
Now in your nation, wheather Ego vaporizer is permitted

Now in your nation, Is Ego vaporizer permitted in no-smoking areas?   Here Yocan gathered the Authorized status in some countries.   The European Economic Area   In Austria nicotine-containing cartridges are called medicinal products and ego vaporizer for nicotine inhalation as healthcare products In the Czech Republic, the utilization, sale and advertising of electronic cigarettes is legal. In Ireland, the sale and employ of electronic cigarettes is definitely legal. As they are not considered a tobacco product, they can be shown where on sale along with prices. In Italy, by a Health Ministry decree (G.U. Serie Generale, n. 248 del 23 ottobre 2012) electronic cigarettes that contains nicotinine can't be sold to individuals under 16 years old. In the actual Netherlands, use and sale of electronic cigarettes is allowed, but advertising is forbidden pending European Union legislation. In Norway electronic cigarettes and nicotine are only able to be shipped in from other EEA member states (e.g. the UK) for individual use. In Poland, the sale and utilize of electronic cigarettes are legal. In Portugal, the sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal. In the uk, the use, purchase and advertising of electronic cigarettes is legal. Electronic cigarettes are also allowed to be used inside pubs, coffee shops, etc. the location where the smoking of tobacco is illegal.   United States   California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill that will manage the sale of electronic cigarettes within the state on reasons that "if adults want to buy and devour these products with an understanding of the associated health risks, they should be able to do so. The sale of electronic cigarettes to children in New Hampshire was lawful. Arizona has a planned ban of selling electronic cigarettes to minors. In Washington, the King County board of health has banned smoking of electronic cigarettes in public places, and prohibited sales to kids.     Some other countries   In Brazil, the sale, importation and advertising of any kind of electronic cigarette is not allowed. In China, the sale and apply of electronic cigarettes is legal. In Malaysia, the sales of e-cigarettes is an offence under the Poisons Act 1952 and the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984. In Nepal, below current cigarette laws, the use and sale of e-cigarettes is allowed. In South Korea, the sale and use of electric cigarettes is legal, but is heavily taxed. Electric cigarette possession among teenagers remains an issue.