How to maintain flowers in autumn and winter

If you are a balcony party, you have requirements for the flowering period, frequent flower degree, aroma and flower size of roses. It is recommended to choose among shrub varieties. Peat and perlite (8:2). Many novices love all kinds of beautiful flowerpots, but I tell you, you’d better choose from several flowerpots. Ceramic basin, plastic basin, cement basin. As the temperature gradually drops, the vitality of jasmine root system becomes weaker, and the sunlight in autumn is not as strong as that in summer, so the water consumption will gradually decrease.

In this way, it can not only ensure that the breathing of plant roots is more smooth, but also will not affect the penetration of water flow. In case of excessive watering, it can be discharged from the water outlet at the bottom of the basin in time. Potted jasmine is easy to grow. In addition to the scientific preparation of pot soil, as long as the growth environment is well ventilated, the light is bright, the temperature is appropriate and the water and fertilizer are sufficient, I can keep it blooming.

This can not only make the basin soil acidic, but also make its branches and leaves grow more lush, the leaf color is more pure, the flowers are larger and the flower smell is more intense. However, it should be noted that most flowers and plants in nature are acid loving, but Mantianxing is not an acid loving flower plant. It is often finer and more alkaline. Because in different seasons, plants are in different growth stages, and many factors such as weather changes will affect water consumption.

Generally speaking, it’s OK to go directly to the basin and bask in the sun. In the process of contacting novice flower friends later, I still feel that it’s necessary to talk about the slow seedling. For novices, pour the medium into half of the basin, then put the seedlings into the 7 gallon nursery pots, straighten them with one hand, and then add the remaining soil close to the edge of the basin. However, it is necessary to ensure that the water outlet at the basin bottom is smooth, and the excess water can be discharged in time and smoothly in case of excessive watering.

Mantianxing not only has a long flowering period, but also has high ornamental value. It can be used as cut flower material, potted for ornamental, beautifying and decorating the environment. If you want to propagate seedlings, you can not only sow and propagate, but also cultivate by cutting. In particular, water replenishment should be timely, because the drought tolerance of Mantianxing is relatively poor, and its growth environment should always maintain appropriate humidity, so as to speed up the slow seedling process after plant pot change and shorten the pot serving time.

After that, place it in a shady environment without light for maintenance, and ensure smooth ventilation. When all conditions are met, the full sky star will emerge 20-35 days after sowing. Although the requirements of Mantianxing adult plant on basin soil are not particularly high, as long as the soil remains fertile, loose, breathable, permeable and alkaline. However, if it is to breed seedlings, it is recommended to use a relatively high-quality substrate as the seedbed.

Due to the variety characteristics of Weiyue, the newly purchased Weiyue within 2 years is not suitable for field planting. If you plant it, you will find that its root system is very strong after field planting, but it doesn’t grow much. Now we can tell you that all the standards you consider are based on your planting conditions, but they can basically be in place at one time. You can weigh the specific measures. Therefore, it can also be prepared into slightly alkaline calcareous or gravelly soil.

The suitable rooting temperature is 20 ° C to 24 ° C. generally, the soil temperature is 3 ° C to 5 ° C higher than the temperature, which is conducive to rooting. The relative humidity of the inserted bed is 80% to 90%, which is conducive to rooting and requires about 30% light. Beige flowers are very beautiful. They look small and fresh. The night fragrance has a very obvious feature, that is, their flowers can emit a faint fragrance at night, and the taste is better.

How to maintain flowers in autumn and winterultima modifica: 2022-01-15T16:21:15+01:00da wilsongarden