The Ultimate Guide to Fast Divination Card Farming in Path of Exile 3.22


Within the ever-evolving universe of Path of Exile, players tirelessly seek Divination Cards and Divination Drops, as these valuable items pave the way to acquiring rare items and coveted currency. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the most efficient and rapid strategies for accumulating Divine Orbs. These strategies will not only enrich your in-game fortune but also empower your character in Path of Exile 3.22.

Cracking the Code of Divination Cards

Divination Cards serve as unique items that promise specific rewards when an entire set is completed. To excel in PoE Divine Orbs farming, it’s crucial to identify and concentrate on the cards that yield these desirable orbs.

Strategic Farming Locations

To maximize your Divination Card gains, it’s imperative to choose the right farming locations. Focus on areas with a high density of monsters, substantial item quantity boosts, and item rarity enhancements. Some of the prime locations include the Burial Chambers, The Twilight Strand, and Glacier maps, where action is fast-paced.

Crafting Clever Map Strategies

  1. Harness the Power of Sextants: Activate Sextants on your Atlas to enrich your map drops, heighten monster density, and introduce extra rewards. Prioritize Sextants that either boost Divination Card drops or amplify item quantity, thus increasing your chances of securing Divine Orbs.
  2. Employ Scarabs Wisely: Specialized Scarabs, like Cartographer’s, Harbingers, or Legion Scarabs, can intensify the quantity and quality of map drops. These scarabs considerably elevate the chances of encountering Divination Cards and provide additional avenues to obtain Divine Orbs.
  3. Zana’s Map Mods: Take full advantage of Zana’s Map Mods to add specific modifiers to your maps. Mods such as “Bountiful” or “The Fortune Teller’s Circle” can augment Divination Card quantity, thereby elevating your odds of obtaining Divine Orbs.

The Art of Trading and Prophecies

  1. Strategic Trading: Utilize the in-game trading system to procure specific Divination Cards. By mastering market dynamics and supply-and-demand factors, you can efficiently trade Divination Cards for items or currency, including precious Divine Orbs.
  2. Unleash Prophecies: Consult Navali and delve into prophecies that enhance Divination Card drops or escalate currency acquisition. Prophecies like “The Scholar” or “The Void” can directly target Divination Cards, accelerating your farming endeavors.

Mastery of Efficient Map Clearing

  1. Optimal Character Build: Fine-tune your character build and gear for swift map clearing. Emphasize skills with extensive area-of-effect (AoE) coverage, mobility, and amplified damage output to rapidly dispatch monsters and advance through maps.
  2. Speed and Precision: Develop strategies for agile map clearing, incorporating movement skills, wide-AoE abilities, or skills with chain or piercing capabilities. Efficient map clearing translates to more monsters vanquished, boosting your likelihood of encountering Divination Cards and, in turn, Divine Orbs.

Party Play and Syndicate Dynamics

  1. Cooperative Play: Consider collaborating with other dedicated Path of Exile enthusiasts. By distributing map-clearing responsibilities, you can cover more ground, eliminate more foes, and heighten your chances of unearthing Divination Cards and Divine Orbs.
  2. Syndicate Strategies: Engage in Betrayal encounters involving the Jun Ortoi syndicate members. By adeptly manipulating or interrogating specific members, you can unlock rewards such as extra Divination Card drops, effectively enhancing your farming prowess.


By following these strategies and principles, you can optimize your efficiency in Divine Orb farming in Path of Exile 3.22. Tailor your map strategies, leverage the trading system and prophecies, master the art of efficient map clearing, and explore the power of cooperative play and Syndicate interactions. Through targeted farming in Divination Card-rich zones and harnessing various gameplay mechanics, you can amplify your odds of discovering the coveted Divine Orbs.

Stay determined, adjust your strategy as needed, and keep an eye on the ever-changing game dynamics. If you wish, you can also Buy Divine Orbs from to ensure you are the richest and most powerful in Path of Exile. occupy a position among the players. Good luck on your journey to divine wealth!

A Comprehensive Guide to Currency Trading in Path of Exile

Trading in Path of Exile is a complex and extensive system that enables players to engage in buying, selling, and exchanging POE Currency with fellow players. This guide aims to provide a detailed walkthrough of the trading process, covering essential aspects such as purchasing, selling, bulk exchanges, and the importance of trade etiquette. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to Path of Exile, comprehending the nuances of currency trading is crucial for maximizing your gameplay experience.

How to Purchase Items from Other Players in Path of Exile

In Path of Exile, the absence of an in-game auction house and the chaotic Trade chat channel make trading with other players quite challenging. However, the official trade website provides a reliable and efficient platform for conducting trade. By utilizing the extensive filtering options available on the trade website, you can easily refine your search for specific items.

For example, let’s consider a scenario where you’re playing in the Sentinel League and find yourself in need of new boots for your Seismic Trap character. You specifically require boots that offer movement speed, fire resistance, and life. By applying the relevant filters on the trade website, you can narrow down your search and explore the available listings for boots that meet your criteria.

Through this approach, you can conveniently browse through the items listed for sale by other players, ensuring a smoother and more efficient trading experience in Path of Exile.

How to sell items to other players in Path of Exile

Selling items in Path of Exile is relatively straightforward if you own a premium stash tab. Start by right-clicking on the name tag of your premium tab and selecting the “public” and “each item individually priced” options. Then, place the item you wish to sell into the tab, right-click on the item, and set a price.

However, if you don’t own a premium stash tab, selling items becomes a bit more cumbersome. You’ll need to create a thread in the trading forums, obtain links to your items from your character page on the website, and then include these links in your forum thread using the “~price x chaos” tag. This process can be frustrating and overly complicated. Acquiring a premium stash tab from the in-game store simplifies the selling process significantly. It’s worth noting that the premium stash tab is one of the few aspects of the game that involves a pay-to-win element, which can understandably be a source of frustration for some players.

Which Currencies to Trade within Path of Exile

In Path of Exile, there is a wide array of currency items, each serving its purpose in crafting and holding different values. However, when it comes to trading, two currencies stand out as the most commonly used. Chaos Orbs play the role of the primary currency, functioning as the equivalent of the “dollar” in Path of Exile’s economy. For the majority of trades, especially during the early stages of a league, chaos orbs are the preferred currency for pricing items of moderate value or lower. It is advisable to list such items in Chaos Orbs in almost all cases.

However, with the release of patch 3.19, there has been a significant shift in the realm of high-value trading. Previously, Exalted Orbs were the go-to currency for items worth around 150 Chaos Orbs or more. The value of Exalted Orbs predominantly stemmed from their use in metamodels, which required Exalted Orbs for execution.

The recent patch has brought about a notable change, with Divine Orbs taking over as the new currency of choice for high-value trades. The crafts that once relied on Exalted Orbs now demand Divine Orbs. While it may take some time for the market to stabilize, Divine Orbs will likely replace Exalted Orbs as the standard currency for high-value transactions. It is important to note that Divine Orbs are expected to be priced significantly higher than Exalted Orbs, primarily due to the scarcity of Divine Orb sources compared to Exalted Orbs. To gain insights into the relative value of each currency, referring to the Bulk Trade tab can be helpful.