Come trovare il giusto consulente di pianificazione delle risorse aziendali per la vostra azienda 11/26

Quando si tratta di trovare il consulente giusto per aiutare la vostra azienda con la pianificazione delle risorse aziendali (ERP), è essenziale fare qualche ricerca. Non tutti i consulenti sono uguali e quello sbagliato può costare alla vostra azienda tempo e denaro. Continuate a leggere per saperne di più su come trova qui i consulenti ERP.

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Cosa fa un consulente ERP?

I consulenti di pianificazione delle risorse aziendali (ERP) possono essere una risorsa eccellente per le aziende che hanno appena iniziato a utilizzare un software ERP o che stanno pensando di passare a un nuovo sistema. Possono fornire indicazioni su come configurare e utilizzare al meglio il software per migliorare le operazioni.

Un consulente ERP aiuta i proprietari e i manager delle aziende a implementare e utilizzare il software di pianificazione delle risorse aziendali. I consulenti ERP possono aiutare un’azienda a scegliere il sistema ERP giusto, a configurare il software per soddisfare le sue esigenze specifiche e a formare i dipendenti per utilizzarlo in modo efficace. Possono anche essere chiamati a risolvere i problemi e a fornire assistenza dopo che il sistema è stato messo in funzione. I consulenti ERP hanno in genere un background nella tecnologia dell’informazione e nella gestione dei processi aziendali e molti sono in possesso di certificazioni per il software ERP.

Come si trova un consulente ERP?

Ecco alcuni consigli su come trovare il consulente ERP giusto per la vostra azienda:

  • Iniziate definendo le vostre esigenze. Quali sono le funzioni specifiche che la vostra azienda deve svolgere con il software ERP? Definite cosa volete che faccia il software, quindi trovate un consulente che abbia esperienza con quel tipo di software.
  • Chiedete referenze ad altre aziende che hanno implementato un software ERP. È probabile che abbiano lavorato con un consulente e che possano raccomandare qualcuno di valido.
  • Fate una ricerca online e leggete le recensioni dei diversi consulenti. Questo vi darà una buona idea del loro curriculum e dei servizi che offrono.

Quali sono i vantaggi dell’utilizzo di un software ERP?

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Il software ERP è un sistema completo che gestisce tutti gli aspetti essenziali delle operazioni di un’azienda. In genere integra tutte le principali aree funzionali di un’azienda, tra cui vendite, marketing, finanza, risorse umane e operazioni. Ciò consente alle aziende di gestire tutti i processi importanti da un’unica postazione centrale. I vantaggi dell’utilizzo di un software ERP in un’azienda sono molteplici. Alcuni dei vantaggi principali sono:

Maggiore efficienza: Il software ERP aiuta a migliorare l’efficienza e la produttività dei dipendenti automatizzando i processi aziendali e fornendo informazioni accurate e aggiornate. Ciò può contribuire a ridurre la quantità di tempo che i dipendenti dedicano a compiti che possono essere automatizzati, consentendo loro di concentrarsi su attività a maggior valore aggiunto.

Miglioramento del servizio clienti: Il software ERP può aiutare le aziende a fornire un servizio migliore ai clienti, fornendo informazioni accurate e aggiornate su prodotti e ordini. Questo può aiutare le aziende a rispondere alle richieste dei clienti in modo rapido ed efficiente e a migliorare la soddisfazione dei clienti.

Riduzione dei costi: Il software ERP può aiutare le aziende a ridurre i costi automatizzando i processi aziendali e migliorando l’efficienza. Questo può aiutare le aziende a risparmiare tempo e denaro e a migliorare i profitti.

Maggiore visibilità: Il software ERP fornisce un’unica fonte di verità per le informazioni sull’azienda, che può aiutare le imprese a monitorare le prestazioni e a prendere decisioni migliori. Questo può aiutare le aziende a migliorare la trasparenza e la responsabilità all’interno dell’organizzazione.

Miglioramento della scalabilità: Il software ERP può aiutare le aziende a scalare e ad adattare le loro operazioni in base alle necessità. Questo può aiutare le aziende a rispondere rapidamente ai cambiamenti del mercato e a migliorare la loro competitività.

Ci sono molti fattori importanti da considerare quando si sceglie un consulente di pianificazione delle risorse aziendali per la propria azienda. I fattori più importanti sono l’esperienza, la conoscenza del settore e la capacità del consulente di soddisfare le vostre esigenze specifiche. La scelta del giusto consulente ERP è fondamentale per il successo della vostra azienda.

How is Mental Illness Depicted in Film and Television

This media can reach a large audience because of the ease with which film and television are available. It’s easy to become engrossed in the story of a favorite movie or to be emotionally attached to a favorite character. However, we don’t realize the lasting impact these movies and shows have on our perceptions and thoughts. Media portrayals of sensitive topics such as mental illness often cause more harm than good. Television and film portrayals of mental illness have been shown to increase stigma around a wide range of illnesses, including schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and even schizophrenia. The stigma surrounding mental illness begins with the belief that certain mental illnesses are common (Corrigan and Kleinlein 2005). This stigma can be internalized by the person suffering from mental illness as well as the general population. Internalization can lead to discrimination by individuals and institutions against people with mental illnesses. Research in the United States found that approximately one-fifth (of prime-time TV programs) depicts some form of mental illness. Additionally, 2-3% of adult characters on these shows are shown to have mental health issues (Diefenbach 1997).

There are many movies and shows that include mental illness in minor plotlines. However, there are other films and shows which use mental illness as the main storyline such as in this Donnie Darko explanation. In the case of FX Network’s American Horror Story, Asylum is one example. This show is about a fictional institution that houses mentally ill people. Many of them are held without their consent because they face criminal charges. Despite the fact that the original season was set in 1960s America Horror Story: The show’s portrayal of mental illness can still subconsciously influence viewers’ perceptions. According to the Television Academy American Horror Story: Asylum received seventeen Emmy nominations in its single season, which highlights how common mental illness representations are in entertainment media today.

Mental illness must be accurately depicted without the dramatizations that are often used in television and film. Unrealistic stories can fuel stigma around mental illness. Research consistently shows that entertainment media presents “overwhelmingly dramatic, distorted images mental illness that emphasize danger, criminality, and unpredictability.” (Stuart 2006, para. 1). It has also been shown that the media portrays mental health professionals as “unethical or exploitative” and encourages people to distrust mental health providers and avoid psychiatric care (Stuart 2006). A scene from Showtime’s Shameless (Abbott & Dahl 2011, 2011) shows a questionable home therapy session for a character suffering from agoraphobia. Agoraphobia refers to the fear of being in unfamiliar spaces or open spaces. It is avoided by the APA Dictionary of Psychology. The scene shows Sheila receiving virtual reality therapy at home. Although her title is not known, it is assumed that the scrub-clad woman who arrives at Sheila’s home in a scrub shirt to facilitate the session is Sheila’s professional of choice to help her with her agoraphobia. The professional offers Sheila weak encouragement during the virtual reality process, while also making and drinking an alcoholic drink. Stuart (2006) describes Sheila’s unprofessional and inappropriate behavior as a result of her trusting the woman to help her with her mental illness. This is to discourage viewers to seek out treatment.

Entertainment media can also contribute to negative portrayals of mental health by including characters with mental illnesses in their reactions. This includes emotional reactions that are characterized by fear, rejection or ridicule towards a character with mental illness (Stuart 2006). Hannah meets with her school guidance counsel to talk about her depression and the worsening effects of her sexual assault. According to the guidance counselor, Hannah made a decision that placed her in a position to be attacked. The guidance counselor suggests that Hannah did not experience a lack or consent and that Hannah was experiencing a moment of regret. Hannah’s problems were dismissed by the guidance counselor. He also claimed that Hannah was at fault. This could cause people in similar situations to Hannah not to seek out help from others for fear of ridicule and rejection.

Entertainment media can portray mental illness in a positive light by allowing for the possibility of sensitivities, and not exaggerating mental illness. Research shows that most people with mental illnesses are not violent, but they are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators (Stuart 2003). Entertainment media that portrays mental illness should not be equated with violence. Ruggiero (2019) says that good media representations of mental illness display help-seeking behaviour such as reaching out and talking to a trusted adult. Charlie is a main character in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, a 2012 film by Chbosky. He is being treated for depression and suicidal ideas. Charlie is able to openly talk to his psychiatrist about his feelings and thoughts leading up to his hospitalization in a powerful scene.

It is a good idea to include messages of hope, treatment, and recovery in the script. Robin Williams plays Will’s therapist in Good Will Hunting (Van Sant 1997). He establishes a relationship with Will during therapy sessions. His therapist uses previous conversations to offer advice and brings up personal experiences Will can relate to. He also points out all the things Will still has to achieve. The session ends with optimism and encouragement because Will’s therapist adapts his language to Will. Good Will Hunting is a wonderful example of a professional and positive therapist-client relationship.

How to Use Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) to Improve Healthcare Data Interoperability- Learn in this HL7 Tutorial:

The goal of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR)

HL7 is a data format and communication standard for exchanging healthcare information. It is developed and maintained by Health Level Seven International, a non-profit standards organization. The HL7 tutorial will cover the basics of the HL7 data format. HL7 is a standards-based format that is used by healthcare providers to exchange patient information. HL7 is a registered trademark of Health Level Seven International. The Online Course in HL7 tutorial is designed to provide you with a complete understanding of the HL7 standard and how it is used in healthcare.

The goal of the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) is to provide a standard way for electronic health records (EHRs) to exchange data with each other. This will allow different EHRs to share data with each other, which will ultimately improve patient care. This will ultimately improve patient care.

The FHIR standard is divided into four parts:

  1. The FHIR Infrastructure, which defines the overall structure of the FHIR standard.
  2. The FHIR Profiles, which define how specific types of data should be represented in FHIR.
  3. The FHIR Extensions, which allow for additional data to be represented in FHIR.
  4. The FHIR Bindings, which define how FHIR data should be exchanged between different EHRs.

Clinical Resources types of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR)

FHIR defines six different types of clinical resources:

  1. Patients
  2. Encounters
  3. Conditions
  4. Medications
  5. Allergies
  6. Immunizations

Each of these resources has a set of required and optional fields. The required fields must be present in order for the resource to be considered valid.

Reasons to use Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR)

There are a few key reasons why we use FHIR:

  • FHIR is fast.
  • The standards are flexible and can be easily adopted by different organizations.
  • FHIR is based on existing standards, so it’s easier to implement.
  • FHIR is supported by major EHR vendors, such as Cerner, Epic, and MEDITECH.
  • FHIR is a critical part of the US government’s plan to move to a nationwide system of electronic health records.
  • FHIR has the potential to standardize how we exchange healthcare information globally.
  • The FHIR standards are free to use and open source.

Benefits of using Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR)

In recent years, the healthcare industry has been moving towards greater interoperability. Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is one of the most promising standards for achieving interoperability. FHIR is a set of standards that define how different healthcare information systems can communicate with each other.

There are many potential benefits of using FHIR. One of the most important benefits is that it can help to improve patient care. When different healthcare systems are able to communicate with each other, it can make it easier for providers to coordinate care. This can lead to better outcomes for patients.

Another benefit of FHIR is that it can help to reduce costs. When different healthcare systems are able to share information, it can save time and money. In addition, it can help to avoid duplicative tests and procedures.

FHIR also has the potential to improve population health. When different healthcare systems are able to share data, it can make it easier to identify patterns and trends. This information can be used to develop strategies for improving population health.

There are also some potential challenges associated with FHIR. One challenge is that it can be difficult to implement. Another challenge is that there is a lack of standardization. This can make it difficult for different systems to communicate with each other.

Despite these challenges, FHIR holds great promise for the healthcare industry. It has the potential to improve patient care, reduce costs, and improve population health.

Components of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR)

The FHIR standard is comprised of a number of different components, which work together to enable information sharing. These components include:

  • Resource Definitions: These define the structure of the data that will be exchanged. They specify the various elements that make up a resource, such as patient information or medication data.
  • APIs: These define how the data should be accessed and exchanged. FHIR defines two types of APIs: RESTful APIs and messaging APIs.
  • Security: This ensures that only authorized users can access the data. FHIR defines a number of security mechanisms, such as access control and authentication.
  • Implementation Guides: These provide guidance on how to implement FHIR in a particular context. They specify which resources and APIs should be used and how they should be used.

The FHIR standard is constantly evolving. New resources and features are being added on a regular basis. However, the core principles of FHIR remain the same: to enable quick and easy information sharing between different healthcare systems.


FHIR defines a number of “Resources” that represent information entities within the healthcare domain, such as patients, medications, diagnostic reports and so on. These resources are structured into “Bundles” that can be used to exchange information between systems.

FHIR defines a number of different types of Bundles, including:

– Messages: Used to exchange information between systems, such as orders, referrals and results.

– Documents: Used to exchange clinical documents such as discharge summaries and care plans.

– Lists: Used to exchange lists of information, such as lists of patients or medications.

– Directory: Used to exchange information about people, organizations and locations.

– History: Used to exchange information about the history of a resource, such as changes to a patient’s medications.

FHIR also defines a number of different “Profiles” that can be used to customize the exchange of information for specific purposes or domains. For example, there is a profile for exchanging information about immunizations, and another for exchanging information about laboratory tests.

The FHIR standard is still under development, and new features are being added on a regular basis. However, it is already possible to use FHIR to exchange health information between systems.

There are a number of different FHIR servers available, including reference implementations. These servers can be used to test whether FHIR is suitable for a particular application or purpose.

Pay close attention to product quality and create the ultimate user experience —— the mission of ADO Lab        

At present, the difference between ADO EBIKE and other Chinese e-bike brands is that ADO has strong product quality control capabilities.
On the occasion of the first anniversary of the establishment of the brand, the ADO EBIKE laboratory was officially launched with an investment of about 2.5 million euros. This decision seems crazy to many people. Is it really worth investing a lot of assets? The founder Mr. Sen said: “We want to develop the ADO brand into a long-term brand. If we want to go further, we must invest in product development and experimental industries. ADO has always been user-centric, and the laboratory is to create the most user-friendly brand. Design tools and carriers for the best experience, only a strong laboratory can have a strong product quality, and can create products with the best experience for users. “

ADO adheres to the original intention of “protecting urban commuting every day”, and is the first QTL electric bicycle laboratory in the industry that has been authorized by the international certification standard SGS – ADO EBIKE QTL Lab . This proves that ADO’s inspection and testing capabilities, innovative R&D capabilities and laboratory management level have reached the level of the domestic leading industry, which means that ADO’s products are all high-quality products that have undergone rigorous quality testing and meet international standards.

SGS (Societe Generale de Surveillance SA) is an internationally recognized product quality control and technical appraisal agency, and the largest and most qualified certification agency in the world. Among them, Chinese brands such as HUAWEI, TCL and Haier have also adopted SGS certification as the product certification standard.

So what does it mean for users?

  1. Strong product quality, super long product life, up to 10 years.

ADO has invested in advanced testing instruments and experimental equipment to support X test items such as new vehicle testing, component testing, electrical system safety assessment and testing, and mechanical fatigue testing, covering vehicle performance, mechanical performance, material performance, X kinds of functional tests such as strength performance. The test methods are in accordance with the standards of the SGS organization. Each component and the whole vehicle must pass strict quality inspection before leaving the factory to ensure strict quality assurance.

For example, ADO’s frame will undergo 10,0000 times of material hardness test, natural aging test, material corrosion resistance test, as well as strength vibration test and pressure fatigue test; the front fork of the frame will undergo 10,0000 times of impact test. This means that ADO’s frames can be used for up to 10 years, are very strong, do not easily peel off paint, and are very stable in extreme weather.

At the same time, the new vehicle will go through 10,0000 times of strength stress test, mechanical fatigue test and mechanical performance test, the greatest pursuit of product quality, to provide users with a long product life.

  1. Safe and reliable, stable battery life and endurance, up to 100km.

The most concerned issue of users is the safety of batteries. In this regard, ADO laboratory has strict production standards and inspection standards for batteries, whether the batteries produced according to the production standards are safe, whether the batteries have a stable life, and whether they have a stable long life. Battery life:

  1. Simulate a low temperature environment to observe whether the battery can discharge a stable current at low temperature (-20 degrees);
  2. Simulate the normal temperature environment, whether the battery capacity is qualified in common scenarios;
  3. Test the high temperature environment (55 degrees) to see if the charging and discharging of the battery is abnormal, and also examine the performance of the temperature sensor;
  4. By charging and discharging the battery multiple times, observe whether the battery test data is qualified;
  5. After 8 hours, 12 tests to ensure the stability of each battery;
  6. Finally install the SGS-certified battery protection board to prevent battery damage;
  7. Test the battery data of the 5 electric bicycles in the actual riding of the new product, such as whether it will affect the safety of the battery after driving for X hours on a bumpy road section. After ensuring that there is no potential safety hazard, the final production and mass-produced batteries will be carried out. Strictly in accordance with the AQL standard for testing.

This strict process ensures that ADO batteries can provide stable energy output, quality, battery life, and life expectancy.

Test video:

  1. Good riding comfort, the ultimate riding experience

ADO’s new product development and design will incorporate ergonomic design, and at the same time carry out high and low span tests according to market demand to ensure the most comfortable model is designed.

At the same time, the ADO vehicle will be tested for smooth riding, including braking ability test, climbing ability test, and power assist ratio test. Simulate ADO Ebike in complex road conditions such as gravel roads and rough roads, the fastest speed can still reach 25km/h, the uphill speed is smooth and labor-saving, the braking distance is short and stable, and the strong shock absorption ability, so as to pursue the user’s ultimate comfortable riding experience.

  1. Listen to the voice of customers and provide safe service guarantee

In the process of product development, ADO will collect user needs and suggestions from the consumer side, and feed them back to the product laboratory. The laboratory department will design and improve the product after review. Such as widening the tire size, widening the handlebars for better grip, etc. At the same time, in response to customer needs, mid-motor e-bikes are being developed.

At the same time, in terms of service, ADO has achieved 48-hour delivery in Germany,the United Kingdom,Netherlands,Austria. and users will receive their favorite products within 48 hours (working days) after placing an order. Regarding after-sales service, ADO has a self-built after-sales service center and accessories distribution warehouse in Germany to ensure that users can buy with confidence, use them with confidence, and ride comfortably, becoming the cornerstone of users’ travel!

About DEKRA Mark certification and SGS CE certification

After ADO ebike products pass the strict production standards and inspection standards, they apply to professional international inspection agencies DEKRA and SGS for product safety and quality inspection by professional agencies, and have successfully obtained the internationally recognized DEKRA Mark certification and SGS CE certification. This is a strong testament to the safety and high quality of ADO products.

It is worth mentioning that the Dece 300 product has passed the SGS Performance Tested Mark (SGS performance test certification service), and the certificate can be inquired by scanning the following QR code. Few Chinese brands can pass this certification. ADO has done it. ADO is striving to become a benchmark among Chinese brands going overseas.

The ADO Experimental Center will always focus on users, increase product innovation and research and development, adhere to product quality, and build the technical core value and competitiveness of the ADO brand. At the same time, in the future, the ADO experimental center will be equipped with the self-developed ADO G-Drive electronic control operating system to develop high-quality personalized products that meet the needs of different users. ADO will soon launch new products such as cargo and outdoor camping. expect!

Cross your city, ADO ebike!