skill training.

Keep an Eye on Updates

OSRS developers frequently introduce updates that can impact skill training. Stay informed about these updates to adapt your training strategies accordingly. What might be the best method today could change after a game update, so flexibility is crucial.

Monitor Your Progress

Regularly track your skill training progress to see how far you’ve come. This not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also helps you identify areas where you need more focus. There are various in-game tools and third-party websites that can assist you in monitoring your skill levels.

Patience and Persistence

Skill training in OSRS requires patience and persistence. Some skills may take longer to level up than others, but the journey is rewarding. Don’t get discouraged by slow progress, and remember that consistent effort will eventually pay off.

Enjoy the Journey

While skill training is important, remember that OSRS is ultimately a game meant to be enjoyed. Explore the vast world, interact with other players, and take breaks when needed. Balancing skill training with overall enjoyment will make your OSRS experience fulfilling.


Mastering skill training in OSRS is a fulfilling endeavor that requires careful planning, efficient methods, and a positive mindset. By following the tips, tricks, and strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled and successful adventurer in the world of Old School RuneScape.

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Efficient Farming of Thick Hide in New World

For those delving into the world of New World without much experience in crafting or life skills, understanding the importance of gathering Thick Hide might raise questions. Thick Hide serves multiple purposes, from refining higher-tier leather to crafting superior equipment and generating income. This guide outlines the best methods for farming Thick Hide efficiently, whether you’re focusing on crafting or looking to make some extra New World Gold.

Refining and Crafting

In New World, materials like Thick Hide come in various quality tiers. Progression involves upgrading from Rawhide to Thick Hide, then to Iron Hide, Scarhide, and ultimately, Smoulderhide. Each tier is a building block for crafting higher gear score armor and weapons. Acquiring higher-tier leather requires significant amounts of Rawhide, Thick Hide, and Iron Hide, which applies to other crafting skills as well. Knowing where to farm these materials becomes invaluable, as they contribute to crafting endeavors and can even benefit non-crafters pursuing different goals.

Capitalizing on the Market

Selling Thick Hide can prove surprisingly lucrative, especially when considering market dynamics. While individual hide may seem modestly priced, the accumulation from farming, potentially reaching 2000 hides per hour, can lead to substantial earnings. Furthermore, reaching Leather Refining Level 200 grants access to crafting Runic Leather, essential for top-tier armor and weapons. Given the daily crafting limit of 10 Runic Leather, the demand-supply balance tilts favorably, allowing players to earn around 1000 gold daily through Runic Leather sales.

Farming Strategy and Tools

For effective Thick Hide farming, Restless Shores and parts of Mourningdale emerge as prime locations due to abundant animals dropping Thick Hide. To optimize yield, certain tools and attributes are recommended. Equipping a Bow or Musket, a proficient Skinning Knife, and allocating points to Dexterity enhance your farming efficiency. A Bow/Musket’s thrust damage and range expedite animal dispatch. A Skinning Knife with the Skinning Yield perk increases Thick Hide drops by 20% per kill. Additionally, a Knife featuring Skinning Efficiency or Gathering Alacrity boosts overall efficiency. Elevating Dexterity to 250 not only heightens Bow/Musket damage but also grants 10% more skinning yield, translating to a 30% profit increase per kill.

Farm Routes in Restless Shores and Mourningdale

Begin your Thick Hide farming journey by heading toward the marked area on the map, either from town or the Shrine of Sisyphos Fast Travel point. En route, skin animals encountered. The wolf den in Northern Restless and a portion of Mourningdale present a prime farming site. Aiming for a skinning skill level of at least 100, focus on the wolves in the cave, which drop both Thick Hide and Iron Hide. Employ a melee weapon with strong area-of-effect capabilities, like a Great Axe or Greatsword. Engage the wolves, clear the area, wait for respawns, and repeat. Though slightly less rapid than Restless, this method provides a reliable source of Thick Hide, Iron Hide, and weapon experience.


By following these strategies and tips, you can efficiently farm Thick Hide in New World, whether for crafting progression or financial gain. Restless Shores and Mourningdale serve as prime locations, and optimizing your equipment and attributes maximizes your yield. Embrace the world of Thick Hide farming and unlock its potential for success in New World.

If you are tired of the repetitive Farming work, then you can try to buy New World Gold from RPGStash.com, which will help you quickly solve the problem of Gold shortage and allow you to improve your combat effectiveness more efficiently. RPGStash focuses on MMORPG Gold transactions, and the top player team guarantees your transaction security. It is very easy to buy Cheap New World Coins on https://www.rpgstash.com/new-world/

How to Change Regions in League of Legends

Players may have various reasons for wanting to change their League of Legends region, whether it’s due to latency issues on the server, a desire to experience region-specific gameplay styles, or simply making a mistake and selecting the wrong region. Whatever your reason, there is a way to change regions and enjoy the best (and sometimes worst) of League of Legends gameplay in a different

How to Change Region on League Client Without VPN

While there used to be an option to change regions within League, it seems that changing regions on existing LoL Smurf Accounts is no longer possible. In the past, players could spend 2,600 RP for a one-time region transfer, but as reported by Dot Esports, these options have disappeared.

If you still have access to them, follow these steps to change your account’s region:

  • Open your League client.
  • Click on the store icon next to your RP and Blue Essence amounts.
  • Click on the account icon in the top right corner of the store (a screenshot is provided below for reference).
  • Choose the region you want to change to. This transaction will cost you 2,600 RP, roughly equivalent to around $23 in real life.
  • Progress through the transaction after receiving a warning from Riot about potential issues when changing regions.
  • Log out and log back in to ensure everything runs as expected.

However, it’s worth noting that some regions, such as China and Korea, even require players to register with real identification. Therefore, unless you have valid ID for those locations, you won’t be able to access League servers in those regions. After completing this process, you should have a new LoL account on the desired server region.

When you change regions, your rank, honor level, clash progress, and more will be reset. However, your skins will be retained!

How to Use VPN to Change Region on League Client

If you wish to play on League servers in different regions, you might need to create a new account specifically for that region. To do this, you might need to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). While VPNs can be very useful, they come at a cost that might discourage many.

However, if you’re still interested, you should look for a VPN that suits you best, purchase and install it on your PC, select a location within the League region you want to play in on the VPN, and then create a new profile.

After the first-ever strike in League history, two weeks of delays, and plenty of controversy in between, the 2023 LCS Summer Split is finally here. The North American League of Legends community has been buzzing ever since the LCS Players Association decided to protest Riot Games’ recent decisions regarding the secondary league in the region. But now, all 10 teams are geared up for another intense split, competing for regional trophies and the chance to represent their hometowns at the 2023 World Championship in South Korea.

Due to the strike and delays, however, the LCS will be played over the course of the next six weeks on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays to make up for missed match days. As a result, players will be pushed to their limits, with only the best teams making it to the playoffs and striving to conquer the peak of North America.

If you’re intrigued by the heroes of other servers as well, you might consider Buy LoL Unranked Accounts from rpgstash.com to experience different heroes from different servers, enabling you to play League of Legends alongside a variety of players.