scooter use

Who needs a wheelchair

Nowadays, many people have certain misunderstandings about wheelchairs, thinking that wheelchairs are only needed by disabled people, and they do not need to use wheelchairs if they can walk now. In fact, many people are already struggling to walk, but they cannot accept being in a wheelchair and insist on walking, which eventually leads to the worsening of the leg condition. Physical exercise and social activities are possible with the aid of a wheelchair. Therefore, everyone with the following conditions should use a wheelchair; ► Have basic walking ability, but it is difficult to walk for a long time ► Walking ability is decreased, walking on your own is difficult ► Brain problems lead to inability to effectively control limbs to walk ►  Lower limb amputation or paralysis, loss of walking ability or significant risk ► Fracture healing period When an old man has difficulty walking due to small problems such as bone hyperplasia or osteoporosis,  motorized scooter  he still insists on walking by himself in order not to cause trouble to his family, which eventually leads to fractures and other problems and is not easy to recover. Therefore, for the sake of health, for the sake of the elderly Have a healthy and happy old age, please prepare a suitable wheelchair for the elderly. Stroke and paralyzed patients, due to long-term bed rest, facing the ceiling every day, and the turbid air in the room, the patient must endure physical pain and psychological torture. Relief, so that the patient can breathe fresh air outside, enjoy the sunshine, and the haze in the heart is swept away. And in the process of communicating with people, the patient's attention has been diverted, so that family conflicts can be alleviated. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a suitable wheelchair for the patient. Patients who cannot walk due to brain problems, in the narrow space of the room, make the patient unable to communicate with the outside world for a long time, resulting in a decline in physical conditions such as speech, and the possibility of recovery of the patient is very small, so it is very important to buy a suitable wheelchair for the patient. necessary.