8 Things Every New Program Manager Should Know


Program Management is complex which sometimes requires Program Managers to oversee multiple projects at a time. Aspiring program managers or new program managers need to have sufficient knowledge and technical skills to manage multiple projects. As program management involves a wide range of activities and has a larger scope of operation, program managers need to have the advanced expertise to monitor and lead these projects. These projects evolve with time and transform the business processes of an organization. Thus, new program managers must be aware of the latest industry trends and best practices as well.



8 things every new program manager should know before starting their program management journey:


  • Change with the situation – Change and uncertainty is a part of every project, whether in project management or program management. Programs are even more uncertain. So, new program managers must be prepared to adapt to the change and manage projects with the changing situations.


  • Plan with care – Program management is a long and complex process that sometimes takes more than the planned timeline to finish. It is possible to lose focus and go off-track. Thus, it is essential to plan with care by keeping up with the current situation.


  • Mentor your teamProgram managers have multiple roles and responsibilities apart from overseeing the project. They need to coach their program management team about all the essential aspects of the project. As a mentor, you will be helping your team to work harder to achieve the desired results.


  • Delegate tasks – This is the hardest thing for a program manager to do, but also the most crucial. No matter how knowledgeable and skilled you are at your job, sometimes you must delegate some of the tasks. Delegating tasks to the right person will make your job as a program manager easier.


  • Collaborate with your team – Program management like project management is a team effort and requires the involvement of all the stakeholders of the project. Collaborating with the project manager, project and program management teams, and other stakeholders will help in achieving project delivery success.


  • Be prepared for conflicts – With so many players involved in the completion of a project, there are bound to be some conflicts. As new program managers, you must be prepared for them and deal with them with proper communication and documentation to support your statements.


  • Communicate effectively – As a program manager, you need to communicate with the project managers about the progress of specific projects and then report the progress to the senior management. This requires effective communication skills from the program managers. The lack of which will lead to the failure of multiple projects and affect the overall productivity of the organization.


  • Focus on the overall output – Unlike project managers, a program manager needs to think about the bigger picture like the timeline of the projects, estimated budget, and the overall quality of the projects. New program managers should focus on the result and strive to achieve that for their organization.


New program managers or aspiring program managers must acquire knowledge and update their skills to lead projects successfully for their organization. To achieve this, they can opt for the Program Management Professional (PgMP) Certification provided by the Project Management Institution (PMI). This credential is one of the most reputed professional certifications that PMI provides and is the most difficult to achieve because of its lengthy eligibility process. However, by fulfilling the right experience criteria and proper training it can be achieved, successfully. Program management aspirants can earn the credential and lead projects with confidence.


8 Things Every New Program Manager Should Knowultima modifica: 2022-06-14T09:54:09+02:00da ellysa23

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