Mah... - tossiko
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Post N° 94


Post N° 93 tristezza...

Post N° 92


Post N° 91

4 Agosto 2007...17 Anni...



Post N° 88

Another summer day has come and gone away In Paris and Rome but I wanna go home Maybe surrounded by a million people I still feel all alone I just wanna go home I miss you, you know And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you, Each one a line or…


1 - Legge della Micio Inerzia Un gatto a riposo tende a rimanere a riposo, nonostante l'azione di una forza contraria - comel'apertura di una scatoletta di cibo per gatti2 -Legge del Micio Movimento Un gatto si muoverą in linea retta, a meno che non ci sia un buon motivoper cambiare direzione3 - Legge del…

Post N° 85


Post N° 84


Post N° 83

 I Knew I Loved YouMaybe it's intuition But some things you just don't questionLike in your eyesI see my future in an instantand there it goesI think I've found my best friendI know that it might sound more thana little crazy but I believe I knew I loved you before I met youI think I dreamed…

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