
Sport1.de: ww.sport1.de, wwww.sport1.de, www.sport1.de, sport1, sport1.de, sport 1

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Sport1.de information
Searches: ww.sport1.de, wwww.sport1.de, www.sport1.de, sport1, sport1.de, sport 1, sport, dsf, sport1 programm, sport1 hd, bundesliga live, bundesliga live ticker, sport1 live stream About Sport1.de (sport1.de): Deutschlands gro?tes SportportalSport1.de is ranked #1,451 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is roughly six minutes, with 74 seconds spent on each pageview. Search engines refer roughly 4% of visits to it. Sport1.de is in the “Zeitschriften und Online-Magazine” category of sites. Compared with internet averages, the site's audience tends to be male; it also appeals more to childless people earning between $30,000 and $100,000 who browse from work and have postgraduate educations.