on High Sierra lyrical vers 2.1.3 install

on High Sierra lyrical vers 2.1.3 install

Main category / Home Personal
Sub category / Music
Developer / Akshay Hegde
Filesize / 8806
Title / Lyrical

○ vers.2.1.3 Lyrical

LYRICS DISPLAY: DesktopLyrics does not only display the lyrics but can also display the information about the current song (e.g. title) in a customizable manner. Additionally, you can opt to display the artwork of the song too. DesktopLyrics allows you to define the font, size, color and shadows for the lyrics and for the song-information separately, so that the lyrics exactly match your taste and desktop picture. Hey friend! Help me out for a couple of

on High Sierra lyrical vers 2.1.3 installultima modifica: 2019-05-14T10:41:39+02:00da subsstylrousour