5 Tips to level up in Valorant

Leveling up in Valorant is a significant achievement, showcasing a player’s experience and skill in the popular first-person shooter. It not only provides bragging rights but also unlocks the Competitive game mode, a favorite among the player base. Additionally, leveling up rewards players with cool borders to display, adding a touch of flair to their profiles.

In this pursuit, Valorant Accounts play a significant role. A well-leveled account, adorned with achievements and unlocked features, enhances a player’s overall gaming experience. Valorant Accounts provide not only a sense of accomplishment but also a personalized touch to showcase one’s journey and success within the game.

Here are five effective methods to swiftly increase your account level in Valorant:

1) Play Unrated Games

Unrated games are an excellent choice for leveling up quickly. These matches have no stakes, allowing players to enjoy a competitive experience without the pressure. Longer games generally yield more Account Points (AP), the primary currency for leveling up. Given the lack of consequences in Unrated, it remains the top game mode for new players aiming to unlock Competitive.

2) Understand the AP System

To expedite leveling up, it’s crucial to comprehend the functioning of the AP system. Players earn 1 AP for each match and an additional AP for every six seconds of gameplay. Winning a match provides an extra 50 AP, making victories particularly rewarding. Accumulating 5000 AP is necessary to progress to the next level.

3) Win at Least One Game Daily

Winning a game not only brings a sense of accomplishment but also significantly boosts your account level. The Account Point system grants 1,000 AP for the first win of the day, resetting every 22 hours. Consistently winning at least one game each day ensures a steady progression in your account level.

4) Master an Agent

Proficiency with a specific Agent can enhance your chances of winning matches consistently. Mastering the abilities and strategies of an Agent instills confidence, directly impacting your overall gameplay. This increased skill level translates to victories, one of the fastest routes to leveling up in Valorant.

5) Daily Gameplay Routine

Establishing a daily gameplay routine is a fundamental strategy for rapid leveling. Regularly playing a few matches each day contributes significantly to increasing your account level. However, it’s essential to strike a balance by taking breaks to stay focused and prevent burnout. Consistency is key to achieving continuous progress.


Whether you prefer Unrated games for relaxed progression or focus on mastering specific Agents, understanding the AP system and incorporating these strategies into your daily routine will undoubtedly accelerate your journey to higher levels in Valorant.

For those looking to enhance their Valorant experience further, RPGStash offers a convenient solution with the option to Buy Valorant Accounts. These accounts provide a jumpstart in levels, unique features, and unlocked content, ensuring you’re well-equipped for the competitive challenges ahead. With RPGStash.com, you not only secure a Valorant Account efficiently but also gain access to a personalized and enriched gaming experience. Choose RPGStash to Buy Valorant Accounts and elevate your journey in the gaming realm.

Understanding Valorant’s Smurf Detection Update

Nobody enjoys facing smurf accounts in Valorant. It’s frustrating to be outplayed by someone who’s created a new account just to dominate newer players. This issue became so widespread that Riot Games had to take significant steps to address it.

A Deep Dive into Valorant’s Smurf Detection

In a recent article published on Valorant’s official website, Riot Games delves into the changes players can expect in 2023 to combat smurfing. Riot Games proudly announced the success of their automatic smurf detection system, which was introduced earlier in the year.

Since its implementation in Valorant, Riot Games reports that Valorant Smurf Accounts have been swiftly matched with appropriate skill levels in as few as four matches. One of Riot Games’ primary objectives is to reduce the incentive for players to create alternate accounts in the first place. With the release of Patch 3.10, players of all ranks can now form 5-stack teams, a change aimed at addressing the desire for competitive play among friends, which often leads to smurf accounts.

Additional measures to tackle smurfing include the introduction of a new mode called “Premier,” providing players with an alternative way to compete with friends. Riot Games also promises ongoing improvements to the automatic smurf detection system to identify smurf accounts even faster.

Looking ahead to 2023, Riot Games remains committed to combating boosting, account sharing, and account purchasing, all of which contribute to the smurfing problem. While it’s a challenging issue to fully eradicate, players can take comfort in knowing that Riot Games is unwavering in their efforts to mitigate it.

The Correct Way to Own Smurf Accounts

For players who genuinely desire a secondary account, Valorant Smurf Accounts remain a legitimate option. These accounts can be a helpful solution for casual players facing various challenges. Additionally, experienced players seeking clean, entry-level Valorant Accounts need not worry about the hassle of creating them; they can explore the option of purchasing Valorant Accounts from RPGStash. Whether it’s an ordinary account or a smurf account, RPGStash boasts a professional team of players dedicated to assisting you, ensuring 100% safety and prompt delivery.

How to Refund Skins in Valorant

Valorant offers a wide range of skins for weapons, but everyone has different preferences, and sometimes you may end up spending your valuable Valorant Points on skins you don’t like. Valorant weapon skins can be quite expensive, with some premium skins costing up to $100. If you find yourself in this situation and want a refund, you may wonder if it’s possible to refund your Valorant weapon skins.

Valorant weapon skins are not cheap. While a Battle Pass may cost $10, other expensive skins can go up to $100. You may have been lured into purchasing them due to the hype, only to find out that they don’t meet your expectations. In such cases, you need a refund and here’s how to refund weapon skins in Valorant!

What can I refund in Valorant?

Please note that not everything in Valorant is eligible for a refund. The refundable items are listed in Riot Games’ global refund policy, applicable to all their games. For Valorant, they state that you can refund unused content. Using weapon skins or upgrading them counts as using the content. However, keep in mind that some players have found that they could refund items that Riot Games stated as non-refundable. That’s why you should always personally check what you can refund from your account, even if it’s one of the best Vandal skins.

How to refund Valorant weapon skins

Valorant weapon skins can only be refunded within 14 days of purchase. So, if it has been more than 14 days, you won’t be able to get a refund for your content. Additionally, weapon skins can only be refunded in the in-game currency you used for the purchase, which means you can only get a refund in Valorant Points or Radianite Points for weapon skins and variants. Now, you can follow these steps to refund Valorant weapon skins:

Go to the official Valorant support article for refunds.

Scroll down and select the “Log In” button.

Log in using your Valorant account.

Scroll down again and choose the option to Get My Order History.

This will display each refundable item in Valorant. If you want a refund, select the / REFUND button next to the item you wish to remove.

However, if you want to refund unused Valorant Points for cash, you will need to submit a ticket to the Riot support team. But keep in mind that you won’t be able to refund the coveted Battle Pass or the Prime Vandal skin, so you’ll have to settle for a good knife skin!

If you’re unsatisfied with Valorant weapon skins, you can also visit RPGStash to purchase Valorant Accounts. They offer customizable Valorant accounts at affordable prices with fast delivery. RPGStash is a professional supplier with an experienced team, ensuring that the Valorant accounts sold to players are 100% secure.

Valorant’s Latest Update to Combat Smurfing

No gamer wants to lose to someone who has created a backup account just to beat new players. This issue, known as smurfing, has become a significant problem in games like Valorant, prompting Riot Games to release multiple patches to address it.
In a recent post on the Valorant website, Riot Games announced their latest changes to combat smurfing. They claim that their automated smurf detection system, which was introduced earlier this year, has been successful.
Since implementing the system, Riot Games reported that smurf accounts were quickly identified within just four games and placed in their appropriate matchmaking rank. Their aim is to discourage players from creating smurf accounts by reducing the incentives to do so. One way they plan to achieve this is by allowing players of any level to 5-stack together with the release of patch 3.10. According to Riot Games, one of the primary reasons for smurfing is to compete with friends who are at a different skill level.
The introduction of a new mode called Premier is another measure taken to combat smurfing. This mode offers players a fresh way to compete with their friends. Riot Games also plans to continue improving the automatic smurf detection method to detect smurf accounts even more quickly.
In 2023, Riot Games has pledged to continue their efforts to curb boosting, account sharing, and account buying, all of which contribute to the problem of smurfing. While it may be challenging to fix entirely, Riot Games is committed to reducing smurfing and improving the overall gaming experience.
For casual players who want to relax and enjoy the game, creating a different account may enhance their experience. RPGStash, a professional gaming service provider, offers Valorant Smurf Accounts that players can purchase directly to meet their game needs. With 100% safety, fast delivery, and 24/7 online service, players can confidently purchase from RPGStash.

Valorant Swiftplay mode gets more acceptance

Many people like Valorant, but they will also give up because the game time is too long. After all, in real life, it is difficult for people to continuously have more than an hour of free time. If you choose to enter the game, then you must persist until the end of the game. Riot Games is also aware of this problem, trying to solve it with a shorter casual mode.

Matches are usually 30-50 minutes long, especially when there is a tie, and matches in hardcore competitive and unrated modes can last up to two minutes or so per round. Competitive play can last longer because if players vote to continue, they need to win at least two rounds in overtime.

The new Swiftplay mode will be more flexible, with each match lasting roughly 15 minutes and featuring a similar ruleset to Unrated. However, the first player to win five rounds wins. After four rounds, the offensive and defensive sides switched sides and entered overtime. Made some tweaks to the final credits to make sure they still have access to all the fun stuff in the shorter format.

At the start of each half of a Swiftplay match, you will receive two Ultimate Points for free. As a result, you can use the most powerful abilities in the game more often. While Valorant has other casual modes that don’t last as long as competitive or unrated matches, Swiftplay brings the core mode’s ruleset into a cleaner format.

Swiftplay mode will be used and recognized by more players, especially those who don’t have a lot of free time and are more likely to play more Valorant Swiftplay mode. The Swiftstep patch also brings a ton of balance changes and tweaks to how various abilities interact with each other.

If you are interested in Valorant changes and want to try playing Valorant with other accounts, then you can try to buy Cheap Valorant Accounts from rpgstash.com to meet their needs. RPGStash provides Valorant Accounts selling service, which is 100% safe and allows you to experience the fun of games brought by different accounts.