
On the Rome and Naples Rome is second only to 2014 new sports

2012-13 Liga 34th round of the season, Messi substitute for thigh injury against Barcelona's match against Betis he scored twice to help the team beat the opponent, 45th of the season and the harvest of 46 League goals, a record 21 consecutive La Liga matches scoring. Earlier, Australian continuous record goalscorer Ronaldo remained 10 games. Iniesta says Messi dependency exists, because he is the absolute core of the team, he can  nike free run 2 sale   always make the game exceptionally well. On the Rome and Naples: Rome is second only to Juventus team, outstanding player has many strengths, but also continuous improvement. Winter if aid is satisfied that as a result of the  nike free run 3 sale   Golan could soon be integrated into the new team is expected to be the key player. Ruojiniao is a very good midfielder and he was able to enhance the overall strength of Naples, don't forget they also have excellent offensive players, to the Blues, and they should repair the lines. The broker said: for a long time Robinho carrying great expectations, he has great talent, but he also encountered difficulties, he will encounter poor when fans always expect he seems likely to play 100% strength, it makes the player run up a lot of unnecessary stress. Robinho for a long time the most hot-button topic is his return to Santos, but Ramos made it clear that, Robinho did not want to return to their country now, because he and Milan also have contracts, apparently without Robinho inspired, Ramos himself can't say this kind of blocking the player back to Brazil wished. Ramos said back to Brazil? No, Robinho and Milan now have contracts in the body, now, he's trying to prove himself with outstanding performances.