Understanding Valorant’s Smurf Detection Update

Nobody enjoys facing smurf accounts in Valorant. It’s frustrating to be outplayed by someone who’s created a new account just to dominate newer players. This issue became so widespread that Riot Games had to take significant steps to address it.

A Deep Dive into Valorant’s Smurf Detection

In a recent article published on Valorant’s official website, Riot Games delves into the changes players can expect in 2023 to combat smurfing. Riot Games proudly announced the success of their automatic smurf detection system, which was introduced earlier in the year.

Since its implementation in Valorant, Riot Games reports that Valorant Smurf Accounts have been swiftly matched with appropriate skill levels in as few as four matches. One of Riot Games’ primary objectives is to reduce the incentive for players to create alternate accounts in the first place. With the release of Patch 3.10, players of all ranks can now form 5-stack teams, a change aimed at addressing the desire for competitive play among friends, which often leads to smurf accounts.

Additional measures to tackle smurfing include the introduction of a new mode called “Premier,” providing players with an alternative way to compete with friends. Riot Games also promises ongoing improvements to the automatic smurf detection system to identify smurf accounts even faster.

Looking ahead to 2023, Riot Games remains committed to combating boosting, account sharing, and account purchasing, all of which contribute to the smurfing problem. While it’s a challenging issue to fully eradicate, players can take comfort in knowing that Riot Games is unwavering in their efforts to mitigate it.

The Correct Way to Own Smurf Accounts

For players who genuinely desire a secondary account, Valorant Smurf Accounts remain a legitimate option. These accounts can be a helpful solution for casual players facing various challenges. Additionally, experienced players seeking clean, entry-level Valorant Accounts need not worry about the hassle of creating them; they can explore the option of purchasing Valorant Accounts from RPGStash. Whether it’s an ordinary account or a smurf account, RPGStash boasts a professional team of players dedicated to assisting you, ensuring 100% safety and prompt delivery.

Diablo IV Announces XP/Gold Reward Event: Mother’s Blessing

In the world of Diablo IV, every resource is valuable, especially when it comes to higher-level gem upgrades, armor enhancements, and visits to the Mystic. Even crafting potions can drain your coffers, making you wish you hadn’t spent a single coin at the town’s vendors. You can either grind dungeons and world bosses regularly or take a more frugal approach, being mindful of where and how you spend your hard-earned gold.

Weapon Vendors

Finding better weapons at weapon vendors is a bit of a gamble, with slim chances of stumbling upon something superior. You’ll never run short of good gear when you can craft legendary equipment and loot weapons from chests, events, or fallen foes.

Of course, in Diablo IV, your builds and equipment are centered around finding the right weapon, regardless of your chosen class. Even companion-like Druids are influenced by your weapon (though to a lesser extent), emphasizing the importance of having a quality weapon. You might be tempted by weapons with green plus signs offered by vendors, but you’re likely to find better weapons soon enough.

If you’re feeling desperate, consider buying from the Low Spoken Ovos vendor rather than squandering your hard-earned gold. Those Diablo 4 Gold can be put to better use elsewhere.

Armor Vendors

Whenever you engage in battle, you’re bound to come across the finest armor. The likelihood of high-quality armor, and even legendary armor, dropping from bosses and dungeon chests far exceeds what armor vendors carry.

Spending your hard-earned gold on town armor is wasteful, especially since you’re more likely to stumble upon better gear through exploration. If you do wish to purchase armor, head to one of the Low Spoken Ovos vendors.

Combine Your Gems

Gem upgrades in Diablo IV can be a tricky endeavor, as they appear roughly every 20 levels, leaving you collecting gems for a substantial portion of the game without much use. Considering you can extract gems without destroying slotted items, you can reuse gems as needed.

This means you don’t have to constantly combine every gem in your inventory and inevitably hide them away until you acquire the next socketed item. Given this, there’s actually no need to combine every gem you acquire, as it quickly becomes expensive, and you’ll run out of money long before you can combine them all into a massive gem.

So, with that said, don’t do it. Instead, save your gold so that when you do the next gem upgrade, you’ll have enough money to combine at least two to three of them.

Horse Tack

You acquire a horse at the start of Act IV and can begin purchasing new appearances and skins for your horse. These are largely a complete waste of gold. Nearly five million gold for just a saddle is excessive, regardless of where you are in the game.

If you want that kind of bling, you’ll have to grind for hours on end, and even then, you may not amass enough gold. Even if you reach level 100, you might need to do some final gem upgrades, which will drain your wallet. So, sacrificing gems to customize your horse isn’t the best choice.

Yes, having a good horse with customized gear is fun, letting you strut around in the sanctum and show off, but it won’t make boss battles any easier. Buying horse customizations doesn’t offer real practicality, but hey, no one’s stopping you. Just because you shouldn’t doesn’t mean you can’t.

Non-Legendary Equipment Upgrades

More often than not, you’ll regularly swap out your equipment for something better in the early stages of the campaign and both before and after levels 45-50. Avoid becoming too attached to anything because you’ll inevitably encounter something better than what you’ve just been using.

In summary, managing gold is a crucial aspect of the game. Make sure you use your gold wisely, directing it towards aspects of the game that will help you progress rather than wasting it on unnecessary gear and customization. Farming Gold is an extremely boring thing for old players. If you are tired of Farming, then you can try to Buy Diablo 4 Gold from rpgstash.com to quickly obtain sufficient funds.

Diablo 2: Resurrected – How to Add Sockets to Weapons or Armor

In Diablo 2: Resurrected, adding sockets to your weapons or armor is a crucial step in optimizing your character. You’ll have the opportunity to do this when you reach Act V’s “Siege on Harrogath” quest. During this quest, you’ll gain access to the Horadric Cube, or you can speak with Larzuk the Blacksmith to get this done.

Sockets are essential because they allow you to insert specific combinations of runes, creating powerful Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes that can significantly enhance your character’s abilities. Here’s what you need to know about adding sockets to your gear in Diablo 2: Resurrected.

How to Add Sockets Using Larzuk

Of the two options, Larzuk is the simpler and more reliable method for adding sockets in Diablo 2: Resurrected. The key difference is that he provides socket rewards upon completing a specific quest, and you can only receive this reward once per playthrough.

To earn Larzuk’s socket reward, you need to complete the “Siege on Harrogath” quest. This mission involves defeating Shenk The Overseer, a demonic general. Once the quest is done, you’ll be able to ask Larzuk to add sockets to your items.

Here’s the important part: Larzuk will add the maximum number of sockets possible to the item you choose. The maximum number of sockets is determined by the hidden level of the item in Diablo 2: Resurrected.

Every item in the game has a hidden item level (often referred to as “ilvl”). This item level dictates the maximum number of sockets an item can have. The ilvl of an item depends on the level of the monster that dropped it, and the monster’s level is based on the area’s level where you encountered it.

To simplify, if you find an item later in the game, Larzuk can add more sockets to it. Here’s a general guideline:

– Unique, Rare, and Set items will receive one socket.

– Magic items can get one to two sockets randomly.

– White and Gray items can have the maximum number of sockets based on their ilvl, which is determined by the level of the monster that dropped the item, scaling with the game’s difficulty.

So, make the most of Larzuk’s socketing service to boost your gear’s power and customize your character in Diablo 2: Resurrected.

D2R Items are the financial support for players in the game. If you are tired of your current farming work, you can try to purchase D2R Items directly from a reliable supplier to improve the efficiency of the game.

RPGStash is a trustworthy trading site, if you have no better choice, then you can try to Buy D2R Items from rpgstash.com, the price is reasonable, delivery is fast, 100% safe, 24/7 online service.

Trading in Path of Exile: Buying, Selling, and Common Scams

In the world of Path of Exile, trading plays a pivotal role in acquiring the items you need for your character’s journey. However, the game lacks an auction house, making it crucial to understand how to navigate the trade ecosystem. In this guide, we’ll explore how to buy, sell, and avoid common scams in Path of Exile.

How to Buy Items from Other Players

Unlike some games, Path of Exile doesn’t have an in-game auction house. While there is a trade chat channel, it can be chaotic and challenging to use effectively. Most trading happens on the official trade website, where you’ll find various search filters to narrow down your item search.

For instance, imagine you’re two days into the Sentinels league, and you need new boots with movement speed, fire resistance, and life for your Earthquake Trap character. You can select these options in the filters and find every matching POE Orbs currently listed for sale by other players.

How to Sell Items to Other Players

Selling items in Path of Exile is straightforward if you have premium stash tabs. Start by right-clicking the name label of the premium tab, then select “Public” and “Priced individually.” Next, place your item into the tab, right-click it, and set the price.

Unfortunately, without premium tabs, selling items can be somewhat cumbersome. You’ll need to create a thread on the trade forum, get a link to your item from your character page on the website, and use the “~price x chaos” tag to link them to your thread. It can be a bit frustrating and convoluted. If you purchase premium stash tabs from the in-game store, selling items becomes much more manageable.

Which Currency to Use for Trades in Path of Exile

Path of Exile boasts numerous currency items, each with its value tied to its in-game crafting purposes. However, for trading, you’ll primarily deal with two currencies: Chaos Orbs and Divine Orbs. Chaos Orbs are the standard currency for most transactions, especially early in a league. In nearly 99% of cases, you should list most mid-to-low-value items in Chaos Orbs.

Due to adjustments in the 3.19 patch, Divine Orbs have become the preferred currency for high-value trades. Previously, items worth over 150 Chaos Orbs were typically priced in Exalted Orbs. Much of the value of Divine Orbs comes from the meta-mod crafting, which used to require Exalted Orbs and now requires Divine Orbs. Dust has yet to settle completely, but if Divine Orbs don’t replace Exalted Orbs as the new standard, it will be surprising. You can check the bulk trade tab to see the relative values of each currency

Trading Rules in Path of Exile

Here’s a quick rundown of trading rules in Path of Exile: Buyers travel, sellers initiate the trade. If you send a message to another player to buy their item, and they’re willing to sell it, they’ll send you a party invitation. Accept the invitation, right-click their character portrait, and select “Visit Hideout” to quickly access their hideout. Then, wait for the seller to initiate the trade with you. This sequence of actions helps prevent confusion caused by a barrage of invites and trade requests.

Common Trading Scams to Avoid

While trading in Path of Exile, you might encounter a few unscrupulous players. However, with awareness, you can steer clear of trade scams and enjoy the game without worry. It’s worth noting that such encounters are relatively rare, even after years of playing, I’ve only encountered one scammer.

Bait-and-Switch Scam

During a trade, both players must hover their cursors over the items they receive, ensuring you get what you want. Some scammers wait for you to confirm the trade, cancel it, initiate a new trade, and switch items. These items might look similar but have inferior stats or be entirely different. While there are legitimate reasons to cancel and restart a trade, be sure to double-check that you’re getting what you intended.


Understanding how trading works in Path of Exile is essential for a smooth gaming experience. Whether you’re buying or selling items, using the right currency, and being vigilant against common scams will help you navigate the trade landscape effectively.

Of course, if you have nothing to trade and want to own some Currency Items, then you can try to Buy Divine Orbs from a reliable supplier such as RPGStash, which is a reliable supplier with a strong supply team and High-quality customer service can always help players replenish Currency Items in a timely manner, allowing players to become stronger in the game.

How to Earn Gold in World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore

In World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore, items and gold are the two most valuable resources you can use. While acquiring items is relatively straightforward and primarily dependent on luck, earning gold is a bit more complex, requiring knowledge of secret gold farming spots and techniques.
Every World of Warcraft player has their unique ways of earning gold. Some play the auction house and make all their precious gold from there, while others are diligent farmers, and some even join the Rogue Black Market and monopolize the series. You can always get creative and find your own ways to earn WotLK Classic Gold, but here are the most effective methods to earn gold in World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore.
Can You Trade and Use the Auction House in World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore?
Yes, you can trade and use the auction house in Hardcore. This is a crucial aspect of earning gold in World of Warcraft, and Blizzard Entertainment didn’t want to remove the entire system from the game. It should be available from the first level, with no other restrictions.
Best Ways to Earn Gold in World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore
If you engage in any profession that doesn’t require spending any padding, then you are sure to earn gold. So far, the best professions are gathering professions—Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning. Initially, these professions won’t bring in much gold, especially because everyone is swimming in Peaceblooms and Copper Ore. However, as you level up your professions and gather rarer materials, you will definitely start earning substantial amounts of gold.
On the other hand, crafting professions are not very profitable unless you have rare recipes. These recipes can be obtained while completing end-game dungeons like Stratholme, and you still have to be lucky to see it drop in the first place before you can get it.
Loot Everything and Then Sell It
During your leveling journey, you’ll defeat many gnolls, boars, and yetis, most of which will drop some small items that you can sell later. I never discard these gray-quality junk items, and I always sell them to vendors whenever I’m back in town. These items may not seem valuable individually, but it all adds up when you sell dozens of items.
Play the Auction House
This is an advanced way to earn gold, but the gist of it is buying valuable items from the auction house that you believe will increase in value. However, it’s quite risky, and unless you have a deep understanding of the World of Warcraft economy, it’s best to steer clear of this money-making method.
Farming is a traditional way of earning gold, and it’s quite simple—you kill monsters that drop valuable items, loot them, and then sell those same items at the auction house. Ideally, you’ll do some research beforehand, knowing which items are valuable, and you’ll keep an eye out for those items.
You can also solo enter dungeons like Dire Maul as a Mage, Priest, or Hunter and farm trash mobs there to get drops you can sell later, but you’ll need to devise a farming strategy, especially since you don’t want to die. If you are tired of Farming Gold, then you can try to Buy WoW Classic WotLK Gold from a reliable supplier such as RPGStash, which is a professional MMORPG trading platform. Its professional team guarantees 100% safety and its high-quality service is trustworthy.
Tips for Earning Gold in World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore
Create Banking Alternatives
We all face limited backpack space in World of Warcraft Classic, and the easiest way to work around this issue is by creating a separate character, parking them in your capital city, and stocking their bags with potions and other padding you might need. This character will provide you with extra banking services, allowing you to easily mail reagents and other padding between them and your main bank.
Use Add-ons
Add-ons like HandyNotes and RareScanner not only help you find rare creatures but can also come in handy for locating the best farming spots.
If you plan to play the auction house, Auctioneer will be your best friend. It allows you to track item values, see auction house prices in more detail, and create shopping lists.