
Eritrean Ascari. Gold Medal for Military Valor. (Medaglia d'Oro al Valor Militare)

Excerpt from: www.coorte.comEritrean Ascari. Gold Medal for Military Valor. (Medaglia d'Oro al Valor Militare)Generally, collective and individual Medaglie d'Oro were not originally supposed to be awarded to native troops, however, in 1929 the Regio Corpo Truppe Coloniali dell'Eritrea was assigned the first Medaglia d'Oro al V.M. to its flag with the following dedication:"In one hundred and fifty battles, gloriously sustained in the service of His Majesty, the King of Italy, gave constant heroic proof of solid military discipline, of proud warrior spirit, of unshakeable loyalty and highest valor, shedding its own blood with an élan and devotion which never knew limits".Eritrea - Somalia - Tripolitania - Cirenaica, 1889 - 1929.The second Medaglia d'Oro al V.M. was awarded in 1936:"With the kind of daring inherent in their race - fueled by love for the Flag and by faith in the highest destinies of Italy on Africa’s soil - gave, during the war, innumerable shows of pure heroism. With great generosity, as much as its loyalty is sure, offered its own blood for the consecration of the Italian Empire." Italo-Ethiopian War of October 3, 1935 - May 5, 1936.
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