
Pros and Cons of Driving in Malta

Pros and Cons of Driving in Malta When it comes to popular choices for getting around in Malta or Gozo, there’s no question that the car is king. Malta has one of the highest rates of car ownership anywhere in the world, with an average of 31 new vehicles added to the roads every single day. At the same time, alternative transport options are increasing. From an improved public transport service to taxi apps, e-scooters and better cycling facilities. But for money, driving remains the best way to travel around Malta. Pros 
  1. Convenience and Flexibility
 For all the ways of getting around in Malta, nothing can match a car when it comes to sheer convenience. Owning your own car means getting directly from Point A to Point B, quickly and on your own schedule, whenever you need to. There’s no need to worry about running multiple errands or bringing the groceries home. You can make the best use of your time, fit more in the day, easily face sudden changes in your schedule, or offer friends and family a lift if they need it.
  1. Comfort and privacy
 Nothing is going to make your morning commute a perfect experience, but there are certainly ways to make it less awful, and compared to the alternatives, a car is one of those ways. Instead of cramming yourself onto public transport, you can relax in your own car and start your day however suits you: whether that’s listening to a podcast or music, or simply enjoying some personal time before reaching work and facing the day. Cons
  1. Traffic and Parking
 Ask anyone who’s ever been on the road in Malta what the biggest disadvantage of driving is, and chances are traffic and parking are top of their list. It’s a problem that just doesn’t seem to go away.  
  1. Costs and Maintenance
Owning and running a car can be expensive. Apart from the actual cost of buying the vehicle, you’ll need to factor in road tax, insurance, fuel costs and regular service and maintenance. Paid car parks add another expense, and since cars depreciate over time, you also have to consider the value your vehicle will have lost by the time you come to sell.