How to maintain flowers in autumn and winter

If you are a balcony party, you have requirements for the flowering period, frequent flower degree, aroma and flower size of roses. It is recommended to choose among shrub varieties. Peat and perlite (8:2). Many novices love all kinds of beautiful flowerpots, but I tell you, you’d better choose from several flowerpots. Ceramic basin, plastic basin, cement basin. As the temperature gradually drops, the vitality of jasmine root system becomes weaker, and the sunlight in autumn is not as strong as that in summer, so the water consumption will gradually decrease.

In this way, it can not only ensure that the breathing of plant roots is more smooth, but also will not affect the penetration of water flow. In case of excessive watering, it can be discharged from the water outlet at the bottom of the basin in time. Potted jasmine is easy to grow. In addition to the scientific preparation of pot soil, as long as the growth environment is well ventilated, the light is bright, the temperature is appropriate and the water and fertilizer are sufficient, I can keep it blooming.

This can not only make the basin soil acidic, but also make its branches and leaves grow more lush, the leaf color is more pure, the flowers are larger and the flower smell is more intense. However, it should be noted that most flowers and plants in nature are acid loving, but Mantianxing is not an acid loving flower plant. It is often finer and more alkaline. Because in different seasons, plants are in different growth stages, and many factors such as weather changes will affect water consumption.

Generally speaking, it’s OK to go directly to the basin and bask in the sun. In the process of contacting novice flower friends later, I still feel that it’s necessary to talk about the slow seedling. For novices, pour the medium into half of the basin, then put the seedlings into the 7 gallon nursery pots, straighten them with one hand, and then add the remaining soil close to the edge of the basin. However, it is necessary to ensure that the water outlet at the basin bottom is smooth, and the excess water can be discharged in time and smoothly in case of excessive watering.

Mantianxing not only has a long flowering period, but also has high ornamental value. It can be used as cut flower material, potted for ornamental, beautifying and decorating the environment. If you want to propagate seedlings, you can not only sow and propagate, but also cultivate by cutting. In particular, water replenishment should be timely, because the drought tolerance of Mantianxing is relatively poor, and its growth environment should always maintain appropriate humidity, so as to speed up the slow seedling process after plant pot change and shorten the pot serving time.

After that, place it in a shady environment without light for maintenance, and ensure smooth ventilation. When all conditions are met, the full sky star will emerge 20-35 days after sowing. Although the requirements of Mantianxing adult plant on basin soil are not particularly high, as long as the soil remains fertile, loose, breathable, permeable and alkaline. However, if it is to breed seedlings, it is recommended to use a relatively high-quality substrate as the seedbed.

Due to the variety characteristics of Weiyue, the newly purchased Weiyue within 2 years is not suitable for field planting. If you plant it, you will find that its root system is very strong after field planting, but it doesn’t grow much. Now we can tell you that all the standards you consider are based on your planting conditions, but they can basically be in place at one time. You can weigh the specific measures. Therefore, it can also be prepared into slightly alkaline calcareous or gravelly soil.

The suitable rooting temperature is 20 ° C to 24 ° C. generally, the soil temperature is 3 ° C to 5 ° C higher than the temperature, which is conducive to rooting. The relative humidity of the inserted bed is 80% to 90%, which is conducive to rooting and requires about 30% light. Beige flowers are very beautiful. They look small and fresh. The night fragrance has a very obvious feature, that is, their flowers can emit a faint fragrance at night, and the taste is better.

A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Psilocybe Azurescens


Psilocybe azurescens is one of the most potent and popular psychedelic mushrooms. In this comprehensive guide, wilson garden will delve into how to grow psilocybe azurescens indoor.

Understanding Psilocybe Azurescens

Overview of Psilocybe Azurescens species

Psilocybe Azurescens is also known as flying saucer mushroom or blue runners. It belongs to the genus Psilocybe. Psilocybe Azurescens is a medium to large mushroom. Its caps can reach up to 15cm in diameter. A single gram of dried Psilocybe Azurescens can contain 1.78% psilocybin and 0.38% psilocin.

Psilocybe Azurescens has a distinct blue-green color when young and fades as it matures. The gills of this mushroom are dark brown to purple in color. Its stems are typically thick, fibrous and white in appearance.

Where Do Psilocybe Azurescens Grow?

Psilocybe Azurescens are commonly growing on woodchips or mulched gardens, along river beds and in deciduous forests with high humidity levels. It thrives in cold temperatures. Psilocybe Azurescens usually fruiting from late September to early February. It is most commonly in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States.

Legal Considerations

The Legal Status of Psilocybe Azurescens Cultivation

While some countries have decriminalized the possession and use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms, azurescens mushroom growing may still be considered illegal. You should research and understand the laws in your specific location before starting.

Responsible and Legal Use of Psychedelic Substances

Even if cultivation is legal in your area, use psilocybe azurescens responsibly and legally. This means following dosage guidelines. Using them in safe environments with trusted individuals. It is never advised to drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of any psychedelic substance.

Important Disclaimers for Readers

The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. It should not be considered legal advice. You should research and understand the laws in your area regarding psychedelic substances before growing or using them. Cultivation of psilocybe azurescens should only be done in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This guide does not condone or encourage illegal activity.

Setting Up Your Cultivation Space

Choosing the Right Location

Psilocybe azurescens grow best in a cool, damp environment with plenty of fresh air and indirect sunlight. Look for a spot that receives morning sunlight and afternoon shade. For example, under a tree or on a north-facing balcony.

Creating a Controlled and Sterile Environment

Psilocybe azurescens are sensitive to contaminants. So create a controlled and sterile environment for their growth. You can use a grow tent or build your own makeshift grow box. Make sure the space is well-ventilated and free from any potential sources of contamination. For example, pets or other plants.

Psilocybe Azurescens Grow Kit

Sterilized substrate (such as sawdust or straw).
Psilocybe azurescens spores.
A pressure cooker for sterilization.
Mason jars or plastic bags for inoculation.
Grow lights (if growing indoors).

You should have a clean and organized work area, as well as proper protective gear. For example, gloves and masks. By having all the necessary equipment and tools ready beforehand, you can ensure a smooth and efficient cultivation process.

The Substrate

Understanding the Ideal Substrate

Psilocybe azurescens is a wood-loving mushroom. It thrives on substrates made of woody materials. For example, sawdust or wood chips. The ideal substrate should be composed of hardwoods. For example, oak, beech, or maple. Because they provide the necessary nutrients and structure for the mushrooms to grow.

Preparing and Sterilizing the Substrate

This step helps to eliminate any potential contaminants. The common method for sterilization is pasteurization where the substrate is exposed to high heat and moisture. This process kills potential contaminants and prepares the substrate for colonization by the mushroom mycelium.

Importance of Proper Moisture Levels

Moisture levels play a vital role in the growth of Psilocybe azurescens. You should keep the substrate at a moisture level of around 65-70%. Any lower or higher than this range can impact the growth and development of the mushrooms. Maintaining proper moisture levels also helps prevent the substrate from drying out.

How to Grow Psilocybe Azurescens?

Selecting quality spores or mycelium

It is important to source your spores or mycelium from a reputable supplier. Look for reviews and recommendations to ensure the quality of your starting material. You should use fresh spores rather than old, dried ones. Because they have a higher chance of successful germination.

growing psilocybe azurescens
grow psilocybe azurescens

Step-by-step guide to inoculating your substrate

Prepare your substrate by sterilizing it through heat or chemical means. Allow the substrate to cool down and reach room temperature before proceeding. Inject the spores or mycelium onto the substrate evenly using a sterile syringe.

For best results, mix the spores or mycelium with the substrate thoroughly using a clean utensil. Cover the inoculated substrate with a breathable material to allow for gas exchange. For example, micropore tape.

Maintaining sterile conditions during inoculation

Maintain sterile during the inoculation process to prevent contamination. For example, wearing safety gloves and a face mask, using sterilized tools and equipment, working in a clean and sanitized environment, and practicing proper hygiene.

Any contamination can hinder the growth of your psilocybe azurescens and lead to a failed harvest. Keep all surfaces and tools sanitized. Avoid touching anything that has not been sterilized.

Incubation Period

The importance of patience in the incubation phase

Patience is key during the incubation period. It is important not to rush or disturb the process. It can negatively impact mycelium growth. Resist the temptation to check on your jars or bags too often. This can introduce contaminants and slow down the growth. Trust that the mycelium knows what it’s doing and focus on maintaining ideal psilocybe azurescens grow conditions.

Monitoring temperature and humidity

The ideal temperature range for growing psilocybe azurescens is between 70-75°F (21-24°C). You should keep humidity between 85-95%. Use a thermometer and hygrometer to monitor these levels. Make adjustments as needed. Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations and keep the environment consistently warm and humid.

Recognizing signs of healthy mycelium growth

During the incubation phase, you may start to see mycelium growing on the surface of your substrate. This is a good sign. The spores have germinated successfully.

You may also notice a sweet, earthy smell coming from the jars or bags. This is another indication of healthy mycelium growth. If you see any discoloration, unusual smells, or mold growth, it may be a sign of contamination. The affected jars or bags should be discarded immediately.

Transferring to the Fruitbodies Stage

Preparing for the fruiting stage

Make sure your growing environment is clean and free of any potential contaminants to ensure a successful fruiting stage. Sterilize all of your equipment before transferring the mycelium to the fruiting stage. For example, containers and substrate.

Creating optimal conditions for fruiting

To promote healthy and abundant fruiting, you need to provide your mushrooms with a few key elements: humidity, ventilation, and light. Keep the humidity levels between 85-95%. Provide proper ventilation to prevent excess CO2 buildup. Keep your mushrooms in a well-lit area. But not exposed to direct sunlight.

Recognizing when to transfer

As the mushroom caps start to form, small bumps or nodules on the surface of the substrate. This is a sign that the mycelium has colonized the substrate. It is ready to produce fruiting bodies. It’s best to transfer your mushrooms at this stage before they start to release spores. This can hinder growth and potentially contaminate your environment.

Harvesting and Drying

Identifying the Right Time to Harvest

To determine if your Psilocybe Azurescens are ready to be harvested, look for the following signs:

The caps have fully opened and become convex in shape. There is noticeable blue bruising on the stems and caps. The veil under the cap has broken, exposing the gills. Once you notice these signs, it’s time to harvest your mushrooms.

Proper Techniques for Harvesting Psilocybe Azurescens

Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the stem at its base to properly harvest your mushrooms. Avoid pulling the mushroom out of the ground. This can damage the mycelium and affect future growth. Avoid touching or handling the mushrooms too much. This can cause them to lose potency. Handle them gently and with clean hands.

Drying Methods to Preserve Potency

Using a food dehydrator is quick and efficient. You can also use a desiccant or drying agent. For example, silica gel or calcium chloride. These substances can absorb moisture from the air surrounding the mushrooms. This results in a slower but more controlled drying process.


Growing psilocybe azurescens is not legal in many countries. You should consume responsibly and ethically.