
Controstoria, Etiopia tra miti, leggende........ e finzione.

Controstoria. Etiopia tra miti, leggende......e finzione. Etiopia (ed Eritrea) una nazione un popolo.L'ESPANSIONISMO COLONIALE ABISSINO nel Corno d'Africa e la costituzione del mito d'Etiopia.Click to EnlargeL'ESPANSIONISMO COLONIALE ABISSINO NEL CORNO D'AFRICACourtesy of: www.worldstatesmen.orgThese are states that were independent or under Ethiopian suzerainty before being incorporated into the Ethiopian Empire. They are grouped as follows: (A) Walayta (Walayta, Bosha, Sheka); (B) Leqa (Leqa Naqamte, Leqa Qellam); (C) Giba States (Limu-'Enarya, Goma, Guma, Gera, Jima); (D) Janjero (Gimirra, Amarro, Janjero); (E) Kafa (Kafa, Konta, Dauro); (F) Yefat/Harar (Harar); (G) Walo; (H) the Afar sultanate of Awsa. Members of the elite in Ethiopia and some of the border states had, in addition to their common (and if Christian their baptismal)name a so-called "horse name" (yefaras sem). These are not listed in general, but in some cases these "horse names" are the principal (or only) names by which the rulers are known. This is indicated in specific cases. (See Note 1)(A)-WalaytaWalaytac.1250                     Walayta state foundedc.1600                     Tegra`i dynasty founded.Nov 1894                 Incorporated into Ethiopia.Bosha1567                       Bosha state founded.1883                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.Sheka1560                       Sheka state founded.1898                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.(B)-LeqaLeqa Naqamtebf.1871                   Leqa Naqamte state founded.1882                       Incorporated into Shewa.(See Note 2)Leqa Qellambf.1870                   Leqa Qellam state founded.188.                       Incorporated into Shewa.(See Note 2)(C)-Giba StatesLimu-'Enarya1450                       'Enarya state founded.1800                       Limu-'Enarya state re-founded.1891                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.Gomac.1800                     Goma state founded.1886                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.Gumac.1800                     Guma state founded.1902                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.Gerac.1800                     Gera state founded.af.1879                    Incorporated into Ethiopia.Jimac.1790                     Kaka Jima state founded.1830                       State renamed Jima 'Aba Jifar after horse name of ruler.1932                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.(D)-JanjaroGimirra....                       Chako state, known by Ethiopians as Gimirra, founded.Amarro....                       Amarro state refounded by new dynasty.189.                     Incorporated into Ethiopia.Janjeroaf.1530                Yengar or Yam state, known by Ethiopians as Janjaro, refounded by Mowa dynasty.1894                    Incorporated into Ethiopia.(E)-KafaKafa1390                       Kafa kingdom (Kafi Tatitino) founded.1700                       Kafa empire (Kafi Ageto) proclaimed.10 Sep 1897            Incorporated into Ethiopia.Konta1615                       Konta state founded.1889                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.Daurobf.1645                   Dauro state founded.1835                       New dynasty.1889                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.(F)-Yefat/HararHarar1531                       Harar is a successor state to Yefat.1646                       Harar Emirate established.11 Oct 1875 - 1885         Occupied by Egypt.26 Jan 1887             Incorporated into Shewa.(See Note 2)(G)-Walo (Wallo)c.1760                     Walo state refounded by Mamadoch dynasty.1896                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.(H)-Afar Sultanate of Awsa1734                       Awsa sultanate founded.192.                       Incorporated into Ethiopia.Courtesy of: www.worldstatesmen.orgNOTE: 1) For states dinasties/rulers detail please ref. to: http://www.worldstatesmen.org/Ethiopia_states.html2) kingdom of Shewa or Shoa (1682-1889) Incorporated into ethiopia 1889