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A group of migrants trying to enter

A group of migrants trying to enter Macedonia pelted the police with stones on Saturday, injuring several officers as the small Balkan country became the latest to build a border fence aimed at checking the flow of newcomers..Mr Gjorgjev said the fence was aimed at ensuring migrants did not try to slip across the frontier undetected, without going through the checkpoint.Meanwhile, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has called on the Gulf states to accept more refugees fleeing Syria, saying that a "humanitarian disaster" could erupt in the Balkans if Europe does not control its borders. The interior ministry said 18 police were injured, two of whom were hospitalised, in the protests at the Gevgelija crossing point between Greece and non-EU member Macedonia which came as Macedonian troops began to seal up parts of the border with a 2.Macedonia, a country of around two million people, lies on the main route northwest through Europe trodden by hundreds of thousands of people fleeing war and hardship in the Middle East, Asia and Africa across the Mediterranean to Greece. Several China hydraulic seals factory police and Army vehicles were damaged in the protests, the ministry said in a statement. Government spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgjev described the situation by mid-afternoon as "calm and stable".An AFP photographer earlier saw soldiers using heavy machinery to build a barrier near Gevgelija, on the main road north from the Greek city of Thessaloniki to Macedonia’s capital Skopje. "Every country must play its part; I’m thinking particularly of the Gulf states," he said.Greek news agency Ana reported that Macedonian police fired stun grenades in the migrants’ direction.5-metre-high fence.