
What's the point of throwing 150 kilometers Four outs director Yeom Kyung-yeop

Choi Won-tae's task, which LG Twins manager Yeom Kyung-yeop sees, was clear. It is aggressive pitching and reducing walks. LG will have its first showdown of the season with the NC Dinos at Jamsil Stadium on Tuesday. As the team recorded three consecutive losing series against the Kiwoom Heroes last weekend, it should start the week strong by turning the mood around with a victory. Starting pitcher Choi Won-tae will take the lead. At the end of this season, Choi will become the first free agent in his career. "This is a very important season for me, but I was not satisfied with my first appearance. On April 27, he recorded three hits, three strikeouts, and two runs (one earned run) in four ⅔ against the Samsung Lions. He didn't miss the fifth inning, but his record is not bad. He also shot a whopping 150 kilometers in fastballs on the day. However, he had a big problem. He only gave up a total of six four walks, five walks and one walk. If he fails to control the ball no matter how fast it is, he is truly a stealer and a stealer in baseball. He allowed the team to come from behind in the fifth inning, forcing him to step down from the mound. Ahead of the match, Yeom said, "Choi's task is to reduce the number of walks. You have to pitch aggressively. You have to look at the center and not at the corner in the strike zone," adding, "Coaches must have made such orders." NC, which Choi Won-tae has to deal with, is not bad at the beginning of the season. He is cruising with five wins and three losses. The batters are also tricky because there are many batters with good contact skills. He can try to corner Yeom too much, but he can stop himself. NC will face Choi Won-tae in the order of Park Min-woo, Kwon Hee-dong, Son Ah-seop, Davison, Park Gun-woo, Seo Ho-cheol, Kim Sung-wook, Kim Hyung-joon and Kim Joo-won.   BY: 스포츠토토