The effects of radon exposure: How can we reduce it at home?

If you’re like most people, you probably haven’t given much thought to radon. But this naturally occurring gas can be pretty dangerous – and it’s lurking in your home. Here’s what you need to know about radon and how to protect yourself from exposure.

What is radon? And where does it come from?

Radon is a mysterious gas that can be found virtually everywhere, lurking in your home, place of work, and even outdoors! It has no smell or taste, so you won’t know it’s there until the inevitable test results come back. 

But where does this mysterious gas come from? Well, its source is the radioactive decay of radium elements naturally present in soil, rock, and water. These particles travel into the atmosphere, eventually seeping through cracks in foundation walls and foundations causing indoor air pollution. 

So if you haven’t tested for radon in your home yet, now would be a great time to make sure you’re staying safe with Luft!

How are we exposed to radon?

Radon is all around us. Found in the soil beneath our feet it can easily seep up and into our homes, leaving us at risk for exposure without us even knowing it. Our regular activities like sleeping, eating, and spending time indoors mean that we can be exposed to more radon than if we spent time outdoors.

The health effects of radon exposure

While it is naturally occurring, radon exposure to elevated concentrations of it can have devastating consequences on our health. Thus, it is important to be aware of the dangers of radon buildup and take precautionary measures if your home is at risk. 

Inhaling high levels of this invisible gas can lead to an increased risk of lung cancer, and may even cause eye, nose, and throat irritation. Radon is nothing to joke about. After all, avoiding the effects of its insidious presence can help create a healthier home for you and your family!

Five ways to reduce radon levels in your home

If you’re a homeowner, you likely know that radon is something you should be concerned about. Thankfully, there are ways to reduce the levels of radon in your home and protect yourself and your family from this dangerous gas. Here are some of them:

1. Test your home for radon levels

Testing for radon in your home is easier than you might think! You can purchase a b from the comfort of your couch online or make a quick trip to your local hardware store. As soon as you have it, follow the instructions for setting it up.

Once the detector has been placed, it can monitor radon levels in your home over the next two to seven days. After that time, you will be able to read the results on the device and find out if radon is present in your living space. It’s a straightforward process with no mystery or fuss. And, after that, you can rest easy knowing that radon levels in your home are accurately tested!

2. Fix any cracks or leaks in your foundation

When it comes to your home, you don’t want to leave any stone – or crack – unturned! As an invisible gas, radon can seep into your home and may cause serious health hazards. So, grab some caulking and make sure you fill in attempts by this nasty gas to get access to your sanctuary. 

By doing so, you will protect yourself and your family’s health. Also, it safeguards expensive repairs that could be required down the line if cracks were left unamended. Caulking might seem like a minor job when it comes to improving your foundation now. However, it’ll go a long way toward protecting yourself from radon exposition.

3. Install a radon mitigation system

Are you concerned about the radon levels in your home? If so, don’t fret! Installing a radon mitigation system is easy and can be done without breaking the bank. Most hardware stores will have at least one system readily available. So get one, head on down, grab yourself the necessary materials, and pop it in place. 

In no time at all, you’ll be living safe and sound, free from any worry of radon seeping in and causing health risks to you and your loved ones.

4. Keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible

Keep your home radon-free (and radon-frustrated intruders out) by making sure your windows and doors are shut tight. We know it’s warmer inside, but the air quality is too important! 

Also, make sure by investing in a radon home detector. That way, you can keep an eye on radon levels even when you aren’t minding the windows and doors. Plus, when someone inevitably forgets to shut them, at least you will have an extra layer of radon protection in place.

5. Educate yourself on the dangers of radon and how to reduce the exposure to it

Learning about radon might not be at the top of your to-do list, but trust us, it should be! As noted before, radon is a naturally occurring gas that can build up in our homes, and long-term exposure to its emissions has been linked to health problems like lung cancer. 

Knowing how to detect and reduce your radon exposure might just save your life, so don’t wait any longer. Take a few minutes to educate yourself on the dangers of this odorless, colorless gas and how you can protect your space from its harmful effects. You won’t regret it!


As we have seen, radon poses a serious risk to our health and can cause long-term complications if ignored for too long. However, it is not all doom and gloom. If we take the steps to reduce our exposure and maintain healthy levels in our homes, science has proven that it can be managed. 

Furthermore, there are even programs available to help cover the cost of mitigation services if testing reveals higher-than-recommended levels. So let’s keep ourselves informed about this silent killer, and take safety precautions where is necessary. And, above all else, stay radon-free!

Read More:

Test Home for Radon

Meet the best plants for improving indoor air quality

Want to improve your indoor air quality? Meet the best plants for the job! These guys are sure to do the trick, whether you’re looking to filter out toxins or simply add a touch of nature to your home. Ready to meet your new green friends? Let’s get started!

Peace lily

The peace lily is a plant that doesn’t ask for much, which is why it has become a common indoor companion for many people. This plant is aesthetically pleasing: its white hood-shaped flowers with pale green leaves make it a beautiful addition to any indoor space. 

Also, the peace lily is incredibly helpful for indoor air quality! This plant is an excellent choice for keeping indoor humidity levels up and removing harmful toxins from the air such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. So if you’re looking for an indoor companion that brings as many benefits as it does beauty, then the peace lily might be just what you need with Luft!

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a treasure trove of natural wonders! Healthcare providers love it for its medicinal qualities, homeowners appreciate its indoor air-purifying benefits, and beauty enthusiasts love it for its nourishing nature. 

But that’s not all: an aloe vera plant can help keep indoor air quality up to par. This spiky succulent is forgiving even with novice indoor gardeners and makes a great addition to any home. There’s no telling the amazing things an aloe vera plant can add to your life: take a chance on one today!

Snake plant

The snake plant is a popular indoor choice, in part due to its striking aesthetic value but also because of what it can do for indoor air quality. With its hardy nature, the snake plant can tolerate indoor conditions as well as less-than-perfect watering and light schedules. 

Plus, research suggests that the plant can absorb many indoor air pollutants and release oxygen! So if you’re looking for a handsome housemate with lots of benefits, look no further than the snake plant.

Boston fern

The Boston fern is so much more than just an indoor plant! Renowned for being one of the best air-purifying indoor plants, the Boston fern happily provides crisp indoor air quality for any indoor space. Not only does this indoor decorative pleasure technically purify the air we breathe, but it adds a beautiful accent to any room. 

It doesn’t matter if it’s propped up on a pedestal or hanging from a basket in the sunroom. Introducing a little green foliage and some misting love into your indoor atmosphere is guaranteed to bring a smile and a refreshing breath of fresh air.

Spider plant

Spider plants embrace the indoor gardening lifestyle with their incredibly low-maintenance appeal. Not only are they appreciated for briefly glancing at them, but they’re also highly recognized for their air-purifying qualities that make indoor spaces healthier. 

Yep, spider plants can help keep indoor air quality up by absorbing a variety of toxins and volatile organic compounds (VOC). Plus, who wouldn’t want to liven up their space with the bright white and green leafy pattern? It’s like having a pet plant!

Golden pothos

Golden pothos is a beautiful indoor plant that’s been gaining popularity in recent years! It gives off an exotic, jungle vibe and is super versatile: it can be hung or potted, or trained to climb a stake. Its low-maintenance nature makes it the perfect houseplant for busy people and brown thumbs alike. 

On top of looking good, golden pothos is great for indoor air quality! This plant helps remove pollutants like formaldehyde from the air we breathe. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced gardener, this hardy plant is worth trying out.

Additional tips to improve indoor air quality

Want to freshen up the air in your home? Besides getting indoor plants, there are some easy tips you can follow to improve the quality of your indoor air:

  • Open those windows! Getting a nice breeze in the house always helps bring in some fresh air. 
  • If you already have a radon detector for home, make sure it’s up and running. You may need to change its filters throughout the year for optimal radon mitigation. 
  • Cleaning up any dust or debris in your home can also help; this includes vacuuming rugs or sweeping floorboards regularly. 
  • Lastly, stay away from harsh chemicals around the house like aerosols and paint as much as possible. These may contain toxins that could further decrease indoor air quality. 

Follow these tips and enjoy fresh, clean air indoors!


Indoor air quality isn’t something to ignore. Taking steps to maintain clean air quality inside our homes is a vital part of maintaining a safe and healthy living space. Plants can help us achieve that goal, bringing a little more life into our environment while also giving us the knowledge that we’re breathing healthier air. 

Everyone’s home is unique, so there’s no one-size-fits-all for choosing which plants are best for achieving the best indoor air quality. It depends on where you live, how much space you have, and what your personal preference is. 

Whether you choose from this list of top picks or do some additional research on specific types of plants with beneficial properties, one thing remains certain: surrounding yourself with plants can not only make your abode look great but also offer health benefits to everyone inside!

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Signs of Poor Air Quality