How to Choose Student visa consultants in Chandigarh for Canada?

Canada is one of the most developed countries which is often referred to as the land of dreams for citizens of various countries. It promises great lifestyle and opportunities to immigrants who make it their residence every year. This trend is prevalent in India too, like any other developing country and most preferred in the states of Haryana and Punjab. A huge number of students from these places apply for student visa to Canada for all the intakes available and for that their chosen place is Chandigarh which is also called the immigration capital of India. The reason for referring it as that is that there are good counts of Student visa consultants in Chandigarh but this also creates issues related to cheating and frauds. Therefore, it is imperative that you choose the honest and reliable visa agent to represent your case to the embassy. Following is the process to finalise the one for you:

Study visa consultants in Chandigarh
Study visa consultants in Chandigarh
  • It is important that you take out the list of most successful and reputed Canada Study visa consultants in Chandigarh. To do so, you can search on which is the best search engine available.
  • Once you have the list with you, it is necessary to read the reviews of the clients they have handled in past. You can watch the video feedbacks also on various social media applications like Instagram or Facebook. This will allow you to reject the ones which are not trustworthy and have not treated the clients well in past and will shorten the list for you.
  • Now you have a short list, the next action must be to give a call to each one of them to arrange for a meeting to have the first counselling session. Do not forget to ask about the charges for the counselling session with the visa counsellor. The tip for you here is – do not go to the ones who charge for it because the honest ones do not charge you for the counselling sessions, it is free from their side.
  • Visit the office of the student visa consultants in Chandigarh who have offered free counselling session one by one. You must be aware of the things covered in such sessions to get the most out of it. Also, it will give you the clear picture about the most suitable candidate for you. Here is what you should expect in the counselling sessions:
  1. Assessment of the applicant’s profile: Any efficient visa consultant will first ask about your preferences regarding the country, course and university for further education. Then he or she will analyse your profile to understand it better so that the best offers could be provided.
  2. Suggestions regarding the Courses/universities available: Based on the profile, the visa agent will give you the options for the courses that you must pursue depending upon the subject or field of choice which will be best for your career
  3. Further Course of action after completion of the Program: It is important to know about the future application of the program you go for because the final aim is to have a rewarding career. Thus, your visa consultant must tell you about how to get the work permit to gain work experience in the same country post completion of your course and the procedure to apply for the PR if you plan to settle down there itself.
  4. The list of documents required: Documentation is the crucial part of this process, which is why the competent student visa agent will definitely let you know about the papers and documents you need to make available before the application process begins. The most prominent are the documents related to finances to support the education.
  5. Pre-preparation before application process: Apart from all the above information, they will be able to provide necessary coaching to prepare you for clearing the English language skills test because rest of the process begins once you have these scores in hand.


Pay attention to the details and ask as many questions as you have to clear the doubts, if the consultant is able to give the clear answers with explanations for all your queries, it means that he or she is competent and reliable, you must hire such Student Visa Consultant in Chandigarh to process your application.


Top Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh – Abroad Gateway

Immigration is the term used for the migration of an individual to a foreign country for different purposes, sometimes temporary for short term and sometimes permanently. In distant past, people could do that without the need of authorisation from the governments. Then in 1905 the visa system was implemented by the British Government to allow non-British people to enter or work in their country and now it is made mandatory worldwide. The rules for getting visa to enter any country are specific to that country and therefore vary which makes it really complicated for anyone to apply fir it themselves. Thus, it is a must that you consult a good visa consultant like Abroad Gateway for the purpose.

Abroad Gateway

Abroad Gateway is a well-established consultancy firm located in sector 42 of Chandigarh city which is counted in the Top immigration Consultants in Chandigarh. Here are the reasons for them to be the best in the industry.

Deals in all kinds of Visa: The top immigration consultant in Chandigarh Abroad Gateway is the one that is efficient in visa application process for various types of visa people apply for like student visa for education, tourist visa for tourism, work visa to work as a professional and many more. Let’s know the variety of visa people apply for:

Student Visa: A big number of youngsters dream of studying in a foreign country in India and every year many of them fulfil that dream as well. For this they need to apply for student visa so that they get accepted by their preferred country to study there.

PR Visa: PR visa or Permanent Residency visa is the one that allows you to shift to that country permanently. In such case you also need all your family members to move as well.

Spouse Visa: It is the visa that is required for a spouse to go abroad if their partner or spouse is living in a foreign county and is a citizen of that country or has PR. You are required to show the evidence of your relationship with your spouse to convince the authorities that it is a real and genuine relation.

Tourist Visa: It is the type of visa that a tourist needs for tourism. Here it is necessary for you to provide financial proof and share the details of your itinerary for the time period you will be staying in their country.

Visitor Visa: This type of visa is for you if you have to pay a visit to a person living abroad for any purpose. This person will be required to sponsor your visit and will be responsible for you and your actions in the country.

Work Visa: It is the visa that one needs to be employed in a foreign nation. This is for the temporary residency for a limited period of time. In such case you cannot live there indefinitely.

Provides Services for all preferred countries: Abroad Gateway is the Best immigration Consultant in Chandigarh because it helps you to get the visa for all the aforementioned purposes in all the popular and preferred nations of the world. The visa team of this consultancy firm has mastery in applying different types of visa for you to the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the United Kingdom. These nations are the preferred destinations of people because they offer better opportunities for education, employment and exploration, due to this a lot of people from various nations like to go there and that is the main reason why they have made strict laws for immigration. Only an expert visa consultant in Chandigarh is proficient to get yourself accepted in any one of them.

High Moral Grounds: The immigration industry in Chandigarh is full of visa consultants  and due to this huge competition there are many firms which make false promises and misguide the aspirants who want to go abroad which we all keep reading in the newspapers every now and then. That is why it is essential that you consult the one which has strong morality as they will be the only ones to be trusted. High morals of the whole team at Abroad Gateway results in the complete transparency in their actions and communication. This is the most prominent factor for you to choose them as your visa consultant in Chandigarh.

How to Choose the Best Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh?

Immigration is a simple word with vast explanation as it is influenced by many factors, be it personal or national. When you plan to shift to another nation then you will have to agree to the conditions set by the government of the new country and it has to happen way before you arrive there. In order to do everything right, if you are in Chandigarh then you need to choose the Best Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh as your visa filing agent. Though finding the most suitable one is time consuming, here are the factors you need to consider to select the one for you:

Proven Track Record: The first aspect to consider is the track record of the consultancy for applying visa for their clients successfully. It is not too difficult to know about that in this present world of technology, you can easily read the reviews and feedbacks of the clients they served on internet which will give you the fair idea about the suitability of that firm as your visa agent. You can also watch the testimonials of the old clients on various social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

Experience in the respective field: Having a rich experience is extremely important as in this field there is no single way of handling the cases as each one of them is unique. Each client has their own specific preferences and circumstances, therefore they need different approach and only an experienced Visa Agent in Chandigarh will be able to provide the best plan of action analysing all the specifications.

Knowledge of the team: Knowledge is the base of any action leading to the desired outcome. Therefore, it has to be given due importance. The consultancy firm with knowledgeable team can survive in this fast changing industry of immigration as the policies and procedures keep changing as per the political or economic decisions of the countries. The Best Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh are well updated about the happenings across the globe affecting the immigration industry and that is why they will be able to tell you things in black and white.

Resourcefulness: Being resourceful is also an extremely useful quality of a visa consultant as they are required to help the client to have all the required documents. The process of immigration is full of challenges as it is not only affected by an individual circumstance but also by the policies of the various countries which keep changing, thus if the visa agent is resourceful, he or she will be able to overcome all the hurdles and find the solution to every problem.

Honesty & Reliability: The immigration sector has gained negative popularity due to many frauds that keep happening here. That is why honesty is the most important quality you need to look at while choosing the Visa Agent in Chandigarh for yourself. When you trust someone with your money and future then reliability is must. Before trusting it, please check that the consultancy firm should be registered and government approved organisation. Apart from that, always check with people known to you about the firm if they or someone they know have taken their services.

Decent Charges: All the firms in the world are founded to earn money and that is why it is the most important factor and cannot be ignored. However, one must check if they are charging the justified and fair amount for the services they are rendering to their clients or not. For a lot of the organisations clients are just the money making machines and they do not hesitate to charge them for unimportant things and this is what you should be alert about. Look for the Student Visa Agents in Chandigarh who provide free counselling sessions and extra services to you because they are clearly not just after the profit, but also believe in providing fairly priced services because long term progress is achieved through happy customers.

After assessing all the above factors, you will be able to reach to the most suitable immigration consultant in Chandigarh for you who will be capable of making your dream to move abroad a reality to have a better life and career. For a big dream to be fulfilled, it is essential that each step is taken with care.

Are You Ready to Study Abroad? Let the Learning Begin with Abroad Gateway!!!

Education is the foundation of the career and to have a thriving professional life it is necessary that you have a strong educational base. This is the main cause behind the migration of the young blood to nations which promise better education as that would lead to a happy and satisfactory life in future.

If you are also one of the individuals who plan to go to a foreign country to get educated in the field of interest, then you must plan ahead of the time. The initial step in this journey is to score better in the senior secondary school exams and the next step will be to visit Abroad Gateway which is the top Student Visa Consultants in Chandigarh.

Let us see how the process of studying abroad begins with your visit to Abroad Gateway.

Getting the profile assessed: When you contact the visa counsellor of this organization, the first step will be to analyze all the details and let you know the strength of your profile and what more can be done to make the case strong. They will make it clear which type of English language skills test you must clear as per your profile. For example; if you have done post-graduation and are planning to go on student visa then it will be better that you apply for PR visa and go directly for employment.

Knowing the documentation required: Documentation has the major role in getting the student visa and only a competent Study Abroad Agent in Chandigarh is able to tell you all the correct documents and papers required like the proof of scores, funds available, statement of purpose, recommendation letters etc. If you are aware about this, then you can arrange funds and make all the documents ready for the final processing.

Preparing to clear English skills Test: Evidence of your language proficiency in English is a very significant eligibility criterion to be able to get the enrolment offer from a university of your preference, that is why you need to get the desired scores in that so that the visa agent can apply for an admission offer letter for you from an approved educational institution. Abroad Gateway will help you prepare for the test as they have the best language trainers available who can provide correct guidance and skills to you for the same.

Filing the application for the visa: Once the scores of IELTS or PTE or any other English language test is received, the visa application process starts. The visa team at Abroad Gateway which is the best student visa consultant in Chandigarh is an expert in this process and know too well how the documents ought to be arranged and presented while applying visa to have the highest chances of acceptance. This is the most crucial stage as if all is done as per the norms, the visa will be surely provided to their client.

What else the team offers: Abroad Gateway is the best Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh because it not only processes the visa application for you but also assists you for many other things needed in the pre-preparation stage.

  1. Loan Assistance: If you do not have the sufficient funds and would like to apply for the student loan then the team here helps you to get that as well.
  2. Writing SOP: SOP is the document where you have to state the purpose of you visit clearly connecting in to the future plans along with the past education completed. It is really important that your SOP is grammatically correct and has no loop holes. The team here offers SOP writing service as well and they write it from the scratch for you ensuring that you get the admission letter based on that.
  3. Forex: Once everything is done and you are ready to leave the country, you will need the help to get the foreign currency for all your expenses. The team here can assist you for this too so that you do not face any issues.
  4. Tickets: If you need help to book the tickets for you then they can do that as well for you.


To conclude, if the plan is already made to go abroad then quickly contact the team at Abroad Gateway to start your abroad learning process as soon as possible because the most important thing in the world is time which must not be wasted mulling about things.

How to help of study visa consultants in International education?

Being student if you have make up your mind to move abroad for higher studies, it is necessary to hire the best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh especially if you are living in Chandigarh or somewhere around Chandigarh. A study visa consultant can help you by giving you write guidance at every step such from selecting the location to move to arrive at that location only an experienced international study visa consultant can help you achieve the milestones of your abroad academic journey. There are some major services which is providing by a study visa consultant in Chandigarh which is none other than abroad gateway.

Profile assessment: Firstly, a Study Visa Consultant will access your file in detail to give you right guidance such as by understanding your profile he came to know that what you have done in your education in your home country what course you should select to pursue your education in overseas.

Country to Choose: In this your consultant will guide you which country is best for you to move abroad   according to your profile such as if you have completed your education in the hospitality your consultant will tell you to choose Vancouver and if you have completed your education in the Information technology you should opt for Alberta in Canada this was just an example to make you understand to how to choose particular location in the specific country. Moreover, as per your profile and skills your consultant will guide you to choose the best country such as if you have learnt the German language as an add on with your studies you should choose Germany similarly if you can speak French language you should choose Canada to move. Only your study visa consultant can guide that which would be best country for you.

Selecting University: In this, your study visa consultant will help you to select the best university for you as before selecting any university he will give some parameters by which you can get the idea that the services which you want being an international student university is providing or not services such as work permit, scholarships, IELTS waivers and so on. If university has all of the parameters which you want, you can select this university.

Selecting course: This would be the another factor in which your international study visa consultant will help you by suggesting you that which course you should choose as course should be of high in demand and leading course so that after completing this course you can get the white collar jobs easily and choose the course which will give you the education points at the time when you apply for the PR. Moreover, the course should be linked with your previous studies, if there will be no link, you might face refusal or rejection.

Documentation: In this your study visa consultant will tell you which documents you need to arrange to apply for the students and also how to manage these documents with the technicalities which your n need to take care while preparing your documents. Documents should be in the sequence or the order as per university and embassy norms.

Aware you about the intake openings: In this your consultant will aware you about the intake openings in advance so that you will not miss the important in take such as he will tell you that you are appearing for IELTS Coaching Centre in Chandigarh and it will take time then you can appear for the duo lingo exam to secure your seat for the specific intake and when you get the result of IELTS exam you can attach the TRF with the rest of documents.

Deadlines of the universities: In this Universities have different deadlines for the different formalities such as you need to deposit the fee before the last date and need register yourself for the intake before it closes all the above information provide by your consultant.

An effective SOP:  SOP stands for statement of purpose which you need to specify the statement of the purpose for which you are moving to abroad. Your consultant need to be expertise in writing an effective SOP as different students have different purpose to move abroad your consultant need represent it in a well manner.

Extra skills: In this your consultant will tell you the extra skills you can learn from the country which will be beneficial for you during your academic journey as this help you to get the part-time job in the abroad easily for example you did some course of cookery from your home will help you get the part- time job in a restaurant. Moreover, if you get your visa earlier you can do the language course such as if you are moving to Canada you can learn the French language as French is second language spoken in Canada.


How to choose the right abroad university consultant in Chandigarh?

If you are a student and you have decided to move abroad for higher studies, you need to consult with abroad university consultant in Chandigarh if you are living in Chandigarh as Abroad Gateway is one of the Best Student Visa Consultants in Chandigarh. Your consultant will guide you after studying your profile to determine which university is best for you. To identify the best university for you need to go through a checklist:

Location of the university: In this, your consultant will guide you on which location the university you should opt for as this would be the one of major factors of your academic journey which might affect your journey if you choose the wrong The university should be in the heart of the city where you can get everything easily such as accommodation, a part-time job and so on. Moreover, if the university is in the centre of the town it must be one of the reputed universities, once you complete your studies at this university you will get the education points when you apply for the PR and numerous job opportunities.

University success rate: If you are going to select a university you need to check the success rate of the university every year university generates positive results or not. Moreover, the university should have a 100% success rate and positive feedback in this you just need to check whether that university has lived up to its hype or not.

Public or private university: You should give priority to the universities which are public means government funded these universities provide services at economical prices such as they are providing the same course at half of the prices which other universities offer at double prices. Moreover, these universities provide extra benefits to the students.

University Rating and Reviews: Before selecting any university you need to check the ratings and reviews on Google of that university so that you can get an idea about the Services the University is providing such as quality of the education. By checking ratings, you can easily get an idea about the quality of the education the university is providing and how much students are satisfied with the quality of the education they are providing.

Courses provided by the university: Before selecting any university you need to check online that universities are providing which kind of courses they are providing courses which are in demand we need to enquire from the university or we can check from the university website. Moreover, you need to check the duration of the courses and compare it with the other universities so that you can decide in which university you should opt for which course.

Scholarships provided by the university: Being an international student you need to enquire from the university whether the university is providing scholarships or not and if they are providing then how much fee reduction is possible under this scholarship program. Most universities provide scholarships from 10 % to 50% which means you can get a fee reduction from 10 % to 50% to half of the fee can be reduced which varies from university to university.

Submission of the fee: You need to enquire about what is university criteria for the fee submission being an international student it will help you some universities allow you to submit in instalments but some have clear restrictions to submit the full fee before flying. So according to your financial status, you can choose the university.

IELTS waiver facility: Some universities give IELTS waivers to students they give admission to students without IELTS if they have good academic scores overall or specifically in English subject. Moreover, some universities provide admission based on the MOI which stands for the medium of understanding, it means universities say that if students have good academic scores and have a certificate that states that the medium of understanding during their studies was English they can get admission in our university.

Language proficiency test requirements: Before selecting any university you need to make sure that what Language proficiency test requirements you need to fulfil to get admission in that particular university.

Work permit facility: In this, you need to enquire whether the university provides the work permit facility or not after completing studies as it varies from university to university. Being an international student you need it so it’s better to enquire about this before selecting any university.

Placement rate: In this, you need to check the placement rate of the university as you need to enquire which companies are coming for the placements to the universities and how many students got selected every year in this manner you can secure your future if the placement rate is high.

Co-op facility: This would be another major aspect which you need to enquire about the co-op facility which means internship most of the universities provide this facility but in some universities, it is paid and for some, it is free of cost. It will be very beneficial for you as completing your studies employers will consider co-op as experience.

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The Need for a Study Visa Consultant for Canada

Study visa is the legal permission that a foreigner needs to enter a country to get educated in one of the educational institute there. This is the most sought visa type in any country because in the present time youngsters desire to get the best education in the field of their interest and globalisation has opened many doors for that. Students dream about this and plan ahead to make it a success. For this the first thing that they need to do is search for a competent Canada Study Visa Consultant and they can find them in Chandigarh.

Why a study visa consultant is needed?

An individual can apply for the student visa on their own by following the stated procedure by the government of Canada if they are eligible for one. Yet, applicants prefer choosing a Canada Study Visa Consultant for the same. The reason behind this is the complexity of the application process which is not easy for a normal person to understand. The immigration policies and procedures keep changing time to time so it is necessary that you get the update at the earliest. A good study visa agent knows all the intricacies of the process, therefore are able to guide you well to proceed further.

Let’s delve into the detailed reasons behind choosing a Canada study visa consultant in Chandigarh:

Wealth of Experience: The Canada Student Visa Consultants in Chandigarh have ample of experience to apply the student visa for Canada because the immigration industry in Chandigarh has been doing it for very long now. In the past when the trend to study abroad was not that popular in India, it was there in Punjab and Haryana and people of these states used to apply for Canada’s student visa in Chandigarh because it is the capital of that. Due to this rich experience they are the better in their work as compared to others.

Deep Knowledge: As mentioned above, the Student Visa Consultants in Chandigarh have in-depth knowledge of the education system of Canada and the available courses in each of the reputed university or college that is why they are able to give you a lot of choices. Also, the course or program that you want to pursue must be in sync with the demand of the employment sector so that once you complete that you get a huge number of opportunities to work and excel in your career, this information will be provided by an efficient student visa agent only.

There are certain eligibility criteria set by the Canadian government for the international students to enter their country to study, the visa agents are able to let you know about that along with the mandatory documentation for the processing of your application.

Discernible Communication: Every field has its own language full of the technical vocabulary and jargons. When a common man reads about them or hears them from others, it is impossible to comprehend them correctly which leads to a lot of confusion which is very harmful for the visa application process. A proficient consultant will be able to tell you about the meaning of the field specific words and the actual usage of them so that you understand what is happening and what you are required to do. They explain things in your language so that you can know them well.

Preparation of the Necessary Paperwork: There is a lot of paperwork required to apply for the Canadian student visa and it is important that you make them in correct format and well in time. A good Best Immigration Consultants for Canada will be able to help you well to prepare the documents in the acceptable format and language (sometimes you need translation of the documents in local language like Punjabi or Hindi). Also, they will write the SOP for you too which is needed at the time of submitting the application to the university to get the offer letter.

Add-on Services: The Canada study visa consultants in Chandigarh are efficient enough to support their clients over and above the basic application process like assisting to get the student loans, booking tickets, arranging Canadian dollars to be used in Canada.

Hence, if you are planning to go to Canada and are in Chandigarh or around that then you must hire the best Canada Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh so that you have smooth processing of that and get to move to Canada as soon as possible.

Discover Perfect Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh today!

Professional consultation is the best approach if it is related to something which impacts one’s life greatly like education, career, medical issues and many other. There are many counsellors who offer education and career counselling to the students at school or outside and all of them suggest to plan things in advance to have best outcome. That is the reason a lot of school or college goers who plan to study abroad begin the process of student visa application beforehand because it is a long and intricate process. If you are a resident of Chandigarh or live at places around it then you are lucky to have the long list of Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh to choose the best one for you. But, the big question arises here is “how to discover the perfect Student Visa Consultant in Chandigarh?”

Here is what you must do to find the perfect Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh:

The first and foremost step is to check which consultants are authorized to provide consultation about the student visa process.

The next step should be to find out about their performance by reference check with any known person who have taken their services. If there is no one known available for reference check then view the feedbacks and testimonials of past clients which are available over the internet (these days, people love to talk about anything and everything online, so you will be able to find enough content).

Find out about the number of years of experience they have in this field. It is always good to have a seasoned visa agent who has handled a variety of cases because this process is full of many procedures based upon the policies of each foreign country.

If you are going for a paid consultant, you ought to ask for the charges or fee they ask for in return of their services. Also, do ask for its break up and purpose of that. However, there are some good ones which do not charge you anything for this.

A good and reputed Student Visa Consultant in Chandigarh will never charge you for counselling sessions. They provide free counselling where you can discuss your profile and ask about the best possibilities as per your interest.

The best players in the market will have multiple options for you in various countries so that you can have a lot of choice and you do not have to compromise due to lack of options.

Also, the top student visa agents will provide career counselling to you and advise you to pick the university and courses which will help you reap great benefits in future.

Besides that, the renowned Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh have deep and thorough knowledge of the various policies and procedures involved in the process to apply for a program in numerous educational institutions and the visa filing to the embassy. You must ask to tell about each step involved along with the explanation to know it well.

The best consultants will never hesitate to answer any of the questions and will provide complete clarification about anything you ask, keep your eyes and ears open to observe if he or she is trying to avoid any of the questions you asked.

Your visa agent must know all the documents and paperwork required for the process and must advise you to make them ready so that there is no issues later. The evidence of availability of funds for fee and living expenses is extremely important and sometimes one has to apply for the student loan for that, in such case it needs to be applied well in advance to avoid any delays in the application process.

Before you personally meet the consultant for study visa, you should research a little yourself too so that you can better understand what the consultant is telling. Also, this will help you to ask relevant questions regarding the whole process.

The best Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh usually offer the preparation to clear the English proficiency tests like IELTS or PTE etc. as well which is a pre-requisite to apply for the student visa to any good country because good scores in such tests lead to better options of universities and colleges.


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Who is the Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh?

Education is the fundamental right of every person and one should have the freedom to get educated wherever they want. Awareness of this has made many youngsters shift abroad to have better educational opportunities because as an adult it is expected that you earn well to have a better life for yourself as well as your family. Annually, a great number of students go abroad to complete their higher education and the popular countries for them are Canada, Australia, UK, USA, New Zealand and few more. To fulfil their dream to study abroad a lot of pupils come to Chandigarh which offers them better preparation and processing regarding the various procedures but this industry is full of consultancies which do not know the right ways to handle things and just misguide the clients. Thus, you need to be too careful while choosing the Student visa agents in Chandigarh.

Let me take this opportunity to disclose the Best study visa consultant in Chandigarh for you which is Abroad Gateway and let us dig deep into the reasons for that:

Detailed Knowledge of:

  • Universities & Colleges: Abroad Gateway is the consultancy which houses the visa agents who have tremendous knowledge about the various universities and colleges in all the preferred countries and that is why they are able to provide you with all the possible options so that you have huge variety to choose from. Only a good Visa Agent in Chandigarh will tell you that private universities which are DLI approved are as good as the public ones.
  • Courses in demand: The team here knows quite well which courses are in demand because they are the ones which will be beneficial from future’s perspective. Also, they do know which college or university is better for which field, for example; British Columbia is really good for Hospitality.
  • Jobs in demand: As there are ample of courses in each field nowadays, it becomes confusing for you to pick the right one. Here the visa counsellor is of great help if he or she is the Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh. The team at Abroad Gateway is well aware of the job market around the world, therefore they are capable of guiding you to go for the program or field that will reap benefits in the upcoming years.
  • Documentation Required: The visa counsellors of this organization keep themselves well versed with the documentation needed to file the visa for a specific country. They are the first ones to know about any changes in the policies and procedures related to immigration of students.

In-depth knowledge of procedure:

  • SOP Writing: Statement of purpose is a very important piece of document for the student visa and writing it is an art which not everyone can master. Most of the consultants copy and paste the SOPs available online and that is the reason it gets rejected due to plagiarism. Understanding it too well the team here writes the SOP themselves taking the information from you and putting it clearly for the officials so that they are convinced that you are the right candidate. Also, they have the capability to write the SOP for both, the university as well as the embassy.
  • Presentation of file: Once all the documents are available and the admission offer letter is received, the visa consultant applies for the visa in the embassy. It is crucial that they are presented in an organized way and in a certain sequence for the ease of the visa officer.
  • Work Permit: Everyone who studies abroad must apply for the work permit towards the end of their course so that they could acquire the relevant experience to be able to have better job opportunities and a thriving career.

Client Oriented: What makes Abroad Gateway the Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh is the fact that for them client is the priority and the whole staff does what is best for their client. Hence, they proactively interact with the college representatives to get the update on the processing of the application and also share that with the client so that they rest assured that everything is progressing in the right direction. It is your right as a client and they take it as their duty which only an ethical organisation understands.


Why Choose Abroad Gateway for Student Visa in Chandigarh?

Abroad Gateway is the immigration consultancy firm in Chandigarh which is known for being the best in the industry. It undertakes all types of visa processing including the student visa for all the popular countries and prestigious universities. If you want to send your children overseas to get better education and are looking for an efficient Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh then you must reach out to Abroad Gateway.

The attributes making AG the Best Student Visa Consultant in Chandigarh:

Quality Service: Abroad Gateway has a team of visa professionals who have expertise in visa filing process for the students who dream of completing their studies abroad. This team is very proficient in the field of abroad education and is committed to give the best quality services to all its clients because they believe, “customer is God”. The repeat clients and the new clients referred by the old ones are the proof of the enriching experience they had with the Abroad Gateway team.

Erudite Team: The team Abroad Gateway consists of the erudite professionals who have detailed knowledge about the merits and demerits of getting educated in each of the popular nation as per the field of interest, therefore they bring the best option available for a student on the table which will make the foundation for a lucrative career path.

Along with that, they have excellent understanding of the end to end process to be followed for student visa application for various countries as it differs depending upon the respective laws of immigration in the nation. There could be difference in the type of documents needed or the requirement of the SOP for the purpose of getting the admission offer from a renowned educational institute or any other variation.

Focussed Team: Being the Best Student Visa Consultants in Chandigarh, the visa team at Abroad Gateway is much focused and pays undiluted attention to each and every client. When they take up a case they take complete responsibility of that ensuring unhindered processing of the visa filing. They write the Statement of Purpose for each student applicant for university from beginning to end explaining the need to get enrolled and the credibility of the candidature for the same. That is not all, they also write the same for the embassy to be attached with the visa application form.

The team stays ahead of the process in each stage and works proactively to get assured visa for you and keep the clients in the loop so that they are also informed and updated.

Prudent Practice: The AG team works prudently on each file to remove all the obstacles on the way resourcefully so that you dream is not shattered. For example; if you have scored a little less but are determined to work hard to pursue your education abroad then they will research and suggest you the universities and educational programs that you can apply for. Similarly, if you have decided late to go to a foreign country to study then they will be able to advise you to apply to universities which give offer letter quickly so that you do not miss the bus.

English Language Coaching: Abroad Gateway has experienced and qualified trainers to make you ready for the tests like IELTS, PTE or other tests. It has the provision of the online as well as offline coaching for the students which they can choose as per their convenience. The trainers are experts and teach as per the curriculum which is well crafted to deliver the best output.

Strong Moral Values: Abroad Gateway has earned its name and reputation owing to the strong belief in the good moral values like honesty, kindness, ethics etc. This runs throughout the company, from top to the bottom. They take accountability of all their actions and are answerable for them. They are sympathetic and empathetic towards their clients and try everything possible to make their clients happy.

Exceeding the Client’s Expectations: All the above listed attributes make AG the topmost Student Visa Consultant in Chandigarh but they have more than that for you. They provide assistance to get student loan which is needed in most of the cases as it is little expensive and many students just drop the idea of studying abroad due to lack of sufficient funds. Besides that, it can help you plan your travel and book tickets for you too along with arranging foreign currency for you at low rates with minimal fee.

It is truly providing you all the services under one roof so that you do not have the need to run around to different places to complete different chores.


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How do I choose a study visa consultant in Chandigarh?

Chandigarh is a hub for the IELTS and visa aspirants and annually a great number of students come to the city to improve their English language proficiency to crack the IELTS or PTE or other language proficiency tests with good score so that they are able to go overseas for further education. This is because Chandigarh is the capital of two prominent states; Punjab and Haryana which lead all the other states in terms of students seeking to go abroad to study. Also, for people living in other neighbouring states it is very easy to come to the city. All these reasons have resulted in the growth of the count of organizations offering study visa consultation services to people which has also given rise to the confusion for the clients to pick the right one for them. It is a difficult choice to make, let me tell you what should be the right way to carry out this process to accomplish the task of choosing the Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh.

Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

  1. The first step in this journey is to google out the list of top ten to twenty study visa consultants in Chandigarh. This is easily done without any hassle.
  2. The next action should be to read the reviews of the clients on google or other platforms. It is important that you read them completely to understand few key qualities – What is the success rate? How reliable is the company? Are they easily approachable?
  3. It is also important that you understand if the reviews are fake or real. Sometimes people put wrong or fake reviews to either promote the organization or to degrade it. If you are an avid reader, then you will be able to understand that easily through the language and style of reviews.
  4. Once you have read the reviews, based on your understanding, shortlist a few of them that look promising. Then it is always the best idea to visit their website to know about the place even more. You will be able to see what services are offered by them apart from the student visa as it could be of your benefit only. You can also dig deep into the information about the higher management and the date of inception of the company. This also gives clarity about how trustworthy the company could be.
  5. After this, you should visit the social media accounts of them to see video or pictures of the place. It will give you the idea about the success rate of the cases and functioning of the organization. You will be able to see the client testimonials which will be helpful for you.
  6. The next step for you now is to call these study visa consultants in Chandigarh one by one to talk to them personally. It is always good that you call first as it will let you know how professional they are by the way address your queries. The good and trustworthy study visa consultants in Chandigarh will talk to you courteously and give the details freely and would never hesitate to call you to visit their office for face to face meeting.
  7. Now is the time to pay them a visit. Based on the above process of short-listing, you will be able to reach few names which look credible enough, now arrange for a personal meeting and visit the office.
  8. In the first meeting, tell them about your preferences, finances, and scores so that they can find out the best available options for you. Ask as many questions as you can to clear out any doubts of confusion you have about the process, funds and career prospects. A good study visa consultantancy in Chandigarh will be able to give to clear answers of most of your questions. If they do not have the answer for a question (it might be a new concern), they will find out the answer and get back to you rather than giving you wrong or fake information.
  9. Try to assess their knowledge by asking the details of the process for application and most importantly the different aspects to consider while selecting a university or a course so that you have fruitful career. The best study visa consultant in Chandigarh has great knowledge about them and will be able to guide you well with explanation for all that. For example; if you have a long term plan to get PR then Ontario is a better place to study in Canada as it has the strong economy, great opportunities to work in future and a very simple PR application process.
  10. The study visa consultant who is able to give all the answers transparently with a client first approach is the right one for you. Now, you are ready to proceed with the application to fulfill your dream to studying abroad.

If you want to cut down your search process as you do not have enough time for that then you must not waste any more of your time and directly contact Abroad Gateway which is the best study visa consultant in Chandigarh.

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