12 Shockingly Good Website Ideas You Haven’t Thought of Yet



Creating your own website used to be a simple task to undertake before modern technology kicked in. Now, there are so many types of websites out there; it can be challenging to decide what kind of website you may want to start.

Good website ideas are hard to come by if you don’t understand what types of designs are at your fingertips to choose from. We want to make choosing your web design easier to do by providing you with 12 of the best website design ideas that you could ever choose.

To find out what designs are a must-have, continue reading to find out.

How To Launch A Site

Before you launch a site, there are somethings that you need to decide on before you’re able to create the website itself. The first thing that you need to do is determine what you are willing to use as far as your resources go.

The next thing that needs to be done is to create a list of ideas that you may have as it pertains to your website. Which is the part we are going to help with by providing you with the website development designs and tips.

Lastly, you’ll need to decide on a website builder to ensure that you create the best website that you possibly can.

Good Website Ideas

An excellent website idea starts from before the website has even begun to be created. Find out what the 12 best website ideas are right here. Choosing the right website idea will help drive your site. There are various web design tips that you may want to consider.

1. Personal Blog

A personal blog is the type of blog that you may want to consider if you’re always traveling or trying new and exotic foods. It is the type of blog that makes people want to follow you because your daily life seems like one colossal adventure ride.

If you’re able to write an engaging post, are an expert at DIY, or have general advice to share, then this is the website design that you should try.

2. Dropshipping Website

This is the type of website you may consider if you need to create a lucrative website. A dropshipping site allows you to sell products for a fee. Typically, the website owner will purchase an unspecified amount of product and then begin selling the product from the comfort of their own home.

3. Online Educational Courses

If you consider yourself an expert when it comes to a specific set of skills and knowledge, you may consider a website dedicated to educating people. This type of website will focus on how-tos and management.

Ensure that when choosing this type of website, you’re able to provide your audience with accurate information.

4. Baking Or Cooking Website

Everyone loves an excellent cookie recipe, but what will set your baking website apart from all of the others out there. Putting your spin on old family recipes and sharing them with the world in your own unique way is all you need to make a cooking website a success.

This type of website will feature shared recipes, recipe videos, and tips to help enhance and improve dishes.

5. Travel Site

When choosing this type of website idea, you must decide what kind of traveling you’d like to focus on. Perhaps, you have a passion for riding bicycles and wish to show your audience what it’s like to bike through various travel destinations.

Once you decide on the type of travel you’d like to feature on your website, share tips and highlights with your audience.

6. History Website

Do you consider yourself a history buff? Then creating a website centered around historical postings and facts could be the correct website idea for you. It allows you to share all of the historical events that you find interesting and make them engaging for others to come back and reread time and time.

7. Photography Blog

If you consider yourself to have a way with a camera and producing captivating photographs, then a photography blog may be what you need to showcase your work. You can use your pictures to insight challenges between you and your website visitors to see who can achieve the closest photograph to yours.

Who knows the blog can even turn into an opportunity to sell some of your photographs. Along with your website there are ways to make money as a photographer.

8. Review Site

Some companies will find people to be brand ambassadors for them and to review the products that they send them to test. If you would like to consider establishing a review website, begin by reviewing the products that you currently have.

As your website gains, notoriety companies may start to partner with you and fund future review posts.

9. Poetry Website

Much like a photography blog, a poetry website is a place where you can showcase your writings. It gives you a safe space to post your work if you don’t think that you’re ready for your poetry to be published.

If you’d like to, it can be a space for you to publish other authors and form collaborations with them as well.

10. Fan Website

A fan website is a website dedicated to your favorite show, movie, book series, etc. It allows you to create a community for yourself and other people that share the same enthusiasm that you have for the same thing.

You can post the latest news, photos, and videos on your website. You can even host discussion boards for website visitors to share in new topics about your fandom.

11. Marketing Website

This type of website will allow you to market your services to other companies. This website choice is the best choice if you have a set of skills that major companies in need of marketing and advertising help would pay for.

12. Cosmetology Website

A cosmetology website will be a website that advertises your abilities as it pertains to makeup. You could use the website for marketing your services and petition others to hire you for their events.

It can also be a website where you post makeup tutorials for various looks that your website visitors would like to try.

The Wrap-Up

All of the good website ideas listed above are sure to help you decide on the type of website you want to have. There’s no limit to what kind of design that you can decide on creating.

If you’d like to learn more about creative ideas and topics that are similar to it, visit our blog for more posts


12 Shockingly Good Website Ideas You Haven’t Thought of Yetultima modifica: 2023-03-26T16:56:39+02:00da ellysa23

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