scienza - Panel Wants U.S. to Chase 'God Particle'—If There's Money

Perspective: Put Integrity High on Your To-Do List

Perspective: Put Integrity High on Your To-Do ListWhen the active consideration of integrity is put off to another day, it becomes easier to take the first compromising steps toward irresponsible research practices. -- Nicholas SteneckFor many researchers, integrity is akin to a note on a cluttered reminder board. They know it's important, but other reminders…

Brain Zaps Improve

Brain Zaps ImproveNumbers game. In a new study, volunteers learned to ascribe value to strange symbols, such as the ones shown here.Credit: Adapted from Kadosh et al., Current Biology, 20 (23 November 2010)Need to improve your math skills or do your taxes faster? Try zapping your brain with electricity. Researchers have shown that administering a…

Why Saturn's B Ring Looks Like a Vinyl Record

Why Saturn's B Ring Looks Like a Vinyl RecordGrooviness explained. Saturn's B ring (bright central band in Saturn image) is heavily "grooved" (brightest banding, above) by the innate tendency of densely packed ring particles to pack together even more densely.Credit: Cassini Imaging Team/SSI/JPL/ESA/NASA; (inset) NASA/JPL/Space Science InstituteFor 3 decades, Saturn's broadest, brightest, and most massive…

NIH Scientists See Crackdown on Consulting as Too Restrictive

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Hellish 'Super-Earths' Likely Prevalent Throughout Our Galaxy

Hellish 'Super-Earths' Likely Prevalent Throughout Our GalaxyPlanet hunter. The Earth-orbiting, French-built COROT space telescope has been looking for the transits of certain Earth-like planets since 2006.Credit: Illustration by D. Ducros/CNES 2006; (inset)LESIA/OBSPMAlthough it's only a little bigger than Earth and is made of the same ingredients, this planet is no paradise. It orbits so close…

Panel Wants U.S. to Chase 'God Particle'—If There's Money

Panel Wants U.S. to Chase 'God Particle'—If There's MoneyROCKVILLE, MARYLAND—Keep going. That's the advice today from a federal advisory panel to government officials responsible for running the last U.S. atom smasher. But the panel's caveat—only if you get more money—means there's a good chance the Tevatron collider at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) will have…

Panel Wants U.S. to Chase 'God Particle'—If There's Money

Panel Wants U.S. to Chase 'God Particle'—If There's MoneyROCKVILLE, MARYLAND—Keep going. That's the advice today from a federal advisory panel to government officials responsible for running the last U.S. atom smasher. But the panel's caveat—only if you get more money—means there's a good chance the Tevatron collider at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) will have…