Original photo by Randy Mays; a craft table in Silver Spring in June


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  • Perspective

Tucker Carlson’s claim that white supremacy is a hoax is easy to prove wrong. Just watch his show.

The Fox News host is central to the network’s damaging message that nonwhites are the enemy.

FILE – In this March 2, 2017 file photo, Tucker Carlson, host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” poses for photos in a Fox News Channel studio, in New York. The liberal advocacy group Media Matters for America this week released two batches of recordings Carlson made as a guest on a radio show where he made denigrating remarks about race and gender. It was timed to coincide with Fox’s first-ever sales meeting with advertisers on Wednesday, March 12, 2019. Media Matters says it wants to pressure Fox into better behavior by making advertisers aware of what is being said on the air. Carlson says critics want to shut Fox down. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)(Richard Drew/AP)

How a T-shirt is helping my nonverbal son to communicate

He had found a way to communicate his feelings in that moment using the material he had on hand.
  • Jamie Sumner
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Gene Weingarten: I’ve got a bad feline about this

When you get right down to it, a cat is a preposterous object to have around the house.

Get your ’rick rolling: Style Invitational limerick guide

If you’d like to enter our Week 1344 Limerixicon contest, read these guidelines.
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To breathe new life into a tired family room, start with a stylish sectional

A classic but modern space is easy to achieve with clean lines and neutral upholstery.
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Craft time: Aug. 11, 2019

  • Original photo by Randy Mays; a craft table in Silver Spring in June.
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Ask Amy: Professor wants to be rid of racist books

Jim Crow Museum might want these 19th-century books for its collection.
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Hints From Heloise: You’ll want to hear this

Loss of hearing is a widespread health issue around the world.
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Miss Manners: Fiancee-no-more is asked to return all gifts

The engagement ring is just one expensive item he purchased and wants back.
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Carolyn Hax: She’s the big sister I never wanted

A reader’s sister-in-law is patronizing to her and her husband.
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Pro baseball marks 150 years, but it wasn’t the same game back then

The rules and the equipment are just two things that have changed over the years.

Alaskan group wants an end to wolf hunting near Denali National Park

Tour bus drivers report seeing fewer wolves on the road inside the park.
  • Associated Press

Six months after ICE arrest, 21 Savage raps his redemption

The rapper faced possible deportation to the United Kingdom last winter. His Washington performance was triumphant.
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Sliding doors Icardi:

L’argentino ha segnato 8 gol in 14 sfide ai torinesi vestendo la maglia di Samp e Inter. E adesso che potrebbe andare a Torino…

6 agosto – 10:39 – MILANO

Ha sempre provato piacere nel segnare alla Juventus, chissà che tra qualche giorno non possa provare piacere a portarsi le mani alle orecchie per i gol “per” la Juventus. Il destino di Mauro Icardi potrebbe attorcigliarsi su sé stesso e intraprendere un’inversione a U.

Era il 14 settembre del 2013 e Icardi portava in vantaggio l’Inter al Meazza. Poco dopo pareggerà Vidal (ANSA)

FEELING – Dalla stagione 2012-13 all’ultima, l’argentino ha stampato 8 gol in faccia ai bianconeri. Otto gol in sette partite. I confronti giocati tra campionato e Coppa Italia sono 12, ma in quattro di essi Maurito non ha graffiato. Il suo rapporto con i gol alla Juve è certificato quasi quanto il suo feeling con il gol in generale. I colori bianco e nero sono al secondo posto insieme al bianco e al celeste della Lazio, pure lei colpita 8 volte in carriera. I preferiti invece stanno tre gradini sopra, a quota 11, e sono quelli della Fiorentina e della Sampdoria. Sì, proprio i colori doriani. Quelli con cui si fece conoscere il 6 gennaio del 2013. Il 6 gennaio (e quando se no…) si “manifestò” al calcio italiano rifilando una doppietta ai bianconeri con la Sampdoria. In poco più di un quarto d’ora, nella ripresa, ribaltò il gol di Giovinco consegnando il successo alla squadra di Delio Rossi dentro lo Stadium. Un girone dopo, al ritorno, si limitò a segnarne uno ma bastò perché anche quella gara la vinse la Samp.

Icardi festeggia con Eder ai tempi della Sampdoria un gol segnato alla Juventus nel 2013 (LAPRESSE)

IL FLUSSO SI SGONFIA – A dire il vero questo flusso magico ha dato tantissimo all’inizio per poi sgonfiarsi con il passare del tempo. Icardi ha segnato sei gol nei primi cinque incroci con la Juventus, dal 2013 al 2015. Nel giro di un paio d’anni sembrava che ci fosse una tassa da pagare ogni qualvolta che la Juventus passasse lungo il suo tragitto. Nelle successive 9 sfide, Mauro ha segnato solo due volte e nell’ultima stagione zero. Quasi come se la fascia da capitano lo avesse ammorbidito. Ora che la fascia da capitano non gli stringe più il braccio, chissà che possa mettersi in viaggio sulla Milano-Torino e iniziare a far pagare la tassa all’Inter…

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Retracing an African slave route 400 years later

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Why India and Pakistan dispute Kashmir

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This time of year is peak humpback sighting season in Monterey Bay

The unsuspecting sea lion got snapped by local photographer Chase Dekker CREDIT:  CHASE DEKKER/ AFP

31 JULY 2019 • 12:25PM

Awildlife photographer got the snap of a lifetime when a California sea lion he was photographing found itself caught between the jaws of a humpback whale.
This time of year is peak humpback sighting season in Monterey Bay, California. Whale herds stop in the area to snack on anchovies, but the small fish are also a favorite food of sea lions.
Usually the species manage to avoid each other, local photographer Chase Dekker said. But when he went to take pictures of feeding last week, an unsuspecting sea lion got caught up in the frenzy.
Dekker saw three humpback whales approach a school of anchovies a pack of sea lions were feeding on.
The moment a clumsy sea lion was swallowed by a humpback whale during a feeding frenzy for anchovies in Monterey Bay CREDIT: CHASE DEKKER
“While the humpbacks were lunge feeding on a school of anchovies, a sea lion apparently didn’t jump out of the way fast enough and got trapped inside the whale’s mouth,” Dekker posted on his Instagram page.
When whales feed on large schools of fish, they open their mouths wide as they can and charge forward, eating as many fish as they can in a single gulp in a process known as lunge feeding.
“As soon as I saw this photograph, I knew it may be one of the rarest shots I’ve ever taken,” Dekker told National Geographic. “Not the most beautiful, not the most artistic, but probably something I would never see again.”
The sea lion soon fell out of the whale’s mouth and swam away. Both the sea lion and humpback whale appeared to be fine, Dekker said.


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Ulteriori informazioni Vicenzo Calamai

The Telegraph

From The Editor 

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The Telegraph
Thursday, July 25, 2019

From The Editor 

Find out what the Editor of the Telegraph thinks you would enjoy reading this week.

The purge is over – what happens next?

Dear reader,

Could Boris finally be The One? The Tory grassroots are daring to hope so and Allister Heath writes: “there is at least a chance that something extraordinary might happen.” He says the new Cabinet could transform Britain’s economy, society and political institutions. What are your predictions?It is a rarely discussed topic, but this week Kat Brown shared her story about how her second cycle of IVF failed. It’s a powerful read.

In Alaska, the glaciers are melting rapidly and visitors are flocking to see the spectacular landscape. Worryingly, this boom in tourism is creating new challenges. Rozina Sabur investigates.

Finally, we know the world isn’t all doom and gloom, so we’re introducing The Bright Side, a newsletter bringing you the week’s positive stories. It launches on Tuesday lunchtime and you can sign up here for free.

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I hope you enjoy my selections; as ever, there’s much, much more on our website.

Chris My Choices

My Choices

Boris Johnson
Why Boris Johnson’s brilliant Brexit dream team proves he is deadly serious. Read Allister Heath’s column.
Boris Johnson and Max Hastings
This is a fascinating article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who met Boris Johnson back in 1991. Do read it.
Kat Brown
I’d urge you to read this very moving piece by the journalist Kat Brown whose IVF treatment did not have the happy ending she hoped for.
An aerial shot of Spencer Glacier, in the Chugach National Forest
As people become aware of the perils of a changing climate they are rushing to see Alaska’s spectacular landscape, as Rozina Sabur explains in this fascinating feature.
Clive Anderson
The comedian and broadcaster Clive Anderson is staging his first one-man show, aged 66. He says he hopes it’s not too late, in this piece written especially for us.

My Choices

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Boris Johnson
Why Boris Johnson’s brilliant Brexit dream team proves he is deadly serious. Read Allister Heath’s column.
Boris Johnson and Max Hastings
This is a fascinating article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who met Boris Johnson back in 1991. Do read it.
Kat Brown
I’d urge you to read this very moving piece by the journalist Kat Brown whose IVF treatment did not have the happy ending she hoped for.
An aerial shot of Spencer Glacier, in the Chugach National Forest
As people become aware of the perils of a changing climate they are rushing to see Alaska’s spectacular landscape, as Rozina Sabur explains in this fascinating feature.
Clive Anderson
The comedian and broadcaster Clive Anderson is staging his first one-man show, aged 66. He says he hopes it’s not too late, in this piece written especially for us.
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Ebach_1,il tuo account è stato creato!

Ebach_1,il tuo account è stato creato! Unexpected facts about men in Italy Men in this country can be divided into two categories. The first look so-so and sometimes create traffic congestion, because they can not take off a look of walking girls. The second ones are stylish and brutal, and females turn around to look at them – whether to admire their bodies or to examine their accessories. They are very jealous. They like to look at beautiful girls, even if they are dressed up like nuns. Italian men really care of themselves and look even better than some women. They like to talk for a long time and still say nothing. Most of them are generous only for compliments; they are quite avaricious on gifts. Italian males are neat. Their white shirts are really white, mostly they prefer to choose a wardrobe by themselves. Men in Italy are very venturesome, all kinds of lotteries, slot machines, casino, and now online casinos are very popular among them. Unlike other Europeans, they are funny and love to joke! They cook and clean a house together with women. There is no concept of a female housewife. There are all equal. Italian men of different regions differ markedly from each other, especially in the north and south. In the north live the cynics and pragmatists, while in the south – extroverts and philanthropists. Parents here are sacred. It is normal for them to live with parents up to 40 years. And now I present to you my Top-24 most hot Italian men.

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Italian men have gained a reputation of fatal seducers. They are emotional and love to gesticulate. The process of seduction is absolutely natural as breathing for them, so they use it regularly.

A typical Italian male in general has such physical features:

  1. Dark complexion;
  2. Brown eyes;
  3. Dark hair;
  4. Average growth;
  5. Charming smile.

His is a kind of not too tall passionate brunette. Against the background of the larger European neighbors Italian men differ a lot with their mobility and smiling, showing the superiority of quality, and rather quality over quantity.

They are characterized as a very pleasant and romantic. But this description is more suitable for southerners. The further north, the more “European” and ordinary men look: not as dark hair, not so deep dark eyes, even their skin becomes paler and more transparent. Nevertheless, the Italian character is visable in a distance with its openness and active gesticulation.

Italian men temperament

What can we say about Italian male in love? Let us remember the image of Romeo at the Juliet’s balcony – here he is! Italian man in love is insane in a good way. His emotional feelings make him loosing a head. In addition to women there are three great passions in lives of the most Italian men: food, family and sports.

Plunging into flirting, the Italian male falls in love once again, and often  is experiencing the breaking up more painful than his girl. No wonder almost all Italian males like love songs, and most of them are about unrequited love and broken heart.

A woman is a symbol of beauty and motherhood for all men in this country. Men here are real connoisseurs of female beauty, they prefer to admire it and do not hide this fact. Girls can often hear compliments from men on the streets – “Bellissima”!

Unexpected facts about men in Italy

  1. Men in this country can be divided into two categories. The first look so-so and sometimes create traffic congestion, because they can not take off a look of walking girls. The second ones are stylish and brutal, and females turn around to look at them – whether to admire their bodies or to examine their accessories.
  2. They are very jealous.
  3. They like to look at beautiful girls, even if they are dressed up like nuns.
  4. Italian men really care of themselves and look even better than some women.
  5. They like to talk for a long time and still say nothing.
  6. Most of them are generous only for compliments; they are quite avaricious on gifts.
  7. Italian males are neat. Their white shirts are really white, mostly they prefer to choose a wardrobe by themselves.
  8. Men in Italy are very venturesome, all kinds of lotteries, slot machines, casino, and now online casinos are very popular among them.
  9. Unlike other Europeans, they are funny and love to joke!
  10. They cook and clean a house together with women. There is no concept of a female housewife. There are all equal.
  11. Italian men of different regions differ markedly from each other, especially in the north and south. In the north live the cynics and pragmatists, while in the south – extroverts and philanthropists.
  12. Parents here are sacred. It is normal for them to live with parents up to 40 years.

And now I present to you my Top-24 most hot Italian men.

  • 24. Fabio Cannavaro (13 September 1973) – Italian footballer


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