The crimper uses two cylindrical rods to shape the spine of the book

seatycovers   18 novembre 2021   Commenti disabilitati su The crimper uses two cylindrical rods to shape the spine of the book

Overview: The Pro-Bind Thermal Hardcover crimper replaces the now discontinued Bindit hard cover crimper.It is used to help finish thermal car seat cover manufacturers hard cover cases that are bound with your thermal binding machine.ThePro-Bind thermal hard cover crimper is used as a cooling rack for yourhard cover cases and as a finishing device to ensure that every bookhas a uniform look and feel. Strengths / Features: ThePro-Bind thermal hard cover crimper helps to ensure the strongestpossible bind for your thermal hard cover documents. The crimper takesthe hard cover document and forces the hot glue inside the spine upinto the base of the pages. This helps to ensure that every page comesinto contact with the glue and ensures that pages will not workthemselves out the bind. Without the crimper, some pages may not comeinto contact with the thermal glue and thus may come out of the book.Thethermal hardcover crimper also helps to shape the spine of the book.

The crimper uses two cylindrical rods to shape the spine of the book sothat it has the appearance of a professional case bound book. Thishelps to provide a uniform look to all your hard cover case bounddocuments.The Thermal hardcover crimper also acts as acooling rack for the document. You place the document into the crimperwhile the glue is still hot. The crimper forces the glue up into thebase of the pages and shapes the spine. The book sits inside thecrimper until the glue hardens and the book is permanently shaped. Weaknesses / Limitations: Althoughthe Pro-bind crimper does an excellent job in crimping documents, itcan only crimp one document at a time. This essentially limits theproductivity of the Pro-Bind hard cover crimper to one book per minute.For some applications this is adequate. However, for high volumeapplications one book per minute is extremely slow. In these cases, asecond hard cover crimper can be used to double productivity.

Whilethe Pro-Bind thermal hard cover crimper will help to strengthen thebind of most thermal hard cover cases, some glossy coated papers andthick stocks still have a tendency to fall out of thermal hard covercases. For these papers, it is an excellent idea to place a couple ofstaples as close to the binding edge of the book block as possible. Thestaples will never be seen by the end users and will help to ensurethat no page ever falls out of the document. Recommendation: Ifyou are considering binding hard cover cases with your thermal bindingmachine the Pro-bind hardcover crimper is a necessity. It is currentlythe only hard cover crimper available on the market. If youattempt to bind thermal hardcover cases without a hard cover crimper,the pages of your document may fall out or the look of your hard coverdocument may not be as consistent or professional as is possible.

The crimper uses two cylindrical rods to shape the spine of the bookultima modifica: 2021-11-18T07:14:57+01:00da seatycovers