The wind blows out in the centrifugal airflow

If you are using an ordinary hair dryer, which has radiation, it will not cause much impact, but as a pregnant woman, you should use it as little as possible. Because the products sold in large stores have quality assurance, they will not be inferior products. In daily life, the reason why mother-in-law asks Hair Brush pregnant women not to use hair dryers is for the good of pregnant women and their fetuses.

At that time, it is not as simple as the mother-in-law to blame, even the husband will worry. If you want your hair to dry quickly without blowing it for too long with a hair dryer, you can use a dry towel to wipe the hair until there are no water droplets, and then use the hair dryer. Many pregnant women also use hair dryers during pregnancy, worrying about the effects of radiation from the hair dryer. If the hair dryer is too cheap, it is best not to buy it, because the radiation may be large, because the quality of the internal parts is not good, and radiation may be generated during operation.

They all rely on a motor to drive the rotor to drive the blades to rotate, so that the wind blows out in the centrifugal airflow. Therefore, there are many advantages to using negative ion hair dryers. Secondly, check the quality of the product carefully. As long as the hair dryer is used in the correct way, it will not cause harm to the human body. Although the appearance of hair dryers has nothing to do with radiation, manufacturers that even pay attention to the appearance of hair dryers will not pay attention to the quality of hair dryers.

Because the health of pregnant women is not only related to themselves, but also related to another little life. Does anion hair dryer have radiation? Anion hair dryer is equipped with a negative ion generator on the basis of ordinary hair dryer, which can produce negatively charged ion particles and water vapor particles when working, so as to smooth hair and make hair smooth and translucent.