Essential Sports Biography

Valerio Miglio was born in Marino (Rome) in June 1998. He is an italian basket ball player. He started following in the footsteps of his elder Brother Alessandro in the thriving nursery of San Cesareo basket, trained by the late and beloved coach Alessio Martinucci. Afterwards he has had the luck to be followed by several trainers playing for San Cesareo basket: Luca Cardarelli, Mauro Matteo, Roberto Sebastianelli, Hassan Kadir e Paolo Cupellini. When partecipating in the Regional and National stages by Enrico e Mauro Gilardi, Tonino Costanzo, Antonio Bocchino e Andrea Capobianco. During the same period in Pool Eurosport and Virtus Roma he was followed by Massimiliano Briscese, Lorenzo Ricci e Luciano Bongiorno. He was trained by Massimo Corradini, Matteo Picardi e Daniele Tardiolo when in Lido di Roma and Alfa Omega. Once joined Pallacanestro Palestrina by Gianluca Lulli, Emanuele Cecconi, Roberto Bernassola. In 2011 he is awarded best player in the ‘Trofeo Libertas’ Roma and in summer is awarded best young talent at the Pescasseroli Camp. Always in 2011 he is best player at the Trofeo ‘Alessio Martinucci’, takes part in Join the Game, is selected at the ATG Lazio and plays in the Gran Galà celebrating the 90th year of the Federazione Italiana pallacanestro organized at San Vincenzo (Li). Later in the year he plays at the Trofeo Iacoboni in Frosinone playing for Scuba Frosinone. In 2012 he is Top Scorer in his category with an average score of 38%. He is selected for the PQN that took place in Roccaporena (Cascia) supervised by coaches Andrea Capobianco, Antonio Bocchino. He is invited to play at the renowned Trofeo Peppino Tosarello in Latina and to Carlton Meyer’s Sport High School in San Patrignano. He also partecipates in several stages of the Progetto Azzuri nel Lazio. In the same year San Cesareo basket and Eurobasket Roma tighten a collaboration so Valerio has the possibility to play for Virtus Eurobasket, a team set up with Virtus Roma, trained by Massimiliano Briscese in an Eccellenza Championship. Valerio is again selected for the ATG Lazio and in 2013 is one of the 12 selected to play in the Basket Nostrum Tournament and the Trofeo delle Regioni played in Genova. The 8th of May 2013 Virtus Eurobasket is Under 15 Eccellenza Championship and Valerio is MVP, Top Scorer and best assist-man of the team. Before playing the International phase in Livorno, he takes part in the VII memorial Francesco Melis in Mentana to which took parte aside Virtus Eurobasket: Sam Roma, Stella Azzurra and Tiber Roma. Virtus Eurobasket won the tournament and Valerio was chosen as best player. With Virtus Eurobasket After the International phase of Livorno (where he scores 20 points to Olimpia Milano) he brilliantly plays the final phase of Cento where Virtus Eurobasket enters top five teams of Italy. In december 2013 he is invited by coach Andrea Capobianco to “Giornate Azzurre” . In 2014 he plays in the Under 17 eccellenza Championship for Pool Eurobasket (on loan) and in january he wins with Virtus Roma under 17 team the Trofeo Iaia in Palestrina. Valerio thanks to coach Ricci, the management and coach Bongiorno can train with the Pool Eurobasket DNB team. He plays for Virtus Roma Under 16 team in the 11° Youth International tournament in switzerland against: Red Star Belgrade; Fenix Zagreb; Unicaja Malaga; Unelco Tenerife; Khimky Moskow; Swiss National Team; Team Ticino; Cernusco Milano; Sam Basket Massagno Even in this occasion Valerio is one of the best scorers. In march 2014 he is once again called by coach Antonio Bocchino to train in ‘Progetto Azzurri’ organized by the Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro. In july he plays the final of the 26° Trofeo Peppino Tosarello being one of the best players. In the season 2014/15 he plays for lido di Roma the Under 17 eccellenza and Under 19 Elite Championships and in C division for Alfa Omega. He plays very well in all three tournaments. Winning the under 17 pool and going to the Interzonal phase being one of the best scorers. In under 19 he Wins qualifying pool and plays 13 matches in C division playing brilliantly for Alfa Omega and Basketincontro selects him for the Ideal under 19 team. In Easter 2015 he plays with LDR in the Trofeo ‘Giovani Leggende’ in Varese being one of the best scorers and in july once again he plays in the Trofeo ‘Peppino Tosarello’ of Latina. Since August 2015 he is playing (on loan) for Pallacanestro Palestrina. He played in Under 18 Eccellenza and Under 19 Eccellenza Championships and since novembre he played several times in the DNB. In January 2016 Pallacanestro Palestrina Wins the Tonino Iaia tournament and he is awarded best player. In summer 2016 he becomes a Pallacanestro Palestrina player and is in the team’s B division roster. 
Essential Sports Biographyultima modifica: 2017-03-24T10:34:13+01:00da valeriomiglio
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