Know How Massage Therapy For Wellness Can Improve Your Health?

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You’re now enjoying a well-deserved break from work. Perhaps you’re experiencing more pressure than usual. Or you’re in the mood to reward yourself. A
massage in Calgary and your area is a great option when you need to unwind. Relaxing and alleviating stress are two obvious advantages of massages, but they could only be the tip of the iceberg. In massage treatment, the therapist uses their forearms, hands, fingertips, and elbows to move the client’s muscles and soft tissues. It’s calming, sure, but it also helps with stress and pain management and boosts general fitness. Read this post to get complete information about how massage therapy in Calgary and worldwide can improve your health instead of general relaxation.

Massage Therapy’s Positive Effects On Your Health

People have employed many techniques to ease discomfort for millennia, and massage therapy does not represent a recent development. Calgary massage can be used for generic comfort and well-being, or it can be targeted toward a particular issue, such as pain or a restricted range of movement. The evidence shows that massage treatment might aid in these aims. There is virtually little danger involved, and it is performed in many different cultures. And although there are subtle differences between the various massage modalities, they all provide comparable health benefits. Let’s explore some health benefits of massage.

1. Chronic discomfort, such as headaches, may be alleviated.

You know how difficult it is to relieve pain if you suffer from it in your lower back, shoulders, and neck. The pain may persist despite your best efforts to alleviate it with at-home treatments like stretching and heating pads. Alternatively, you might suffer from chronic headaches. These may be just as tenacious, and like severe pain, those who can make it hard to go about your typical day. Massage therapy has the potential to be the one treatment you never realized you needed for any medical issue. “One explanation for massage’s analgesic effects is the “gate hypothesis,” which proposes that the brain cannot correctly register pain when touching receptors are stimulated in the region. You may experience this if the massage therapist massages the back of your neck, shoulders, or head.

2. It positively affects mood, including alleviation of anxiety and suppression of depression.

You can’t think of a more relaxing activity than getting a massage, which is why spas and five-star hotels are always nearby when you need one. It’s possible that being on vacation has something to do with it, but there’s also good reason to believe that massage treatment might boost your mood. Stress hormones may have beneficial and harmful effects on your health, and massage treatment may help you balance the two. In particular, Calgary massage treatment has been proven to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol by more than 30 percent while simultaneously increasing the feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin levels. The pressure used during a massage may have a soothing effect because it stimulates the vagus nerve, a vital nervous system component, through cutaneous pain receptors. A calmer nervous system may benefit your blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones.

3. It aids in recovery after strenuous exercise.

You’re aware of the positive effects of exercise, but the subsequent discomfort might be unpleasant and prevent you from continuing your routine. Massage therapy, thankfully, has been shown to reduce muscle discomfort and allow you to resume exercising sooner. Your muscles may feel pain anywhere from a few hours to a few days after you’ve worked them out. That’s probably due to some muscular irritation. Even though this is excellent for you (since it indicates muscle growth), it may sometimes be uncomfortable. The aching muscles you feel after an exercise may be alleviated with a massage. Massaging boosts circulation all around, which helps speed up the recovery from muscle discomfort.

4. It can mitigate some of the harmful consequences of cancer and cancer therapy.

The advantages of massage are universal, but it has the potential to be very helpful for cancer patients. It is common for cancer patients to undergo harsh treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation, which may impact their physical and emotional health. It can alleviate the stress and discomfort of cancer treatment and its treatment with massage therapy. Additionally, it may help you relax and lift your spirits. There is some evidence that increased blood flow to the parts of the brain that control stress and pain may be responsible for the beneficial effects of massage treatment on people with cancer, albeit this is only one of many possible explanations.


Direct billing massage in Calgary and wherever you live can be soothing and therapeutic. However, the pressure and intensity can range significantly. Always let your massage therapist know whether you’d like softer or harder pressure. Remember that the cost of massage treatment at different massage places in Calgary and your hometown is only sometimes high. A foam roller, portable massager, or massaging cushion may help you get the same results as a professional massage at home.

Know How Massage Therapy For Wellness Can Improve Your Health?ultima modifica: 2022-12-03T14:03:22+01:00da ellysa23

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