Xavier 1962

Brian May - New Horizons (Ultima Thule Mix)

Trasmesso in anteprima il giorno 31 dic 2018 da Queen OfficialCelebrating the whole 12-year Journey of New Horizons probe. This is Brian’s personal tribute to the on-going NASA New Horizons mission, which on New Years Day 2019 will achieve the most distant spacecraft flyby in history.Più info al seguente link:http://www.ansa.it/canale_scienza_tecnica/notizie/ragazzi/news/2019/01/02/ultima-thule-brian-may-la-celebra-con-una-canzone-_396f6b11-c62f-4e72-a3f1-4050dea25459.html?fbclid=IwAR1a1SMFr4YsJhImCjYgotdA7g33oVNnLqOIoreLwgy_CQ5w6vnwT3lBupQ