Determine the number of aerators based on the area of ​​the pond

Determine the location of the aerator. The impeller type aerator should be installed to ensure that the water flow generated by the aerator will not stir Deep Water Jet Aerators up the silt at the bottom of the pool. The safe operation of the aerator should be assembled in accordance with the instruction manual and fixed in the pond. The selection and installation of aerators, according to the characteristics of various aerators and breeding objects, choose aerators.

Generally, one aerator is provided on the water surface of 3 to 5 acres, and the number of aerators should be counted for ponds with a larger area. For conventional domestic fish Impeller aerators can be used for breeding, and jet aerators can be used for seed breeding. Put enough grease on each part and put it in a ventilated and dry place, and then install it as a complete machine when needed. Install the aerator in the center of the pond or at a windward position, generally about 5 meters from the bank. Generally, microporous tube aerators or waterwheel aerators can be used in the culture ponds of Penaeus vannamei.

Determine the number of aerators based on the area of the pond.; when the aerator is started, closely observe the operating conditions, if there is abnormal sound or unstable operation, stop immediately to eliminate the abnormal phenomenon Then turn it on again. It should be checked frequently when using it to see if there is any abnormal noise in the rotation, whether the bearing is damaged; whether the gearbox is leaking oil, whether it needs to be replaced; whether the impeller is deformed or damaged; check whether the line is running without phase, wiring Whether the box is eroded by water and needs to be replaced. You can learn more about it. The motor is the heart of the aerator.

After-season maintenance of the aerator, the aerator should be disassembled and maintained after one season of use. When installing aerators in shrimp and crab breeding ponds, avoid aquatic plants. The maintenance of the aerator, the daily maintenance of the aerator, and the daily maintenance of the aerator should be checked and maintained frequently to ensure normal and safe use. Roots aerators are also widely used in various fields.

The above is my introduction.How to choose, install and maintain aquatic aerators? Today, I have compiled an article from Jinhu Electromechanical Company. If the working condition of the aerator is bad, the user should be equipped with protective devices such as thermal relays, phase-deficiency protectors, etc. If you feel that what we are talking about is unclear, please leave a message or call, and the staff of Jinhu Electromechanical Company will definitely answer you in time doubt

Determine the number of aerators based on the area of ​​the pondultima modifica: 2020-09-21T05:04:40+02:00da wateraerator